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Hello.i Need Help ! Serious Case

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I need to change my NON-O visa to NON-B,I am working and i have a workpermit,then why do i need to close my NON-O visa?yeah,this is where the story begins.Year 2001 i was preparing to marry my gf,i met one agent who told me that He will arrange the marriage registration for me for a reasonable fee,and he will arrage all the paper work regarding it,and i don't need to worry.and after that,as he said,he took me and my gf and we registered marraige in local amphur,and got the marriage certificate,everything was fine,and I got a NON IMMIGRANT O Visa on it's basis,and i kept extending it to one year until now,means for 3 years.but this year ,my wife went to change her ID Card,(her last name supposed to change) .but we came to know that our marriage was not online,means the my wife still single,and no online record of our marriage,and things got more annoying as one of my friends at immigration office told me that I can't extend my visa anymore this year.coz the immigration authorities came to know the reality.and He told me that it's a dangerous case,coz i will be imprisoned and black listed for a forge marriage registration,Morever ,He suggested me to travel out of the country,(without having the re-entry) so the current NON-O will die.and told me to get a NON-B visa.as i m having a valid workpermit(which sync.with my non-o visa ) .But i need to know that If i travel out without a re-entry,will not my workpermit die as well?Yeah,I will be able to get a NON-B visa,but DO I NEED TO GET A NEW WORKPERMIT as well,(or just extend my workpermit after it expires old date(non-O) with new current (NON-:o date) ?Please Help

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He took me and my gf and we registered marraige in local amphur,and got the marriage certificate,everything was fine,and I got a NON IMMIGRANT O Visa on it's basis,and i kept extending it to one year until now,means for 3 years.but this year ,my wife went to change her ID Card,(her last name supposed to change) .but we came to know that our marriage was not online,means the my wife still single,and no online record of our marriage,and things got more annoying as one of my friends at immigration office told me that I can't extend my visa anymore this year.coz the immigration authorities came to know the reality.

But what is the reality? Don't you have your marriage certificates? Does no one else remember your going to the amphur? Whose is the squiggle (or even signature) on them? You may be able to find other examples of it on people's tabians baan.

What's the position on re-registering?

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simply go back to the original Amphur and get it straightened out...

what are you saying - the agent screwed you over and bribed people at the amphur to get you falsified documents? for a few hundred bath? naahhh....

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simply go back to the original Amphur and get it straightened out...

what are you saying - the agent screwed you over and bribed people at the amphur to get you falsified documents? for a few hundred bath? naahhh....

If the bride was already married since before that would make sense... Was she?

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simply go back to the original Amphur and get it straightened out...

what are you saying - the agent screwed you over and bribed people at the amphur to get you falsified documents? for a few hundred bath? naahhh....

That is the simplest way out. Head for the Amphur office with the ' wife ' and paperwork, and sort it out pronto. Just in case, take a translator along so that you know exactly what is being said.

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Hi -

It does sound very unlikely that anyone would go to the trouble to line up a fake marriage registration - it is cheaper and simpler to simply get the real thing.

If you and your wife have both halves of the blue and white marriage certificate (it has recently changed to salmon pink, but three years ago it was still blue and white), with certifying stamp along the common edge, then as far as I can tell, you are legally married (and Immigration must have agreed, since they previously granted you successive extensions). What you have is a mistake in the Amphur data base - present your certificate, and they should correct their data base. No big deal. Maybe give them 500 baht for their trouble.

Or - if they decide tht you are still single, then get married on the spot. You do not need an "agent." You just need a letter certified by your Embassy in Thailand stating that, according to their records, you are not married to someone else.

If you are married, stay that way. If you are not married, get married. What's the big deal?

At any rate, if:

1) You presently have a valid non-immigrant entry permit in a category other than retirement


2) You have a work permit

Then - we can get you a long-term entry permit renewal based on legal employment - if your employer qualifies to sponsor such a permit extension. There are four criteria that employer must meet:

1. Company must be current on all required payments and regulatory submissions

2. Company must be paying you at least slary specified for your nationality (as on next month)

3. Company must have four Thai employees per each foreign employee

4. Company must have 2,000,000 baht paid-in capital per each foreign employee.

We/you can only apply for renewal when you are within 30 days of expiration of your present non-immigrant entry permit.

