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There was a murder here last night, two men arguing over a woman ( no I don't know either) she was there by the way, a gun was pulled and two shots fired.

One man dead the other in police custody and she is looking for a new boyfriend or two.

So what you might ask?

People are getting shot, stabbed, poisoned etc . everyday of the week here.

This is for any budding Rambos' out there, before to steam in like you do back in your own country think about just how many firearms there are here and the Thai mans mind when he has had a drink or two.

If you do you might be in with a chance of seeing your own country again.

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There was a murder here last night, two men arguing over a woman ( no I don't know either) she was there by the way, a gun was pulled and two shots fired.

One man dead the other in police custody and she is looking for a new boyfriend or two.

So what you might ask?

People are getting shot, stabbed, poisoned etc . everyday of the week here.

This is for any budding Rambos' out there, before to steam in like you do back in your own country think about just how many firearms there are here and the Thai mans mind when he has had a drink or two.

If you do you might be in with a chance of seeing your own country again.

Interesting posting but no worse then anywhere else in this sad world,however keeping your head down and getting on with your own business Thailand is probebly one of the safest places to live in my opinion. :o


I tend to agree with whatodo. All in all Bangkok is a lot safer lets say than London, Manchester, Glasgow or many other cities in world I have been in.

Maerim does have a good point though, don't mess with someone elses business here, it can turn nasty.


I know London and Copenhagen and I don't think those places are that dangerous.

Or one must be envolved in the underworld. Sometimes people make big money in illegal business or without consentment of the rulers of the underworld and them they have to disappear (to Asia for instance) otherwhise they get caught by the law that rules the underworld: the law of the strongest or just by the police of the IRS. By the first one is dead what you can expect, by the other jail and/or a fine

And don't tell me bkk is safer or thailand is safer. There the law of the strongest, read the law of the reachest, read the law of the one with the most influence and friends is exercised everywhere on all levels of society by the same persoons/ powers that should protect the people's rights. And thai people just shake their shoulders when they talk about it: It has always been that way. The king and his wife are the only ones everybody talks about as being good parents to the thai people

Some of the western underworld figures are walking around there: Low profile enjoying the revenues of crime. Or washing up their money in some lousy business.

I saw some of them. I don't know those people and maybe prejudice is playing but by some people you just know the moment you look at them that they haven't had a regular job for long time, neither did they pay incometaxes.

It can also happen that you are about your own bussiness and you get hit by a bullet meant for someone else. :D But that can happen everywhere. Just be good do good and please the buda's with nice gifts. A good karma is always helpfull. :o:D


It really has nothing to do with the number of firearms here or anywhere else.

And I quote,,"People are getting shot, stabbed, poisoned etc . everyday of the week here."

Now don't try to tell me that all these things are being done with firearms or if there were no firearms here that people wouldn't be getting shot,stabbed,poisoned etc. everyday of the week here.

Guns do not kill people,,people kill people,,and they will do it with what ever is at hand and anyone that gets in a beef with someone and shoots him,,then he was looking to do exactly that or he would not have been packing the gun.



Exactly my point.

Keep your head down and get on with your own business and Thailand is one very safe place to live . :D

And we'll be moving to Nakorn Ratchasima from Detroit. Which one of those sounds safer? Not Detroit!

I dont know about Detroit and its probably not a safe place to live but Korat isnt that safe either.

I have been there many times and I have seen guys several times fighting when they were drunk and start hacking away at each other with big knives and have heard plenty of stories of shootings as well.

My wife's father (when she was still a baby) got drunk one night with a local cop. They got into a fight and the cop went home, got his gun, and shot my wife's father dead.


You can't say one city is safe and another isn't.

In any major city there will be areas where you are pretty safe and areas that are definitely unsafe.

The cities that I know best are Leeds and Bradford, from being a migrant-worker from Thailand who went three-months on, then three-months off, to do Supply Teaching in their worst secondary schools.

I was amazed how there were often really decent areas that were only a few hundred yards from areas that were the pits.

I wasn't surprised that the folk from the former kept out of the latter, but I could never figure out how it came about that the low-life of the latter kept out of the former.


Detroit was by far the worst place I ve ever seen... Entire city blocks burned down and flattened, only place still standing was some dirty a55 pub , crackheads and winos wandering around, gas station attentant coming out to give us directions with a 4 foot long 2x4... I never fear going out at night here, I would never try it In Detroit :o .

Incredible difference with Windsor which was just across the river.

Keep your head down and get on with your own business and Thailand is one very safe place to live . :o

Agree with that.

Far, far safer than many other big cities in this world.

Or even small ones, by the way,...


Thailand has double the per capita murder rate of the US. That said, I have found that all of the murders that have occurred where I live have all been either personal or business related. KevinN said it exactly right, keep your nose down and clean and you should find things going ok. Get involved with dodgy people or dodgy business and you will pay the price. Be belligerent, make trouble and you will find yourself in trouble. As I have always said, Thai people will put up with alot of BS but once they have reached their s**t tolerance level, run as fast as you can because someone will pay.

