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Teenager Thunberg angrily tells U.N. climate summit 'you have stolen my dreams'


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8 hours ago, tgw said:

China is communist, they are buddies with the Antifa anarchists, so they'll be left alone. Not sure why not India, probably because it has very little media value, no good drama to be had.

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3 hours ago, Saint Nick said:


It's all over the internet!

Afaik you can do your educating for yourself!


Try this: https://climate.nasa.gov/

For NASA the climate change transfer of funds scheme is a godsend. They probably would've died due to budget cuts if this lovely cashcow hadn't wondered in. It's being treated like the holy cows on streets of Calcutta.

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2 hours ago, Sujo said:

Thousands studied it all. Its settled. Those not agreeing werent good enough to be selected to do the research.


But anyone could make submissions. So a couple of crackpots are a bit miffed their misguided reporting didnt sway the decision.


Its decided. Its settled. Just because u dont like that fact does not make u right


nah...ipcc censored out what the scientists actually said,

watch from 59 minutes to 1.01.30,

2.5 minutes to find the truth

about this ipcc report and the actual

input from scientists



ipcc cencored.jpg

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ipcc censored 3.jpg

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33 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

For NASA the climate change transfer of funds scheme is a godsend. They probably would've died due to budget cuts if this lovely cashcow hadn't wondered in. It's being treated like the holy cows on streets of Calcutta.

This is just one of the comments, that make me suggest, you seek help!


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1 minute ago, DrTuner said:

Maoist. You do remember where that fella was from and what Xi studied at school as a kid?


Maoist. Sure. In case you've missed it, pretty much a hollow label these days. Unless you wish to make the claim that Mao would be down with how things are in China these days.


Again, other than waving political labels and assume that they imply affiliation, support, being "buddies" or whatnot - how about providing actual support for such?

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:

Other than your nonsense assertions, and misplaced ideological notions - do you have any concrete support on offer for connection between Antifa and the PRC?

No, of course not, communists control their PR with great care, but that's not the issue either, you're sidetracking. The issue is Thunberg supports Antifa and the concrete evidence is here on this thread, the screenshot. Stratfor is a well respected company that has defined what Antifa is and how they operate.


They let a raging anarchist speak in front of the UN and the leftist media is trying to spin it as a climate change speech, when it was just masked anti-establishment rage. How dare they.

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19 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Yeah no ploplem, couple of generations of hard core brainwashing by the party didn't change anything, they are all good and capitalist now. Mao would understand once he sees the current PR campaign to make it all cute and cuddly is just a curtain to finally spread the message of communism to the entire planet.


Anyway, that's the people Antifa members hang out with. The Antifa, who's T-shirt she and her parents were wearing proudly. She's from the anarchist wing, anti-establishment with a deep set hatred against governments, corporations and basically everything Trump represents. That's why it was like she got an electric shock when he waltzed in.


Brainwashed from early age, she probably can't be salvaged. 

You're way off. China hasn't been remotely communist since the 70s - it is now fascist pure and simple, though of course they keep the portrait of Mao up as a Big Brother symbol to help keep their grip on power.

As to Greta - they wouldn't allow her in.

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1 hour ago, JamesBlond said:

You're way off. China hasn't been remotely communist since the 70s - it is now fascist pure and simple, though of course they keep the portrait of Mao up as a Big Brother symbol to help keep their grip on power.

As to Greta - they wouldn't allow her in.

Could be the the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or they haven't been keeping up with the times. A lot of it seems to revolve around Trump, see the Time cover with her as the new saviour.


Sort of ironic though, maoists fighting what they themselves inevitably will become. Left is a mess and Thurnberg is part of it.

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

You mean like the video of Thunberg handling herself very adroitly when being questioned in the US House of Representatives?

I don't know as I haven't seen that video, but maybe you want to post it to proof your point.


Anyway, the video I posted doesn't tell any lies, it is visible for everyone that she is just a puppy used by some with an agenda

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On 9/24/2019 at 5:24 AM, Tug said:

You go girl hold their feet to the fire make them face what’s happening so all of us can start making responsible changes and grow into a more sustainable world I’m proud of you kiddo!

      Yep , go for it girl , take it up with the Chinese goverment ,  one of the worlds biggest polluters ,

        where freedom of speech  does not exist , show courage in your leadership, visit the square , give a speech.

         If you survive that ?,,  next stop India / Russia.. Bon voyage..


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3 hours ago, elliss said:

      Yep , go for it girl , take it up with the Chinese goverment ,  one of the worlds biggest polluters ,

        where freedom of speech  does not exist , show courage in your leadership, visit the square , give a speech.

         If you survive that ?,,  next stop India / Russia.. Bon voyage..


A day without greta is like a day without sunshine,i,ve given up eating baked  beans down to her,no more blowing holes in the ozone layer due to the flatulence they induced

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1 hour ago, Forethat said:

Don't know if I'm the only one noticing that multiple PhDs and Professors from MIT are voicing an opinion in direct contradiction to the climate change hysteria...


It'd be interesting to watch one of them in a debate against Greta.

the debate was censored out by ipcc,

as was the scientists opinion


ipcc cencored.jpg

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3 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Nice to hear a voice of reason, i think that she's under a lot of pressure, and she's only 16.

I wish her well.


Yeah, but as said on another post - "... it can't be ignored it's a trifle useful having a person who can't be attacked running point.". And, of course, she wouldn't be there without a whole lot of support, painting it

as some solo act is ludicrous.


She deserves recognition, and perhaps admiration for some of it, but believing there aren't any outside interests involved is choice. I don't doubt she's fully committed or anything.

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