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Pros And Cons Of Living In A City Or A Rural Area.

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A very interesting thread. I have lived in Bangkok for 6 years now and love it. Almost everything is easily available and you get a first class service at 3rd world prices. Being a city person, the traffic and the concentration of activity doesn't bother me. Pollutionwise, there are worse cities. And living away from the tourist spots, I am treated with honesty and a mutual longterm interest in getting along well, with the odd exception, of course. Also, since people from different parts of Thailand have moved here, I don't have the feeling of being the odd one who doesn't belong, and I get to enjoy the diversity of culture and food from the different provinces. My business involves handicrafts, and all resources seem to be concentrated here, within 1/2 hours reach. Well, Chiang Mai might be equal or even better in that respect.

I must admit, though, I do consider moving out as I grow older and less energetic, and Bkk traffic is approaching a new peak. Having recently spent a week with the inlaws in the changwat, I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it, I am still afraid of the unavailability of many things, and I might become the best customer of the neighbours distillery out of pure boredom. Also, I did try to recruit 'helpers' for my business in the past, the village folks have an amazing practical intelligence to adapt to all sorts of craft work. But with me not being there, it proved money was not sufficiently motivating, they have other priorities. My sense was I had to be present as a mentor/friend to make it work.

P.s. Fascinating wildlife in the country, too: Scorpions, snakes, all sorts of insects,.. in Bangkok we have only policemen, bargirls and the odd mosquito..

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I have really enjoyed this thread, thanks all for your thoughts and experiences.

I have been thinking about moving even more rural myself as I have been in southern Thailand for about 5 years, but the city spread is near now.

I recently bought 1 Rai on a beach, within 30 minutes by boat to Krabi. The land is beautiful, the people seem great and the silence is welcome, I just hope I can handle the "on your own" feel.

I imagine the first realisation would be that there is no farangs to talk to. I will try and build over there this year and do trial weeks and see how I go. I hope it works out as the dream of it is exciting!

And teachers get the additional benefits of better-behaved kids (because Sir knows My Dad)

Brings back the memories. My father was the school-masters in a rural school. :o

Martin. Thanks for the good advice.



We are nearly ‘off topic’, talking about the costs of getting to see inside village life, rather than the costs of living there. The topic is really about participation, rather than voyeurism!!. But I hope the moderator will turn a blind eye and let me post answers to Johann’s valid observations, but implied criticisms.

So, to try to actually show 'the real Thailand' to anybody interested, we built the bungalow and set up    www.thaihomestay.co.uk       I thought it might make a self-financing hobby---optimist!

I checked out your link, and found it rather incomplete, openly said.

I am missing good pictures about the accomodation and the available food and transfer- should be really de-luxe category and not village-like.....

Agreed, Johann !! At present, www.thaihomestay.co.uk is a really crappy job of website design and authoring.

In 2001, I knew nothing about the web. I didn’t even have a PC. People said “You will have to have a website”, and one day I enquired within at a small computer-equipment shop that had a notice on the door saying ‘Website Designer’.

Well, those unbranded calves with no experience are often lassooed by the first cowboy they meet, aren’t they?. I now know that the man was very inexperienced.

(Any readers from Yorkshire will know what I mean when I say it could carry a label saying "Designed in Heckmondwyke", plus grafiti saying "And it looks like it").

Also I was doing a stint of money-earning in England and only had a few of my Thailand photos with me.

And I agree that I didn’t stress that the accommodation is four-star hotel in quality, and that Thong is a superb cook. And that at lunchtime we take our guests to the very best food available in the area. (If we are passing through Udon, it is the Grand Royal buffet, or one of two little places where discerning Thai government officials go).

Probably my subconscious was recognising that we wouldn’t want to be spending whole days with people who are interested mostly in just these material things; so I stressed the things that can be learnt about rural Esarn, rather than what’s in the rooms or on the plates.

We like people who like, and value, the opportunity to acquire insight, so I was (subconsciously) pitching to them.

Actually, just yesterday, I met an Englishman in Khon Kaen who is experienced in website design. We agreed arrangements to do a re-design. So give us a couple of months, then look again, please.


I tried for 10 years to live Barn Nok in Bang Krathum, about 40 klicks from Plok in Central Thailand. I spent enough money to buy a house in Phuket and have nothing to show for it but 20 useless acres and a couple of houses nobody wants to live in. And *the* most beautiful garden in the Amphoe :-)

The family all wound up moving to Bangkok to find work. The local speed addicts stripped everything out of the house--bars on the windows didn't even slow them down--they came through the roof!

I still love the Thai countryside, but I've learned a hard lesson. My dream is to find a group of farangs to build a cooperative housing development about 30 klicks from a major airport. Bars on the windows make me feel like I"m in prison, and they don't do any good. What you need are good high fences (tastefully setback with nice landscaping of course), well-trained, 24x7 security guards, the best alarm system money can buy, and a friendly relationship with the local police.