Be belligerent, make trouble and you will find yourself in trouble.

Not in trouble, western way.

In a very dangerous kind of trouble.

Once that can get you killed.

Remember it, it is NOT your country and Thai people do not accept criticism from farangs they do not know.

And I mean it, really,...


I am American and often hear people talk about how dangerous the US is with so many guns around, (people from other countrys that is). I also understand many people are afraid to go to America because of the guns and the horrifying news reports. Well, I have always had guns, as well as my father, brother, and most of my friends and none of us have ever shot anyone! The media prints the bad stuff, I suppose thats what sells. From news reports in the west, it sound like everyone in Thailand has aids, but we know that isnt true. As others have said here, anywhere in the world, its a good idea to mind your own business and keep your eyes and ears open. As far as statistics go, it only takes one bullet to kill ya!


The original post is about somebody taking a gun out of his pocket and shooting someone.

That would be a lot harder to do in a country, like the UK, where handguns are banned.

However, all it really means is that where the UK has far less gun deaths, it does have more stabbings. (If you get into a fight in a bar, it doesn't make that much difference whether they have access to a gun or a knife, you'd still be in a lot of trouble..)

The benefit to the UK from the ban on guns is mostly in the reduction of accidental deaths.

A lot of those benefits could be had, while still allowing guns.

No civilised country lets people drive cars without a licence issued after testing that they are capable of driving safely, so why are they allowed to buy guns without some sort of safety training. (like never storing the gun loaded, always keeping the safety on, how to carry a loaded shotgun so that it won't fire, etc.)

And some sort of psychiatric evaluation for people who want to buy guns other than handguns (or shotguns / hunting rifles - in rural areas).

i.e. I'll accept that firing a fully automatic submachine gun is a lot of fun, but it's the sort of thing to try out at a shooting range. I don't really want someone near where I live to have one, unless they're in law enforcement. But Americans will never give up the right to arms, so I'd at least want it to be licenced and restricted to people who pass a psych evaluation.

And in relation to the side-thread. - America is going metric. 9mm ammunition is very popular... :o


The point I was trying to make, besides the amount of firearms both registered and unregistered that in my opinion there are exactly, too many, is for my fellow countrymen from the U.K.

These have now discovered that there are holiday destinations further than the Mediteranian.

These are the ones with the shaven heads and tattoos on the neck, they generally introduce themselves in time honoured manner by saying " You looking at my girlfriend? You say "no" He then says "Why something the matter with her then?"

These gentlemen might be getting a bit more then they bargained for when they come it with Thai men, as for shaking hands and forgetting about it they might but the Thai's won't.

To pinch a saying from Groucho Marx, I never hold a grudge, but in your case I will make an exeption.

Yes, I also agree that Thailand is a very safe place compared to some of the dumps in other parts of the world, try Manchester at two O'clock in the morning at weekends.

Ten thousand drink and testoserone fuelled young men chasing about twenty eight fat slags, you would have more chance in a stampede of wildebeasts.


Yes, Bluecat, we are in the Thais' country and in the Thais' culture. And not treading gently (in a direction away from any inter-Thai trouble) might result in our death certificates saying that we died of Culture Shock.

It really has nothing to do with the number of firearms here or anywhere else.

And I quote,,"People are getting shot, stabbed, poisoned etc . everyday of the week here."

Now don't try to tell me that all these things are being done with firearms or if there were no firearms here that people wouldn't be getting shot,stabbed,poisoned etc. everyday of the week here.

Guns do not kill people,,people kill people,,and they will do it with what ever is at hand and anyone that gets in a beef with someone and shoots him,,then he was looking to do exactly that or he would not have been packing the gun.


Absolutely spot on Kev. Minding one's own business is very, very good for the health and well being of one's self.


Thanks Doc; Ya know that it is a lot easier now that I do not drink, I used to find myself in places that no sane man would go and sometimes wondered why I was still alive.

I still think back and wonder why I have made it this far and get scared when I remember of the places that I kinda came to and realized where I was and what I was doing, and I have not had a drink in over 22 years.

We live in an out of the way small town,and were down town the other night and looking for a shop where a friend had some pictures being developed, I was driving and all of a sudden my wife started to holler and saying "get going","get out of here" and I didn't know what she was talking about.

2 guys on a Honda were close,talking to 2 other guys,and then the 2 on the ground started to run and the one on the back of the Honda pulled a gun and shot at the running guys,,was a front stuffer hand gun[pobly home made] as only 1 shot and a lot of flame as with a black powder gun,And the Honda took off fast, surprised me no end.

We don't even have a BAD AREA of town,so you just never know whats going to happen.


