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Thailand's foreign businesses balk at stricter immigration tracking


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On 9/8/2019 at 7:17 AM, mikosan said:
On 9/6/2019 at 2:08 PM, ThaiBunny said:

All three of them

Four actually, USA, UK, Australia and Denmark.  That last one struck me as a little strange.

I'm confident that it was the behest/request of Thai Immigration (under Big Joke's authority) to have the income affidavit service stopped in unison. This is going to have unintentional consequences if i hasn't already severely changed the long term visa paradigm. It did in my case.

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On 9/6/2019 at 2:41 PM, spermwhale said:

Maybe if foreign companies speak up and threaten to pull up their tents the Thai government will listen. Money is the only thing that matters for the Thai government and if enough companies squawk and threaten to go to Communist Vietnam or Cambodia, the government will rethink its approach. 


Money is all that matters? So what monetary purpose behind TM30 location tracking is served?


Perhaps a target is being made here. The foreigner is being scapegoated and hounded out.


A scapegoat is a practise old as the hills. A goat is loaded with all the woes of the village and then chased out of town, taking with it the problems created by the people for themselves in the first place.


Perhaps the so-called western democracies have gone too far, but foreigners are welcomed and laws are passed giving all residents the same rights. This diversity cuts both ways - some lower skilled natives complain about the loss of their culture and employment; yet elsewhere prospects are improved and the brightest and the best move in to infuse the economy and the nation enriches its stock of contacts and arguments by converting all these new immigrants as diplomats to the cause.


What is there to be afraid of by opening the door a little and extending a welcome? There is everything to be gained from such a clever strategy. 

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Ridiculous all of it..  


Notification of intend stay on arrival, Licensed hotels report guests arrivals. Others such as work visas, marriage visas, Retirement Visas and the like should be able to self report every 90 days.  

Can't believe it would take Amazon, Apple, Google or Facebook or any number of Global web developers more than a year to develop, test and implement an app/website.  So why hasn't it been done already? 

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14 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

I'm confident that it was the behest/request of Thai Immigration (under Big Joke's authority) to have the income affidavit service stopped in unison. This is going to have unintentional consequences if i hasn't already severely changed the long term visa paradigm. It did in my case.

As it did in mine. But how is it that every other country throughout the world, who has an embassy/consulate in Thailand, still issues them.  Those of us who are passport holders of the above listed 4 have been well and truly shafted.  As usual, our countries are taking the soft option and not looking after the interests of their expats.  It's simple.  I despise them.


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On 9/8/2019 at 3:34 AM, brianthainess said:

I know of hotels where one can stay and NO ID is asked for.

Yes..But if en route you have stayed at a hotel that did register you ..you then left with a gap.  eg. I leave Pattaya and stay in roi et  where I am TM 30 shafted. Then I go to Issan and stay inna guest house that does not record me or I stay with friends..5 days later i return to Pats and do my gestapo report. What does the IO see? He sees I have been off the grid or back home for days but have not registered no return. 

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