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Campaign for new Brexit referendum in disarray after officials sacked

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Campaign for new Brexit referendum in disarray after officials sacked

By Andrew MacAskill



People react during a rally held by The People's Vote, calling for another Brexit referendum, ahead of an EU summit, in London, Britain, April 9, 2019. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes


LONDON (Reuters) - The campaign in Britain for a new Brexit referendum has lurched into fresh crisis after two of the most senior figures in the movement were forced out in a power struggle.


The idea of a second referendum is viewed by supporters as a way to end three years of political turmoil and paralysis since the 52%-48% vote in June 2016 in favour of Britain leaving the European Union. But the pro-Brexit Conservative government has repeatedly ruled out another popular vote and the campaign has been riven by disagreements over strategy.


Roland Rudd, a millionaire public relations executive and senior figure in the campaign for a new referendum, dismissed James McGrory, director of the People’s Vote campaign, and Tom Baldwin, the group’s head of communications.


But Baldwin said that he still planned to turn up for work and accused Rudd of “putting a wrecking ball” through the organisation.


The sackings come at a crucial juncture in the Brexit process as Britain’s parliament must decide whether to approve a new election after Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced by his opponents to request an extension to EU membership.


“It doesn’t seem to be the best week to be putting a wrecking ball through the campaign, demoralising staff and demoralising all the thousands and thousands of activists paying for our campaign,” Baldwin told the BBC.


“I’m planning to go into work because we’ve got actually quite a busy week ahead.”


The firings brought to a head long-running divisions over the best way to ensure Britain retains EU membership.


There have been tensions between those who believe they should sustain pressure for a new referendum and those who want a more explicit stance of Britain remaining in the EU without a referendum.


Last week, hundreds of thousands of Britons marched through London to demand a new Brexit referendum. But although some opinion polls have shown a slight shift in favour of “Remain” there has yet to be a decisive change in attitude.


The challenge for pro-referendum forces is finding enough backing in parliament. Although the main opposition party Labour is now backing a second referendum there does not seem to be sufficiently broad support to secure a new popular vote.


Patrick Heneghan, former head of campaigns for the Labour party, was appointed as the new acting chief executive of the People’s Vote, the biggest campaign groups for a second referendum, while its board finds a permanent successor.


Rudd played down differences between factions in the group.


“The fact is, it is always difficult when you promote people because others are not happy,” he said.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-10-28
1 hour ago, tebee said:

oh I don't think it can get any deeper now - just look at the people on here 



well, I disagree,

go for a 2nd referendum (before leaving EU) and I think UK will be in for deep shait,

maybe, just maybe - if you did it 2 years ago it would fly, but now,

nee way - trouble ahead



A referendum this important should be made mandatory!!!It would have

elimimated a lot of backlash.

How can you not agree on the outcome if you did not bother to vote?

The first referendum was too soon,people were not educated and went for

whatever bs they were fed(both sides)

Too little too late,i hope they learned for the next time.

I am sure certainty either way will be good for the pound and the euro!!

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  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

A second referendum is a terrible idea.


If Leave win again we are back where we are now (Remainers still not giving losers consent).

If Remain win, it's 1-1 and there is no logical reason why Leavers should accept the result of the second vote when Remainers did not accept the first.


It's a very slippery slope when losers of Democratic votes do not accept the result. 


Instead of another referendum, we need a General Election to drain the swamp and create a Parliament that actually reflects and represents the UK electorate.


I agree that a 2nd referendum would be a very bad idea.


When you say that losers do not accept,

mind you the role and raison daitre of the sods in the HoC - the referendum did not tie their hands


It just blows my mind when pommies say that a GE would solve anything,

I would guess that a GE wouldn't make much change in Westminster

UK voters do not have sufficient fantasy to vote beyond Labour and Tory,


and the UK election system almost guarantees that the composition of the resulting parliament

will not reflect the views of the plebs


You have a job to do in UK:

bring the foggy islands out of the medieval ages and approach 20th century at least,

preferrably the 21st-


Refurbish your political goverance system, it is severely flawed.



