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invited to farang/thai wedding: what to bring?


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Must donate some cash to couple, but how much?  And what colour envelope to stuff the cash into?  

Was told to bring whatever i like to drink and share around.  That would be 6 large Tiger beers. I might drink 2/3, if night is long.


This 'wedding' out in the countryside, ever so close to Burma so i've no idea what to expect. 

Should i care about anything but the cash and beer?

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Have you been given an Invitation in an envelope? Use that for the 'cash gift' to place in the box at the reception (if not, any envelope will do, usually they are white or pink, but it doesn't really matter).


Regarding amount - that depends on how well you know those getting married and what the venue costs are anticipated to be per head. 


The envelope money goes towards the cost of the wedding, in many cases it actually pays for the whole wedding (mine did). 


If you've been asked to bring something to share around it seems like quite an informal social deal - in that case bring some 'envelope money' for the couple and a your 6 large beers... if you want more beer you can always send someone off to the local 7-11 or Mom and Pop shop to get some more. 


Don't worry too much, even the events at the large Bangkok hotels are relatively informal, just turn up enjoy yourself and contribute what you can or want to. 



Edited by richard_smith237
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