I would never want to live with the family of a Thai woman. She gets caught up in their world and forgets that you even exist. Better to get all the women away from their families, with guest quarters so the in-laws can pay extended visits. And everybody should stay busy helping upgrade the surrounding community as much as necessary to stay out of trouble. A much better way to spend one's time than drunk or gambling (or both).

Cooperation among farangs might not work, but I know for sure that living in an extended Thai family didn't work for me. I'm not likely to try that again! If I'm the only one in LOS who thinks like this, I'll probably beat a hasty retreat!


Sorry to hear it didn't work for you, wjta.

There do seem to be some bad 'ban nork' areas. I wonder if our area is lucky in that the land is fit to grow quite a lot of sugar and cassava, as well as the rice. This does put cash into circulation, which helps to avoid it becoming what used to be called a Depressed Area. Perhaps we should pool our experiences and draw a map coloured green, orange, red.

As far as I know there isn't much skulduggery around here. But I am very fortunate that we have policemen who are going on and off duty, or out to attend to incidents, passing the gate all the time. Also some good dogs who let it be known if a stranger so much as approaches the property. I am the only farang resident in this Amphur, and like that. The trouble with living in a group of farangs is that you only need one to sell his property and move away. Then you have an unknown quantity joining in. If he has an inappropriate personality he can undo a lot of good you have done. I prefer to be master of my own destiny as far as community relations are concerned

(Any readers from Yorkshire will know what I mean when I say it could carry a label saying "Designed in Heckmondwyke", plus grafiti saying "And it looks like it").

I wouldn't knock it, quaint little dump in the middle of nowhere, some people there can even speak and spell English when they don't have their mouths full of mushy peas.


Sounds like a great idea! We can get 50-60 farangs together, everyone can build a house like back home, all in neat rows. Put a 7-11 on every corner, build a Macdonalds and pizza hut, hire guards to keep out the Thais, then we can all experience the REAL Thailand!


They already have 7-11 here, what about a cooperatively managed supermarket that sells exclusively imported Western foods? Then we won't have to eat any of that stinky, poisonous crap the locals call food.

..and parking meters, to create income for cleaning and desinfecting the street.


Apologies for my recent postings, I've dipped into the bucket of ricewhisky good ol' brother in law presented to me in a vain attempt to make up for his past sins.


Sorry. I didn't mean to give the impression that I was knocking Hecky (just the 'designer' whose shop caught my eye as I waited for the lights to change, after a day in a very pleasant primary school, with nice kids, just up the road).

Hecky is a better place than many, but it wouldn't claim to be an example of sophistisation, style, elan and good planning!!.

Hecky 'just grew' in the days before the need to plan was realised, and before there was the experience to do it. Like my website.

P.s. Fascinating wildlife in the country, too: Scorpions, snakes, all sorts of insects,.. in Bangkok we have only policemen, bargirls and the odd mosquito..


Kan is a good place to settle down. Great countryside, two rivers to visit, plenty of places to see, nice people and relaxing place (maybe with you all coming after this post, it may not be that quiet a place any more) very inexpensive to live, and guess what “only a couple of hours from Bangers” :o

But, anyway, it is the third largest province in Thailand, so me think, we Kan fit you all in somewhere……. :D

So you think you are living out in the "Sticks", I live there, take a look at these photos…. :D


Hint. Click on a picture in the URL above, to see many more photos.

P.S. as mentioned by Stroll, wildlife is Free, the rest, you have to bring with you.....from Bangkok to live in Kan. LOL

And maybe you Kan Win, living in the “Land of Peace and Love” Kanchanaburi :D


Great, so in Kan, you can Win.

I've been ther a few times, beautiful, specially along the river with the cemetary and many temples to visit. The 'capital' seemed pretty dead nightlife-wise, though, as in '2 bars, one customer'.

Off topic, but do you know anything about the black gemstones called 'nin' which come from Kan, Kan?

Great, so in Kan, you can Win.

I've been ther a few times, beautiful, specially along the river with the cemetary and many temples to visit. The 'capital' seemed pretty dead nightlife-wise, though, as in '2 bars, one customer'.

Off topic, but do you know anything about the black gemstones called 'nin' which come from Kan, Kan?



Sorry for the late reply, :D will ask around this week-end. There is a big show now on some were in BKK on Jewelry until the end of the month, if my memory serves me well. :o

Will PM you should I find out something. :D

Happy Days :D


Its important when to move to the village to tell EVERYONE some sob story

how you lost all your $$ and you are now poor. Dont flash any $$ and live

the same as the locals.

First off this will deter any family members from trying to fleece your wife.

