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My Day Out In Patong Phuket.


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Onya Torny...Whilst sorry to hear what happened mate and feel suitably p1ssed off I am glad to see you back and that you have not resorted a boring life, anything less would just not be you.

Anyway, you know me, I know you and I have in a crazy sort of way missed you.

Cheers and best of luck mate.

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The finest form of revenge is to lead a fulfilling life.

Difficult as this may seem right now....get your loved ones out there and rise above the gutter where the a$$hole who attacked you lives.

Hard to take now, but in the months, years to come....YOU will be better off.

So sorry to hear of your troubles and I hope it will sort itself out.

Edited by CymruAmByth
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Hope you recover swiftly Tornado, your a brave bugger.

Tornado is a veteran of the world's most elite military unit and a martial artist as well.

This just proves that anyone can be caught off guard, but the truth is that most of us would have never lived to talk about it. :o

Tornado was in the SAS/SBS?

He's not allowed to admit it, but I am! :D

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Thru various road rage incidents in my home country I learned, if at all possible don't get out of your car and have an escape route.

In the fight or flight response my first choice is flight.

Whether this was possible for the op I'm not sure.

Best of luck to you and your family.

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The reason I dont want to press charges is I dont want to put my wife or myself in harms way or have the stress of thinking about bad things.

Wise man. Shit happens, don't make it worse. If you need revenge/justice, wait 6 months. Sticking this guy in jail or getting him fined will do you no favours. I'd seriously think about moving from the island. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

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Really sorry to hear about your tale of woe and serious aggro on the streets of Patong Tornie. Bad news mate, but at least you got out of it alive.

Strangely enough, and on the topic of growing xenophobia in Thailand, I heard two separate comments from two people I know yesterday, both of which are connected in some way.

The first was from a Thai guy who is normally quite balanced in his opinions, but yesterday seemed too keen to launch into an attack on "farangs taking over Thailand", and referred especially to Phuket and Samui as proof. Complained that on the flight down there were only 4 Thai on the plane and he felt like a foreigner in his own land. Definitely was complaining about the symptom and not the cause.

Secondly, was a fairly smart villager who has been around a bit, and is pretty independent minded in most respects, but he had heard "on good authority" that Muslims were planning on getting rid of Buddhism as the national religion and some other matter which I can't relate here due to TV rules, which I'm sure most people can guess. He imagined it was the Muslim population of Thailand who were the main threat to peace and prosperity and they were the ones behind the burning down of schools and state property in Isaan (!!!!).

Seems to me like there is so much uninformed rumour circulating at the moment, and people are wanting to believe anything that feeds their own prejudices/insecurities (esp. anti-farang and anti-Muslim sentiment), that unprovoked violence is the inevitable result. It is a worrying trend for people who live here, but not altogether surprising and without precedent in Thailand's not so distant past.

Anyway, get quick fast Tornie and maybe you're right that it's a good time to get outta Dodge. :o

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I glad to hear Tornado escaped this real danger relatively unharmed and top marks for defending yourself.

But a few things to note before we start thinking we could have done the same or would do the same.

1) Just look how quickly this situation turned really nasty

2) Note how if it is Farang against Thai there are always Thais looking to help out (but not you)

3) Nobody is going to help you, no matter how many people are around.

Again, great to hear the OP is OK. Well done under the circumstances, but in almost any circumstance other than fighting for your life you are better not to fight at all.

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I went to Patong last week to get a hair cut and see a few mates. I spent an hour or so with a friend, then went to get a haircut, but she/he wasnt available. I decided to go to Central instead and do a bit of shopping as well. It was 1.30 pm.

I was driving up Nanai rd, music on and enjoying my day off. Next thing a car behind me starts beeping its horn and flashing its lights, for me to pull over. Curious I did just that.

As I pulled over, the car parked in front of me and I sat and waited until someone got out, finally after 2 minutes a young Thai guy gets out alone, so I get out and ask him in Thai what was wrong. He started shouting the standard Thai"phrases" and I asked him what the hel_l he was on about. He said I had hit his car :D , I hadnt hit anything to my knowledge!

Anyway within 1 minute (unprovoked), he pulled out a knife and tried to stab me, he lunged 3 times and luckily I was quick enough to deflect two and the last one he nicked my arm. I then proceeded to punch the living crap out of him in the middle of Nanai Rd - I was basically fighting for my life.

