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Yesterday evening, I went down to Nana Plaza to speak with my wife's younger sister. Unfortunately, I did not find her at her place of work.

I spent 5 minutes chatting to the owner of a bar in Sukhumvit 1 Plaza, where I owned a bar a year or so ago.

I did not sit or chat with any 'pretty girls', nor drink any beer, nor do anything that might be considered as unacceptable for a married man, (although I imagine many westerners in that area are married men!). Apart from the bar-owner and one other girl who used to work for me, I saw no-one that I recognised.

Even before I managed to return to my hotel, (some 15 minutes away), my wife had been contacted by no less than 3 independant (and anonymous) female callers who told her that her husband had been spotted alone (ie without her), in Nana Plaza!!

I was able to appease her with my very valid explanation as to why I was in NP.

Has anyone else been the subject of this Big Sister network? And has it got you into trouble??


If you walk in those circles then surely it comes back to bite you in the ass

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Quite ! I am a little surprised that some one who the british media herald as a pioneer in the mobile world and is obviously business astute, would be involved in these circles. I think it demonstrates the power they have. I have to admit that I get some sadistic pleasure when asking a Brit, who has a Thai girfriend, where he met her....

However, I met my other half in university, before I had ever been the the far east...

Yesterday evening, I went down to Nana Plaza to speak with my wife's younger sister. Unfortunately, I did not find her at her place of work.

I spent 5 minutes chatting to the owner of a bar in Sukhumvit 1 Plaza, where I owned a bar a year or so ago.

I did not sit or chat with any 'pretty girls', nor drink any beer, nor do anything that might be considered as unacceptable for a married man, (although I imagine many westerners in that area are married men!). Apart from the bar-owner and one other girl who used to work for me, I saw no-one that I recognised.

Even before I managed to return to my hotel, (some 15 minutes away), my wife had been contacted by no less than 3 independant (and anonymous) female callers who told her that her husband had been spotted alone (ie without her), in Nana Plaza!!

I was able to appease her with my very valid explanation as to why I was in NP.

Has anyone else been the subject of this Big Sister network? And has it got you into trouble??


If you walk in those circles then surely it comes back to bite you in the ass

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone that is different will stand out, or more easily be remembered.

I know this and still I get surprised when either I or the missus gets approached by, for us, strangers asking what gender our newborn (that the person walking outside doesn't have with them) is and other questions about him. People have had several month to register that the farang is walking with his pregnant girlfriend/wife and since I don't live in center of Bangkok the number of farangs around are...very few. So I guess a blond guy like me stand out like a herpes-lip on a prom-night.

Edited by TAWP
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Yesterday evening, I went down to Nana Plaza to speak with my wife's younger sister. Unfortunately, I did not find her at her place of work.

I spent 5 minutes chatting to the owner of a bar in Sukhumvit 1 Plaza, where I owned a bar a year or so ago.

I did not sit or chat with any 'pretty girls', nor drink any beer, nor do anything that might be considered as unacceptable for a married man, (although I imagine many westerners in that area are married men!). Apart from the bar-owner and one other girl who used to work for me, I saw no-one that I recognised.

Even before I managed to return to my hotel, (some 15 minutes away), my wife had been contacted by no less than 3 independant (and anonymous) female callers who told her that her husband had been spotted alone (ie without her), in Nana Plaza!!

I was able to appease her with my very valid explanation as to why I was in NP.

Has anyone else been the subject of this Big Sister network? And has it got you into trouble??


Oh yer .... and just how did all these female bar flies get to know your other half so well that they have her number?

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