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Eyeless in Buriram, wherein your fat Humble Correspondent slithers through Buriram and ponders where to go next.....

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Nice post, thanks. Buriram is quite close to the top of my places to go to list now, Mrs BM has an uncle in Korat so the plan is to drop the M-i-L at his house while we go on from there for a couple of nights.

56 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:







met the most beautiful woman here:




rows of girls:



food right next door to hotel, on your left. 


i added this elephant thing so my comment is more well balanced:




I probably need to make my reservations now. The issue is train or fly. Its a 7 hour train run if I leave at 5:45 am and thats a rough ride. Especially with a weak bladder. Or I can just spend the almost 3 large to fly instead of the 1000 on the train. But then I have to fly. I hate flying. Unless I go to KK or something first, to break up the train ride. Or someone gives me a ride? hey who wants to go!


There is a Speed in Buriram. I didnt go. The ruins wiped me out.

19 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Hey, what the......?  That's my ex-wife!  #4! 

I'm only game to state that maybe...., I recognise her. 
I think I might have spent a year with her one night ????

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