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Can anyone give me some advice.

My wife was injured in a motorcycle accident last month. Nothing too serious but she broke her left leg and right shoulder. This has meant that she is housebound and unable to walk on crutches. I'm out in Chiang Rai over Songkran, and want to take her out and about for a few trips. Does anyone know where I may be able to hire a folding wheelchair, so that we can make a few excursions?

Thank You


If you travel into town from the super highway (Si Yek Mae Khon). Down the main road into town. After about 1.5 km you will pass on the left a big yellow shop called Cockpit. They sell tyres,exhausts etc. Just past there, on the same side, there is a shop that specialises in that sort of thing.

Not sure if they have a hire service, but a friend of mine who had an accident bought one there and they bought it back from him after he had recovered.

Good luck and happy new biceps.

C35b. :o


I am in the same boat as your wife and have two more months before I can be weight bearing on my left leg.

What saved my bacon at home was I had an office chair that swiveled and of course had wheels. I scooted around faster than walking.

When I go out shopping, Tesco and Carrefour have wheel chair loaners.

I was unable to find a rental wheel chair. My walker is great and collapsable with two level handles. 2K Baht.

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