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15 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

If things were farcical before, I am lost for words to describe the situation we now find ourselves in. Our Brexit leaders have proven beyond doubt that their incompetence is well and truly world leading; now those who are meant to save us from certain disaster are trying to outdo the government in terms of ineptitude. The remit for 'Led by donkeys' should be expanded significantly. 


the unfortunate situation is not new

it has been there for a year or three


It went wrong very shortly after May took over as PM


after; wronger and wronger week by week


  • Like 2
2 hours ago, vogie said:

I'm sorry to inform everyone on here who has supported the England rugby team in the world cup, but New Zealand have requested another game to be played as the result was too close to call and they had players waiting to play who weren't quite old enough, so now the world cup needs to be put on hold for the foreseeable future uhtil a new date can be arranged for a re-match. A minimum of 90 day delay has been requested, but this could be a flextension that could last for years.


It has been suggested that shipments of New Zealand lamb could be affected by the result leading to shortages on the shelves of the UK. This should make us think again about accepting this unfair result. No one knew before the game concluded and it could have altered the result.


Furthermore it has been suggested that the England team were offered large financial inducements in the form of win bonuses, if they were to reach the final. There have been calls to have these fully investigated to establish the source of the inducements while the delay is in place.


In other news: some of the other teams have now objected to the terms of the final and have insisted that the final is delayed until NO WIN is taken off the table. These opponents of NO WIN have rejected calls that this should be Put to a formal vote of any kind before their demands are ratified!

I agree with you. I also think the host nation should start each game at minus 7. I believe wee Nicky suggested that for SNP independence. The host nation, counting the votes, England should start with a percentage reduction based on population number and a second vote to remain should be credited with those votes, taken from them on the independence, prior to the vote.

Any referendum should also include, if the result is remain, a 2pm to 4.30pm siesta to be introduced into the working day in UK, and a vote should be taken on whether the title United should be removed and only used in football/rugby terms.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

"PUT IT TO THE PEOPLE" ? I thought they already did ! The whole problem here is elected members of parliament are NOT following the wishes of the people who put them in their positions of power. They have decided to be a power unto themselves and should be fired (or shot !) ????

  • Like 2

Erdogan of Turkey might be fellow to get the Brexit ball rolling.


He has threatened the West with a policy of urging the three and a half million refugees under his control to come to the EU. He's also said he will help them in such an endeavour.


Many of 'em will set their compasses in the direction of Britain, that world famous land of milk and honey.


Our services are straining as things are right now. Another couple of hundred thousand mouths sucking at the teat might just be the straw that will break the politicians' backs.

11 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

I'd say the parliament is doing a perfect job controlling a maniac destroying a country. 

That has nothing to do with leave or stay but keep out lies and dishonesty. Parliament has to know presisely what they are going to vote for. ????

So you think one side in politics has a monopoly when it comes to lies and dishonesty? Naive in the extreme.

  • Like 1
17 hours ago, vogie said:

I'm sorry to inform everyone on here who has supported the England rugby team in the world cup, but New Zealand have requested another game to be played as the result was too close to call and they had players waiting to play who weren't quite old enough, so now the world cup needs to be put on hold for the foreseeable future uhtil a new date can be arranged for a re-match. A minimum of 90 day delay has been requested, but this could be a flextension that could last for years.


It has been suggested that shipments of New Zealand lamb could be affected by the result leading to shortages on the shelves of the UK. This should make us think again about accepting this unfair result. No one knew before the game concluded and it could have altered the result.


Furthermore it has been suggested that the England team were offered large financial inducements in the form of win bonuses, if they were to reach the final. There have been calls to have these fully investigated to establish the source of the inducements while the delay is in place.


In other news: some of the other teams have now objected to the terms of the final and have insisted that the final is delayed until NO WIN is taken off the table. These opponents of NO WIN have rejected calls that this should be Put to a formal vote of any kind before their demands are ratified!

what a heap of c'''p

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39 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Put it to the people????


More like stick it to the people.



or maybe "up the people"


some plebs ight enjoy that


13 hours ago, roquefort said:

So you think one side in politics has a monopoly when it comes to lies and dishonesty? Naive in the extreme.

No, You are wrong. BJ has not any monopoly of lies and dishonesty but he took it because it's his character. 

Parliament can't vote for anything what is hidden or not disclosed. 

If BJ would not lie to the country about risks concerning a Brexit especially with a no deal one, Parliament would have decided already. ????

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