Your wife will be vulnerable to close family members that will dream up the

most horrific tear jerking stories to shake your wife into opening her wallet.

Once she opens it ONCE - thais will be coming out of the woodwork trying to

nail her. Be careful in your initial few months as you will be studied by

family and the locals. I even asked to borrow $$ from family members

and neighbors and wore crappy clothes. It worked very well.

Secondly, by appearing broke you will lessen the chance of the locals being

jealous of you being percieved rich. Dont ever talk about $$$ or flash $$

ESPECIALLY around the Thai-Chinese. A hatred will start boiling possibly

leading to something bad happening. They are very materialistic and envious

people. The Thai-Thai are more relaxed in this regard.

just my 2 cents


I'd say your advice is to be taken with a grain of salt...

Myself, myGf and her relatives are not stupid, and they haven't made any unreasonable demands, either. Maybe I am lucky.

Its important when to move to the village to tell EVERYONE some sob story

how you lost all your $$ and you are now poor. Dont flash any $$ and live

the same as the locals.

First off this will deter any family members from trying to fleece your wife.

Your wife will be vulnerable to close family members that will dream up the

most horrific tear jerking stories to shake your wife into opening her wallet.

Once she opens it ONCE - thais will be coming out of the woodwork trying to

nail her. Be careful in your initial few months as you will be studied by

family and the locals. I even asked to borrow $$ from family members

and neighbors and wore crappy clothes. It worked very well.

Secondly, by appearing broke you will lessen the chance of the locals being

jealous of you being percieved rich. Dont ever talk about $$$ or flash $$

ESPECIALLY around the Thai-Chinese. A hatred will start boiling possibly

leading to something bad happening. They are very materialistic and envious

people. The Thai-Thai are more relaxed in this regard.

just my 2 cents

I was just going to write a lenghty and lucid rebutal of you post.

But I'm a bit drunk and tired , In my short time on this forum, i think this is the biggest pile of Boll###ks I have seen posted, inc all the bar girl, falang women, gay men, women in general haters who just post to get a reaction.

Just my opinion,!!


Nam Kao: in my opinion, derived from my observations, you are right on both your points.

Stroll: you and I have been lucky.

I now counsel farangs contemplating marriage to a Thai GF to consider, among other factors, whether she can deal with 'spongers within the family'. Discussing the possibility/probability that it will rear its head is worth a bit of time and effort.A little forethought about how close you live to who, and even just letting it be known that you know it happens, and are on your guard, are worthwhile.

Some family members who you wouldn't predict will be after the 'farang money' may show a previously unseen trait after you marry.

In my wife's family the majority are not potential spongers, but a few have had to be 'given a little rope with which to hang themselves'.

The best strategy we have found is to make a loan.

No matter how much they have said their need was, we have made it clear, and let it be known, that we have looked carefully at their request (and, usually, cut it down to size), and then made a loan. We have sometimes said they can pay it off by work rather than cash.

Next time they came with some cock-and-bull story, we simply said "No way. 'Not one baht', or one volunteered day of work, have you paid back off the previous loan, yet you have spent money on XXX luxury, and frittered away days playing Hi-Lo, in the meantime". And we let it be known that we haven't been 'suckered' a second time.

That way, we haven't looked unhelpful and 'Chip Charlee', but have got the problem under control, and increased the respect that the better elements of the extended family have for us.

We only had the problem for our first two years. Now the better elements of the family are quietly amused at how the 'debtor' elements avoid the embarrassment of meeting us.

P.S. as mentioned by Stroll, wildlife is Free, the rest, you have to bring with you.....from Bangkok to live in Kan. LOL

And maybe you Kan Win,  living in the “Land of Peace and Love” Kanchanaburi :o



I had a look at your link, the photos are great.

Excuse me for my ignorance. where is this area?, you mentioned 2 hours to Bangkok (which driection?) and do you have any ideas on land prices, how many expats in the area? and any other info that might help. It really does look lovely and I am thinking of going there to look around for properties for sale.

Is there any "major" shopping centres?

Any website links or expat websites who live there?

Cheers! :D


It is west of BKK, does 'death railway' ring a bell? There is train service from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi to the Burmese border, you can't cross there.


I am not very smart. Just smart enough to fall in love with a woman who was/is much smarter than me, and hang in there till she said she would consider marrying me and then to hang in longer till she said she would do. Went and queued up at the Amphoe Office amongst the rice farmers paying their land taxes, signed my name four times and handed over 60 baht (if I remember right) and that was that. Best 60 baht I ever spent.

P.S. as mentioned by Stroll, wildlife is Free, the rest, you have to bring with you.....from Bangkok to live in Kan. LOL

And maybe you Kan Win,  living in the “Land of Peace and Love” Kanchanaburi



I had a look at your link, the photos are great.