Good luck!

Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group


[email protected]


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It really does sound like an administrative stuff up to me Steve. It won't be too hard to sort out. My advice about the translator was just in case the ' wife ' is concealing something, but unknowingly getting a false certificate doesn't sound right does it ?

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hello everyone,

thanks for the response,yeah,you people are right about letting me go to the amphur and clear it out there,I thought like also that,BUT the real problem is that THE TIME THE AGENT PREPARED THE PAPERWORK FOR MARRIAGE REGISTRATION,HE FAKED THE PAPER FROM EMBASSY WHICH IS REQUIRED TO REGISTER MARRIAGE.It means that the marriage certificate is true,but the documents provided for it all are fake with fake stamps.So even if i report to the apmhur,they are already waiting for me to catch me.this is worse.If at the first time i knew that we was required for a legal marriage,i would have provided the agent.But what can we say now.So ,the only solution is the one which i asked you people,that if i travel out without a re-entry and get a new NON-B,will my workpermit become invalid as welll? Yeah my employer qualifies for 1 year entry,no Probs.once again.Thanks for the response.

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THE TIME THE AGENT PREPARED THE PAPERWORK FOR MARRIAGE REGISTRATION,HE FAKED THE PAPER FROM EMBASSY WHICH IS REQUIRED TO REGISTER MARRIAGE.It means that the marriage certificate is true,but the documents provided for it all are fake with fake stamps.So even if i report to the apmhur,they are already waiting for me to catch me.this is worse.

I understood that the documents required for the registration of a marriage were at the discretion of the registrar. (This struck me as a licence to extort money from foreigners in a hurry, which is why I let an agency handle our paperwork when we married.) When did you realise that a false document had been uttered? Are you sure one was? Who gave the paperwork to the registrar?

I'm curious as to why you should be arrested at the amphoe, and not at home, if that is what you are worrying about. If you had to to re-register, you'd probably have to re-affirm your semi-freedom to marry. This is one document you'd have to agree with the registrar anyway! The standard wording can't be used because you probably aren't free to marry - surely you'd have to say that you were free apart from a disputed marriage to your wife.

Can you say who the agent was? (Is there a possible libel issue here?)

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Yeah,I came to know about that false documents made by the agent by my officer friend at the Immigration.And the agent has fled away,and currently immigration police is searching for him,as all his fake cases are known by the Police.and He is disappeared.Immigration Police has nabbed many foreigners already(like me) who were deceived by the agent.Although they are innocent,but in the eyes of law,they are responsible for this coz they didnt look after this proper thing.Even my case has been caught,but i m able to get away coz of my officer friend.and the suggestion to go out and get a NON-B visa and re-enter is his suggestion.And by the way,my friend is a real friend,not a corrupt office who is suggesting me and getting my money.He never asked me for any money.and just suggested me (pure friendship,no bribes or money involved)

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Would it not be a good idea to head over to your embassy and get a proof that you were unmarried at the time, as well as now, which they should be able to check easily enough in their files? That should clear up part of the mess with the Thai authorities.

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yeah,i m still unmarried according to my embassy,and it confirms that i m guilty.I have decided to take the NON-B route already,but what i m confused is about my work permit.Steve or Dr.Pat Pong please reply to this matter.

Right now.My NON-O is valid until 10th August.and my work permit as well.The question is,If i travel out,and get a new NON-B and enter again.Will my workpermit will become automatically invalid as well,althought it's validity expires on 10th Aug.??or it'll keep it's validity until 10th Aug.regardless of visa?

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The direct answer to your question is that you may depart Thailand, and then return with a Class B visa, enter on a 90 day non-immigrant entry permit, and - when your work permit is ready to expire, renew it for the length of remaining validity of your entry permit. You may also extend that new entry permit on the basis of legal employment.