I had the guy pinned to the road, trying to get him to calm down and from behind I could here footsteps coming fast, as I looked around I was smashed in the face with a rock half the size of house brick and 5 other Thais, started laying into me. I knew if I went down I would probably be kicked to death or stabbed repeatedly and as I was between my truck and a shop, I wasnt in plain view of any passer bys. I got out from their beating and stood up in the middle of the road, so their would be more witnesses if I met my demise and to also try and get some help.

I looked for my phone, but it had been stolen by ? whilst I was getting stoned to the head, I couldnt call for help, nor was any offered by the 100 or so people that gathered, even the farangs :o . Whilst in the middle of the road, the 6 Thais, still were packing around me and saying, ###### you farang, go back to your country etc, the usual mongel Thai talk and flying out at me as I was looking at another. In the end I couldnt have cared and I swung and swung and kept on swinging until the police finally arrived.

When the scene had died down only the Thai guy in the car was still around out of the bunch that atacked me, plus the 100 or so crowd.

Im not sure if I will press charges, due to not wanting a court date in another 2 years (thats how slow it is) and do I need more grief with this sadistic bastard that has no regard for life. The police have given me 1 week to think about it - what would you guys do?

I have been in Phuket for 10 years or so now and what I have been seeing lately and what happened to me is becoming to normal. I feel anti farang sentiment a lot more since the government coup, I think Thai people have lost direction and laws seem to have been relaxed - who knows my face hurts and Im rambling.

In the end I ended up with a broken finger, 7 stitches to my arm and a badly broken nose that will require plastic surgery to correct it. It is smashed in 11 places inwards. I am off for the surgery tomorrow. I think I was quite lucky as he did try to kill me.

Moral - dont stop, if getting flashed to pull over by a normal type car, drive to the nearest police station and then get out.


I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope you will be on the mend soon.

If this had happened in the streets of NYC I guarantee you would have had plenty a New Yorker or two more happy an anxious to help you out.

Sorry again. get well soon.

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If this had happened in the streets of NYC I guarantee you would have had plenty a New Yorker or two more happy an anxious to help you out.

I am from NYC and people get mugged in broad daylight and nobody bats an eye.

This could have have happened anywhere , scum like that abound everywhere and yes people in Thailand will do very little to help a "Farang" in that situation.

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If this had happened in the streets of NYC I guarantee you would have had plenty a New Yorker or two more happy an anxious to help you out.

Sorry again. get well soon.

Uh, not in Chicago apparently. Just saw a video of a tiny female bartender getting the shit kicked out of her by a 6 foot 4 inch drunken off-duty Chicago cop enraged because she wouldn't serve him any more liquor. I mean really beaten. Several men in the bar just stood around looking stupid or fiddled with their phone. If you think people are going to automatically jump in and help you in the US I think you might be surprised sometimes. Might happen, might not, it all depends.

Can't help but notice that Posts like this really bring out the Thai bashers. Not that I expect such reports to cheer people up, but if this happened in your home country, as it well could, most people would write the attackers off as jerks, <deleted>, or the like. Let's say you are American and this happened in the US. Would you think, "###### Americans, what scum"? I doubt it very much. But when it happens here, suddenly the fact that they are Thai is all important and apparently indicative of some racial or social shortcoming shared by all Thais, e.g. they all all violent, are just waiting to attack a farang, and all Thais will instantly jump in to help them do that. That may be true sometimes, but I have seen farangs bash Thais and nobody jumped them, so that is not some unwritten law. In fact, on several ocassions I have seen Thai men cry because a farang shouted at them. So let's cut the crap about all Thais being the same, OK? I wonder why the people who really feel this way stick around here? Hopefully some of them won't be for much longer. Place will be better for their leaving...

And one more thing in case I haven't said enough already. If a group of young men in a car motion you to pull over you probably shouldn't do that just about anywhere in the world. For fcuks sake, who in their right mind would do that??

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If this had happened in the streets of NYC I guarantee you would have had plenty a New Yorker or two more happy an anxious to help you out.

Sorry again. get well soon.

Uh, not in Chicago apparently. Just saw a video of a tiny female bartender getting the shit kicked out of her by a 6 foot 4 inch drunken off-duty Chicago cop enraged because she wouldn't serve him any more liquor. I mean really beaten. Several men in the bar just stood around looking stupid or fiddled with their phone. If you think people are going to automatically jump in and help you in the US I think you might be surprised sometimes. Might happen, might not, it all depends.