Excuse me for my ignorance. where is this area?, you mentioned 2 hours to Bangkok (which driection?) and do you have any ideas on land prices, how many expats in the area? and any other info that might help. It really does look lovely and I am thinking of going there to look around for properties for sale.

Is there any "major" shopping centres?

Any website links or expat websites who live there?

Cheers! :D



Thank you for taking time out to see my photo’s of this great province.

Kanchanaburi, as Stroll mentioned is west of BKK and the ‘Death Railway’ only goes as far as Sayok Noi, about 150 km or so up to the Burma border, (since there is a big reservoir that flooded the railway line to there, so you Kan not go there by train to the border, that is) The Border, which as Stroll mentioned “you can't cross there is correct, only for shopping and back. Perhaps soon, perhaps later, perhaps never, who knows…..(At the Three Pagoda Pass).

Is there any "major" shopping centres? Hahahaha :D ‘This is Country ‘ not shopping Mall's … Who in the Dickens, wants to spoil such a beautiful country side with Shopping Mall’s all around.. Nakon Pathon has a Makro and a B’C, 1 hour away. Big shopping places are only 2 hours away in BKK.. But, then again we do have a Lotus in Kan!!!!! for your basic needs !!!! and I mean Basic Needs….

Please visit Kan (with a car, 4 x 4 wheel drive would be much better, should you wish to venture out into the Sticks like I did and still do) and see it for yourself and find out all about your other questions that you mentioned. I, Mai Loo (I do not know) ??????

As mentioned on my web page “Unseen in Thailand” http://www.pbase.com/image/23199085. To get to that site, it took me 4 hours there, 1 Click of my camera and 4 hours back to Kan (with food, etc.) that is Kan…… and you are most welcome to visit it.

I see it like this


each and every week-end.

I live there, but work in BKK, hence, I am only on Thai Visa Dot Com from Monday to Wednesday as I wish to have “My quality of Life”.

No disrespect for Thai Visa Dot Com but that is life…..

Will be back on Monday 21st June

Happy Days :D

P.S. to Stroll ‘Ruby Tuesday ‘ was a great song.. Stones and others sang that one… me think… will look for your stones this weekend :o


Martin, nice catch

My wife has 5 brothers, and 3 sisters.

Brothers: 2 younger ones seem OK. When the 3 older ones show up its like 3

cobras just entered your bedroom. Always crying for $$$, stories of floods

wiping out their rice but this the dry season, buffaloes hit by trains, strange

deathly sicknesses that clear up instantly as soon as the 10,000 bt loan

is turned down.

Sister 1 who i thought was at first was excellent turned into a real money grubber.

She demands money for every little favor - even to watch after my wifes very

sick mother. I would never give her 1 satang if she gets in a pinch. My wife said

she was very nice until she married a Lao guy and then she changed.

Sister 2, from the city, westernized, probably a P/T bargirl. When I hear she is

coming for a visit I take my wallet/valuables etc. and go bury them in the back

yard when no ones looking. She has tried to seduce me and break up our marriage - just jealous

to see her sister happy. AIDS victim later i bet.

Sister 3 from Khon Kaen, at first I was a little skeptical, she hacked off her first

husbands leg with an axe after years of him beating her. Now she married an

excellent Thai man with a good business. She is constantly telling my wife not

to give any of the other siblings any money and telling them to get jobs.

The neighbors are not too bad.




"P.S. to Stroll ‘Ruby Tuesday ‘ was a great song.. Stones and others sang that one… me think… will look for your stones this weekend"

Thank's and if you could get a business card or tel. no. from a trader, I

KAN WIN. Offers of beers in Kan or Bkk will follow.

"P.S. to Stroll ‘Ruby Tuesday ‘ was a great song.. Stones and others sang that one… me think… will look for your stones this weekend"

Thank's and if you could get a business card or tel. no. from a trader, I 

KAN WIN. Offers of beers in Kan or Bkk will follow.


At your service. :D

Shall comply in a PM to you.

and if you could get a business card or tel. no. from a trader, Thai is O.K. with you ???

Beer in Kan, Yes Please...

And I hope you Kan Win :D


To you all on this forum:-

Bless his little socks.... :D


Kan Win from the 'Land of Peace and Love'


Happy Days :o


I agree with almost everything onthis subject, however the occasional little party with local food works wonders in many cases. When my house was being built (with 3 sit down crappers) I had a party at the end for the boss and his workers. Now I get workers whenever I need them (except when rice planting). My wife sometimes gives the lady workers old clothes for them or their children-again appreciated and not seen as Rich Farang handouts.

Martin has hit the subject on the head.

Yes one needs to get to know the headman, local police chief and amphur staff, makes life much easier. Also wife,s family have good standing and respect.

BKK, no not for me.

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