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UK lawmakers reject PM Johnson's request to hold an early election


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1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

We'll be signing a trade deal with the US. That's all. We won't become a state of the USA, like we will become a state of the United States of Europe within a decade if we don't leave.

A prediction? Or a fact that can be backed up?  If not, it's all speculation.

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12 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Corbyn has openly supported terrorists, that attack the UK and it's allies. He wants to re-nationalize many things. Didn't work so well last time! (Although to be fair some things can't be left to free enterprise and foreign ownership or poor privatization). His deal appears to be very similar to Mays. He would almost certainly support the break up of the UK and likely sell Gibraltar and The Falklands down the swanney regardless of what their citizens wanted. More nationalization, more bureaucracy, more central government control and interference, lots of promises that must be funded by tax increases. And he's promised to scrap our nuclear deterrent. He wouldn't be trusted by the US and EU and so we'd loose their security co-operation and sharing. Likely a reduced UK with no nuclear arms, would loose it's permanent seat on the UK security council too.


Unfortunately the choice is the chancers, spivs and Old Etonians, Harrovians, Oxbridge types form wealthy families who won't be badly affected whatever happens.


Not much of choice is it?

"Corbyn has openly supported terrorists, that attack the UK and it's allies." The only terrorists that Corbyn supports are Palestinian/Lebanese freedom fighters (one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter), when has he supported a terrorist organisation that has made attacks on the UK/US? Ironic that Trump strongly supports Saudi which funded, organised and carried out the attacks on 9/11.


"He would almost certainly support the break up of the UK and likely sell Gibraltar and The Falklands down the swanney". Sorry mate but that's complete and utter nonsense.


"And he's promised to scrap our nuclear deterrent. He wouldn't be trusted by the US and EU and so we'd loose their security co-operation and sharing. Likely a reduced UK with no nuclear arms, would loose it's permanent seat on the UK security council too."


Corbyn is a lifelong supporter of CND and as such he may have desires on Unilateral disarmament. However the Labour party does not. Corbyn has long said that he wouldn't (he actually couldn't) take the Labour party down that route. Only 2 countries in the EU have the Nuclear deterrant, UK and France. It would probably increase the UK's kudos in Europe if we scrapped nuclear arms.


I don't like Corbyn or his politics but to demonise him in this way is silly.


Nationaliseation is a separate issue, People from all sides of the political spectrum have called for the rail network to be re-nationalised. A bonkers idea to hive it off and split it into a number of separate entities. A recipe for chaos, which has ensued. Only solution is to re unify the network and to do that you would have to re nationalise it.


Another issue is the nuclear industry. Originally wholly owned by the British government (CEGB). Currently we have 6 working nuclear power stations, all owned by the French Government (EDF).





Edited by DannyCarlton
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18 hours ago, grumpy 4680 said:

      Brussels is obviously not going to give a deal that benefits the UK, or another extension, They want to keep the UK in, because all they want is our money, So Boris needs to stick to just taking us out regardless of all the crooked MP's trying to block everything.

Yes but unfortunately for Boris he does not have dictatorial powers , pesky parliament !

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7 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

A prediction? Or a fact that can be backed up?  If not, it's all speculation.

Well I also predict the sun will rise tomorrow but you know, it's possible that it will be replaced by a giant lemon and we all die of acid reflux. It's all speculation until 6am tomorrow.


Seriously though, best you read up on the subject if you're unsure of the direction of the European project.



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7 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Well I also predict the sun will rise tomorrow but you know, it's possible that it will be replaced by a giant lemon and we all die of acid reflux. It's all speculation until 6am tomorrow.


Seriously though, best you read up on the subject if you're unsure of the direction of the European project.



Source; Dubai online magazine funded and endorsed by their government. Really? Didn't even bother reading their ultra right wing, pro Trump nonsense.

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A parliament should unconditionally follow the wish of the people when there is a 2/3 majority.


In a case as Brexit, Parliament has to find a way where 52% of the voters are mainly satisfied, although not ignoring completely the voice of the 48%.


The harmony/quietude of a nation being at stake.


A  speech ( neutral but firm ) or Her Majesty ( Queen of all the British ) is advisable now.

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