Can't help but notice that Posts like this really bring out the Thai bashers. Not that I expect such reports to cheer people up, but if this happened in your home country, as it well could, most people would write the attackers off as jerks, <deleted>, or the like. Let's say you are American and this happened in the US. Would you think, "###### Americans, what scum"? I doubt it very much. But when it happens here, suddenly the fact that they are Thai is all important and apparently indicative of some racial or social shortcoming shared by all Thais, e.g. they all all violent, are just waiting to attack a farang, and all Thais will instantly jump in to help them do that. That may be true sometimes, but I have seen farangs bash Thais and nobody jumped them, so that is not some unwritten law. In fact, on several ocassions I have seen Thai men cry because a farang shouted at them. So let's cut the crap about all Thais being the same, OK? I wonder why the people who really feel this way stick around here? Hopefully some of them won't be for much longer. Place will be better for their leaving...

And one more thing in case I haven't said enough already. If a group of young men in a car motion you to pull over you probably shouldn't do that just about anywhere in the world. For fcuks sake, who in their right mind would do that??

Ah, finally a thinker, refreshing!

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If this had happened in the streets of NYC I guarantee you would have had plenty a New Yorker or two more happy an anxious to help you out.

Sorry again. get well soon.

Uh, not in Chicago apparently. Just saw a video of a tiny female bartender getting the shit kicked out of her by a 6 foot 4 inch drunken off-duty Chicago cop enraged because she wouldn't serve him any more liquor. I mean really beaten. Several men in the bar just stood around looking stupid or fiddled with their phone. If you think people are going to automatically jump in and help you in the US I think you might be surprised sometimes. Might happen, might not, it all depends.

Can't help but notice that Posts like this really bring out the Thai bashers. Not that I expect such reports to cheer people up, but if this happened in your home country, as it well could, most people would write the attackers off as jerks, <deleted>, or the like. Let's say you are American and this happened in the US. Would you think, "###### Americans, what scum"? I doubt it very much. But when it happens here, suddenly the fact that they are Thai is all important and apparently indicative of some racial or social shortcoming shared by all Thais, e.g. they all all violent, are just waiting to attack a farang, and all Thais will instantly jump in to help them do that. That may be true sometimes, but I have seen farangs bash Thais and nobody jumped them, so that is not some unwritten law. In fact, on several ocassions I have seen Thai men cry because a farang shouted at them. So let's cut the crap about all Thais being the same, OK? I wonder why the people who really feel this way stick around here? Hopefully some of them won't be for much longer. Place will be better for their leaving...

And one more thing in case I haven't said enough already. If a group of young men in a car motion you to pull over you probably shouldn't do that just about anywhere in the world. For fcuks sake, who in their right mind would do that??

Ah, finally a thinker, refreshing!

yep makes a change!

Great post!

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The finest form of revenge is to lead a fulfilling life.

Difficult as this may seem right now....get your loved ones out there and rise above the gutter where the a$$hole who attacked you lives.

Hard to take now, but in the months, years to come....YOU will be better off ....

Disagree, this will not be forgotten in the years to come.

It will sit in the pit of the stomach and fester like something undigested, just randomly thinking about will raise blood pressure.

The only relief will be the satisfaction of setting things right.

You can only be on the receiving end of shi... for so long.

If your quality of life and peace of mind is so degraded, where you have to pack up and start over some where else then a parting gift is in order.

Some baht thrown at some sympathetic locals. At the very least it will demonstrate there are consequences to one's actions, and because we're already despised for having money, it will be shown that same money can be directed in many ways.

This unfortunate event also makes it very clear yet again that in any altercation assume you'll be utterly alone to deal with it. No one is going to help you, count on it.

Personally I wouldn't screw with the courts, I don't want apologies, I don't want money, I want his legs broken, then again that's me, call me old fashion.

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The finest form of revenge is to lead a fulfilling life.

Difficult as this may seem right now....get your loved ones out there and rise above the gutter where the a$$hole who attacked you lives.

Hard to take now, but in the months, years to come....YOU will be better off ....

Disagree, this will not be forgotten in the years to come.

It will sit in the pit of the stomach and fester like something undigested, just randomly thinking about will raise blood pressure.

The only relief will be the satisfaction of setting things right.

You can only be on the receiving end of shi... for so long.

If your quality of life and peace of mind is so degraded, where you have to pack up and start over some where else then a parting gift is in order.

Some baht thrown at some sympathetic locals. At the very least it will demonstrate there are consequences to one's actions, and because we're already despised for having money, it will be shown that same money can be directed in many ways.

This unfortunate event also makes it very clear yet again that in any altercation assume you'll be utterly alone to deal with it. No one is going to help you, count on it.

Personally I wouldn't screw with the courts, I don't want apologies, I don't want money, I want his legs broken, then again that's me, call me old fashion.

