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VFS self-loading wrinkle

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We filled in the on-line settlement visa form a couple of weeks ago and made an appointment to go to VFS today. I printed out the appointment confirmation.

Then I gathered all the necessary documents and loaded them to the VFS site.

This morning my wife went to VFS and they told her that the appointment confirmation did not include the list of uploaded documents (because I had printed the confirmation before uploading). They told her she had to log on and print it again, which was easier said than done as all the necessary passwords were at home on the computer... Fortunately (but suspiciously) a young man at VFS was able to log into her application and print out the revised confirmation.


So, if you self-upload, make sure you only print the appointment confirmation letter after you have finished uploading!

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The appointment confirmation is something you print and take to VFS, it is not scanned. If you print the confirmation before uploading documents it will, obviously, not include the list of uploaded documents. You have to print it after uploading, something that is not explained in the meagre instructions.

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