The fact that you depart Thailand for five days during the period that the work permit is valid, and during those five days are technically without a non-immigrant status, should not an issue at the work permit office. What they care about is that you have non-immigrant status at time of renewal.

You can do your Immigration processing at Immigration HQ in Bangkok. But your work permit processing must be accomplished in the jurisdiction where your employer is based (unless employer is BOI approved - then this can be procesed in Bangkok).

Back to your main story - where in the country is this problem Amphur? Your story sounds NOTHING like what I would expect. At Amphur level, your wife and her extended family should be able to fix anything. The PooYai Bahn for her Moo-bahn should be delighted to accompany her to straighten things out at the Amphur - and everybody should be happy to help you straighten out your marriage - because you will sponsor a big "lam" afterwards, to celebrate.

You personally should have nothing to do with arranging anything. Keep your mouth shut, smile, and simply act as paymaster for the festivities. The one problem is if you really have another wife somewhere - and are unable to get embassy certification that you are single.

The Amphur should have no contact with Immigration, or with Labor Department. Amphur is local government. The other two are federal government. They are all rivals that rarely cooperate with each other.

With you bankrolling things, I cannot imagine any place in Thailand where a Thai wife - on her own turf - in her home Amphur - with backing of her PooYai Bahn -could not straighten out anything and everything.

So - there is still something missing from your story. Are you perhaps no longer on good terms with your wife? Perhaps she is the one who fingered you? Or who personally arranged for the marriage records to disappear? If she is actively out to persecute you - then she can marshall all those local influencers to ensure that you cannot survive. Best for you to flee.

Or - am I missing something? My bs meter is twitching.

Whatever. Good luck!


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Thanks a million,Steve.and everyone who responded,I m really grateful for your input.and I got my answer and it really frees my brain.I m just 23 years of age.and I m not married anywhere.Yeah,i got married to my gf that time,but in the end as we knew,that everything was fake,instead of the marriage registration paper.But it really got me out of a trouble,coz i m not in good terms with my gf now.Morever,we broke up.and thanks God,I posses both half of the marriage registration document.I didnt leave any paper or photostate behind with her,as i was worried it could happen someday.So hopefully She won't be able to blackmail me in near future.coz she got no proof.(as there's nothing online and she's still a Miss )and even If i travel out,get a clean passport and apply NON-B on it,My record will be clean as well.So just outta big trouble.AND I REALLY GET A VERY BIG LESSON REGARDING ILLEGAL AGENTS PROVIDING THEIR SERVICES.AND IT'S MY SUGGESTION TO EVERYONE HERE NOT TO BELIEVE STRANGERS IN YOUR NECESSARY PAPERWORK UNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED ABOUT WHATEVER THEY DO IS TRUE AND BY ABIDING LAWS.AND NO FAKE PAPERWORK.ALTHOUGHT IT'S A BIT COMPLICATED,BUT IT WILL PROTECT U FROM HAVING BIG PROBLEMS IN FUTURE WHICH MAY ARISE.

Thanks again to everyone and Big Thanks to Steve and Dr.Pat Pong

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This is real good example of WHY NOT to use agents.

Do the job yourself, taking a Thai friend to translate, if necessary!!

Hope you get it all sorted out soon.

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Yeah,I came to know about that false documents made by the agent by my officer friend at the Immigration.And the agent has fled away,and currently immigration police is searching for him,as all his fake cases are known by the Police.and He is disappeared.Immigration Police has nabbed many foreigners already(like me) who were deceived by the agent.Although they are innocent,but in the eyes of law,they are responsible for this coz they didnt look after this proper thing.Even my case has been caught,but i m able to get away coz of my officer friend.and the suggestion to go out and get a NON-B visa and re-enter is his suggestion.And by the way,my friend is a real friend,not a corrupt office who is suggesting me and getting my money.He never asked me for any money.and just suggested me (pure friendship,no bribes or money involved)

What's happening to wives who emigrated from Thailand on the strength of marriages organised by this agent? Are they just going to get a nasty shock when they renew their ID cards on a visit to Thailand, or are problems going to arise with the Immigration authorities in their new homes? Does your friend in Immigration know?

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