As I get ready to go and have my nose rearranged today, I am feeling what you have posted - it is definately festering today mate.

anyway, cheers for the direct post, I am thinking many things at the moment........

cheers, Im running late.

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I had a really scruffy Thai guy come at me with a broken bottle on walking street in Chiang Mai. I was VERY relieved to find out that - contrary to popular opinion - all the other Thais didn't rush over to help him, because I was surrounded.

I took out a collapsable, metal billy club that I had just purchased and just looked at him without fully opening it. He thought about it for a second, and then scurried off down the street. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The finest form of revenge is to lead a fulfilling life.

Difficult as this may seem right now....get your loved ones out there and rise above the gutter where the a$$hole who attacked you lives.

Hard to take now, but in the months, years to come....YOU will be better off ....

Disagree, this will not be forgotten in the years to come.

It will sit in the pit of the stomach and fester like something undigested, just Irandomly thinking about will raise blood pressure.

The only relief will be the satisfaction of setting things right.

You can only be on the receiving end of shi... for so long.

If your quality of life and peace of mind is so degraded, where you have to pack up and start over some where else then a parting gift is in order.

Some baht thrown at some sympathetic locals. At the very least it will demonstrate there are consequences to one's actions, and because we're already despised for having money, it will be shown that same money can be directed in many ways.

This unfortunate event also makes it very clear yet again that in any altercation assume you'll be utterly alone to deal with it. No one is going to help you, count on it.

Personally I wouldn't screw with the courts, I don't want apologies, I don't want money, I want his legs broken, then again that's me, call me old fashion.

As I get ready to go and have my nose rearranged today, I am feeling what you have posted - it is definately festering today mate.

anyway, cheers for the direct post, I am thinking many things at the moment........

cheers, Im running late.


Italians coined the word "vendeta." I was raised around this. However, "Cool heads prevail."

I know you want some "payback", who wouldn't?

Let some time pass and it will be clear what to do.

The important thing now is to get all healed up and feeling better.

We usually prefer to administer "justice" ourselves, but there are higher powers at work that are beyond our comprehension...

Get well soon bro' :o

PS High dose vitamin C is fantastic for wound healing. It's used as ascorbic acid drip in burn units. Also if you can get your hands on some homeopathic Arnica and or Symphytum as directed, will accelerate tissue regranulation as well... :D

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I don't think this has anything to do with the coup, but rather another special date.

Nov 16 -2006!

They changed some of the police leadership and the new guys have brought a new meaning to the word corruption. They don't do anything anymore unless you flash some cash in front of them.

Saw this article: http://www.pattayacitynews.net/news_19_03_50_4.htm Are you allowed to stop them from entering your bar/restaurant?

Worst part with is that behavior like described in this thread opens the door for foreign "mafia", like the russians. Not very promising.... :o

Edited by Hobox
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The finest form of revenge is to lead a fulfilling life.

Difficult as this may seem right now....get your loved ones out there and rise above the gutter where the a$$hole who attacked you lives.

Hard to take now, but in the months, years to come....YOU will be better off ....

Disagree, this will not be forgotten in the years to come.

It will sit in the pit of the stomach and fester like something undigested, just randomly thinking about will raise blood pressure.

The only relief will be the satisfaction of setting things right.

You can only be on the receiving end of shi... for so long.

If your quality of life and peace of mind is so degraded, where you have to pack up and start over some where else then a parting gift is in order.

Some baht thrown at some sympathetic locals. At the very least it will demonstrate there are consequences to one's actions, and because we're already despised for having money, it will be shown that same money can be directed in many ways.

This unfortunate event also makes it very clear yet again that in any altercation assume you'll be utterly alone to deal with it. No one is going to help you, count on it.

Personally I wouldn't screw with the courts, I don't want apologies, I don't want money, I want his legs broken, then again that's me, call me old fashion.

Top post - I agree in full. Lets not forget here that scum bag tried to murder him with a knife. Make no bones about it - if a Thai comes at you with a knife and thrusts it at you, the intent is murder. He tried to murder Tornado, simple as that.

And then he got the crap beat out of him by these cowardly monkeys who, in a one on one situation, could not knock there way out of a wet paper bag.

So as he lies there with a nose broken in 11 places, broken finger and a slash wound on his arm, after almost being killed - is he to consider any other option aside from revenge? Surely not. I would want this guy messed up for life. Im serious - a very nasty retribution with very serious, permanent wounds.

Fark the guy. To hel_l with him.