The differences in crime from the west (US is my background) and Thailand are in the motives. A lot of violent crime in Thailand has a motive; business conflicts such as bad debt or competition, political rivalries, infidelity among spouses or couples, but rarely random murder. In the US people will 'put a cap in your ass', for looking at their girlfriend at a party, serial killers are world famous in America,

make an illegal turn in your car in front of the wrong person and you could get shot. I am not being facetious or exagerating here.

Bangkok is the safest city, crime wise, I have ever lived in. I have been out late alone in outer areas of the city and never had a problem. I am male however, and I have had Thai females tell me that late at night in some areas it is not safe for them to be there or get into a taxi alone.


Have you ever been to a real sh.. place such as for example Newark, NJ, Johannesburg, South Africa, the red light destrict of Boston, some parts in Brooklyn or the Bronx, East L.A., certain areas in Rio de Janeiro, Bogota etc. etc. Go for a walk there at night and guess you would not get very far.

Bangkok is not paradise but believe it or not I feel absolutely safe here although nevertheless certainly take reasonable precautions. Nevertheless, wherever you are in the world avoid the company of drunks, druggies, maniacs, lunatics, scumbags and morons and also the places they usually accumulate.

Frankly said I would rather take a walk at night in the Klong Toey area than at the beach of Santa Monica. It appears when the sun drops the two-legged rats creep out of their holes, a situation I NEVER witnessed here.

Make you pick: A mightnight jog in Lumpini Park, Bangkok or Central Park, New York.

A lot of violent crime in Thailand has a motive; business conflicts such as bad debt or competition, political rivalries, infidelity among spouses or couples, but rarely random murder.

that seems to be the difference , i think if you stay out of trouble here you are relatively safe unless you just happen to be unlucky and meet the local psycho looking for some fun.

in the west violence is a constant threat and is often random . the old and the infirm are often victims in the west too.

my brother in law saved me from a beating a few weeks back when i went to the aid of a young woman outside the house being nastily beaten with a bat by a man. other people were just walking by as if it was the most normal thing.

turns out he was the local enforcer doing some enforcing and i should not have interfered.

i found out later that the women had come to the soi to sell drugs and had been warned previously to stay away.

so it was egg on face and humble pie for supper that night.

so not only should we stay out of trouble , but if we see any trouble we should ignore it unless we want to make it our trouble as well.

so not only should we stay out of trouble , but if we see any trouble we should ignore it unless we want to make it our trouble as well.

Very difficult situation putting society on the edge. If we ALWAYS close our eyes how can one expect to get support from others when in a hopeless situation. Where do we draw the line? Well, if two guys or groups of guys decide to beat the sh... out ot each other it is surely advisable to better walk away.

How about if we witness an incidence of robbery, rape etc. or three guys are about to beat another person to death? If we just walk off for our own sake can we still sleep peacefully at night afterwards? How about you walk by a scene in which someone is already on the ground, a bleeding lump while another one keep kicking and the victim is begging you for help? Do we just walk by and mind our own business? Shoot, life sucks and is quite a challenge and sometimes hits us totally unprepared. Guess, there is unfortunately no standard recipe because every situation is different.

Yes, try to generally stay away from trouble WHENEVER YOU CAN but in a civilization there is still the aspect of morality and if we totally ignore it we eventually go down the drain and end up to be just a bunch of self-centered peasants.

Very difficult situation putting society on the edge. If we ALWAYS close our eyes how can one expect to get support from others when in a hopeless situation



over the next couple of days after that incident i was repeatedly regaled with stories by the family about what happens to people who interfere in someone elses arguments , especially an argument involving these enforcer types (and most sois or communities seem to have one of these characters), and especially what would happen to a falang. basically dont interfere because you dont know who you might be up against .

as far as anybody coming to help a falang on the receiving end from a thai , i would think most thais would just stand and watch or join in.


as far as anybody coming to help a falang on the receiving end from a thai , i would think most thais would just stand and watch or join in.

Join in most likely, they are called "Dog-packs", never been involved with a Thai man beating a Thai woman but I have been involved in some bar room stuff with a Thai man, started out one-on-one but quickly turned into a butt kicking for me and my mates, you will find yourself mixed up with about ten guys and wind up in hospital for sure., If I see such a beating in Thailand I will walk on by and act just like another local. :D:o

and end up to be just a bunch of self-centered peasants.

But alive ones, I know, what do you do?

I have seen accidents here RTA's, one morning three girls on a motorbike coming towards us just fell off there were all these young girls in the road not badly hurt, there was no traffic just us, I stopped she said "Where you going?" Me "To help"

No i'm not, then all the horror stories come out about people stopping to help and getting slapped for the accident losing everything mostly because they got a crap lawyer ( is there any other kind?) so what would you do?

A friend of mine in the U.K. years ago managed to park his van in front of a getaway car near a bank, of course he didn't know it was a getaway car until he heard shots.

The police said what did you see? Nothing, he said, as he was reading the paper, same as he said it would look good on the front page of the evening paper, him being the sole witness.

As bad as it sounds here you just don't get involved, well you don't if you want to be around a bit longer.

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