I would equaly desire serious retribution from the muppet cowards who joined in. These guys are even worse than the initial guy with the knife. Far worse.

He would almost certainly have to leave Phuket. Paying someone to break his legs will surely result in revenge from the Thai guy, his family, firends, boss, staff, and any local who dislikes ferang (most of them) and needs an excuse. thats said, Phuket sounds a bit grim and stories like this are popping up often - so I am sure he would be better off leaving anyway.

Good luck pal. Go break his legs, he deserves it.

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The finest form of revenge is to lead a fulfilling life.

Difficult as this may seem right now....get your loved ones out there and rise above the gutter where the a$$hole who attacked you lives.

Hard to take now, but in the months, years to come....YOU will be better off ....

Disagree, this will not be forgotten in the years to come.

It will sit in the pit of the stomach and fester like something undigested, just randomly thinking about will raise blood pressure.

The only relief will be the satisfaction of setting things right.

You can only be on the receiving end of shi... for so long.

If your quality of life and peace of mind is so degraded, where you have to pack up and start over some where else then a parting gift is in order.

Some baht thrown at some sympathetic locals. At the very least it will demonstrate there are consequences to one's actions, and because we're already despised for having money, it will be shown that same money can be directed in many ways.

This unfortunate event also makes it very clear yet again that in any altercation assume you'll be utterly alone to deal with it. No one is going to help you, count on it.

Personally I wouldn't screw with the courts, I don't want apologies, I don't want money, I want his legs broken, then again that's me, call me old fashion.

Best response yet! :o

It will always be there niggling away... bad karma n all that. Get the family out of there and then have the b*****d dealt with (doogooders need not reply). Personally, I can't stand the place (Phuket) and will be out soon. Gorgeous island, but seems to be disregard all around, especially in that neck of the woods.

All the best Tornado... you know it makes sense :D

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On a related note I'd like to tell my story; I live in Udon Thani and I REALLY BELIEVE the anti-farang sentiment is much more concentrated in/around the tourist areas.

I collided with a Thai who was driving a motorcycle. I was in my Fortuner. A crowd of course quickly gathered; no one at the scene threatened me in any way. I did find out later that the kid's father (the guy on the motorcycle was 17) made the comment "if he tries to leave....." referring to me.

Anyway my insurance paid for everything. The kid's father made a complete ass of himself; demanding 1 million baht blah blah blah. I ended up paying 5K baht for "nam jai". The police were professional and fair. I was cited as was the kid; we both paid fines. The cops said we were both careless in our driving.

My point is: had this happened in a tourist area would the scene have played out the same?

I'm not a coward but believe Tornado has provided a service by posting this. I've just advised my wife NOT to stop for anyone (I won't either) and drive to the police station should something like this happen. And don't get out of the car until their are police around.

I'm 50 now but when I was younger would fight in a second. Only won one fight though; I whipped her ass when she slipped on a wet sidewalk.

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I'm 50 now but when I was younger would fight in a second. Only won one fight though; I whipped her ass when she slipped on a wet sidewalk.

If you kick their roller skates out from under the little b____es , it usually works too! :o

I'll have to remember that; maybe go into training and get my second victory! Darn little she-devils!

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Let's say you are American and this happened in the US. Would you think, "###### Americans, what scum"? I doubt it very much.

Let's say you are a foreigner in the US and a bunch of Americans beat the sh*t out of you. I'm pretty sure you would think "###### Americans, what scum"

Having lived in the US as a foreigner i can tell you there were quite a few times that i did infact think: "###### Americans, what scum"

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i once knocked a 15 year old off a motor bike with my pick up truck , it was a 50/50 situation as to who was at fault.

crowd gathered round , including younger thais , everybody helpful and polite , the girl was carried into the back of my pick up and we drove off to the nearest hospital which was 20 minutes away.

later on her family ( 7 of them , country folk with a couple of big cousins ) arrived at the hospital in a beat up old truck , again smiles all round , no aggro , they apologised for my journey having been delayed whilst i waited at the hospital , i offered to pay the bill, but they told me she was insured through her college , the insurance came and sorted it all out. she had no licence and so she was not entitled to any compensation.

she suffered bruising and a couple of small cuts , if she hadnt of been wearing a good crash helmet , she might have suffered a serious head injury , as her head hit a concrete block.

she waved to me from her wheelchair on the way out. she made a complete recovery.

not all accidents result in punch ups , and not all thais will try to gain advantage from a falang.

these were local farming people , and they were great.

this is not to diminish tornados experience in any way , but to throw some balance into the anger coming out of some of the posters here.

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