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Some 7-11 branches to implement 'no plastic bags' policy from Nov 25


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3 hours ago, crazygreg44 said:

They actually recycle all the rubbish here in the villages


They wait until the dry and cold season. Once when temperatures drop below 20 degree Celsius, they start fires from all the rubbish, gather around and warm their cold hands.


It is called clever energetic use of otherwise wasted rubbish ???????? and ooooh, how they all LOVE the smell of smoldering plastic !




When plastic is burned, it releases dangerous chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, dioxins, furans and heavy metals, as well as particulates. These emissions are known to cause respiratory ailments and stress human immune systems, and they're potentially carcinogenic.

If plastic is to be burned then it should be done in special incinerators that scrub/filter the chemicals produced.  These incinerators can be used (although expensive) to turn waste into energy.

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6 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Yes indeed - I am sure Tesco Lotus and BigC will still continue to provide plastic bags. Here in Isaan, my local Tesco provides a free paper bag on one day per week but it tends to split when filled with heavy items and/or frozen food. Makro has the right idea by providing a trolley which can be wheeled to your vehicle into which you can stack your shopping but I personally find this awkward and time consuming when packing/unpacking. No good for motorcyclists unless they have a sidecar. It will be interesting to see the results of 7-11's pilot project - sales down or sales up ( I bet the former!) and how many products will be left dumped at the check-outs.


Ever tried to take a taxi home from Makro when you forgot to bring bags with you?  Trust me...you won't be saying "Makro has the right idea."


The best answer is biodegradable bags or bags with a refundable deposit. "No bags" period is stupid, and the fact that Europeans don't realize this just goes to show that the EU can be just as ridiculous as any other country.  In any case, the fact that the retail establishments are going to earn windfall profits from no longer having to supply bags means there needs to be a new tax on them to make sure that money saved goes towards the environment and not to their bottom line.


I propose a new 0.1% windfall profits tax on gross sales of all retail chains that are no longer required to provide plastic bags to their customers. That is about what they will save from no longer having to pay for the plastic bags, and makes certain that the inconvenience we all suffer from this policy goes to the environment where it should go, rather than into the bottom line profits of mega corporations.


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On 11/22/2019 at 6:30 PM, fforest1 said:

How many people PLAN ahead of time their 7-11 shopping....


I bet virtually every last person reading this does not PLAN all their 7-11 shopping....


So we carry bags around we us 24/7 now?

Are you advocating to keep using single use plastic??? Habits will have to change...I noticed in Hong Kong and Australia that plastic bags are not used in 7/11s and the queues are still there.  People adapt quite readily when they have to, and for the better.

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19 hours ago, zydeco said:

I have. Twice.

You’ll have to adapt once it becomes the norm. 


22 hours ago, Monomial said:

So they seriously think that when I go in there and take out 6 bottles of beer from the refrigerator, bring it up to the counter in a red basket and pay for it, that I am going to be able to carry it out without a bag? I've only got 2 hands guys...


I have around 50 umbrellas because I can't be bothered to carry one of those around, and I have to buy it everytime. You think I'm going to carry around a bag just to buy beer?  These guys have lost the plot. 7-11 is supposed to be for convenience. If it is inconvenient for me, I ain't gonna pay their premium prices, and I'm sure not going to pay for a useless cloth bag every time. If I have to put in the effort to plan for a shopping trip, I definitely won't plan to pay premium prices at a 7-11.


If CP had even a lick of sense, they'd be fighting the government on this policy rather than capitulating. It is going to kill their business model.



Get used to planning ahead...like people used to before plastic bags were invented.

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1 minute ago, jkcjag said:

You’ll have to adapt once it becomes the norm. 


Get used to planning ahead...like people used to before plastic bags were invented.


Paper bags were used before plastic. Plastic bags were introduced in the 80's as a much greener option to save the trees. <sarcasm>I'm sure the fact that they were 70% less expensive never entered their mind.</sarcasm>


This isn't about planning ahead or the environment. This policy is purely about corporate greed. Don't try and sugar coat it. It's an annoyance to make the rich richer. There are many alternative ways to deal with this problem that are much better.


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5 hours ago, Moonlover said:


And a message to @fforest1 and @billd766 if you don't have car or motorcycle, try a backpack! 


But I do have a pickup truck and if you think that at 75 years old I will walk 6 km each way to the nearest 7/11 your are mistaken. There is I think 1 motorcycle taxi and a few baht buses, but to get to them I have to walk the 6 km to the village first. The baht buses generally go the other way up to Khampaeng Phet.

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22 hours ago, Monomial said:

So they seriously think that when I go in there and take out 6 bottles of beer from the refrigerator, bring it up to the counter in a red basket and pay for it, that I am going to be able to carry it out without a bag? I've only got 2 hands guys...


I have around 50 umbrellas because I can't be bothered to carry one of those around, and I have to buy it everytime. You think I'm going to carry around a bag just to buy beer?  These guys have lost the plot. 7-11 is supposed to be for convenience. If it is inconvenient for me, I ain't gonna pay their premium prices, and I'm sure not going to pay for a useless cloth bag every time. If I have to put in the effort to plan for a shopping trip, I definitely won't plan to pay premium prices at a 7-11.


If CP had even a lick of sense, they'd be fighting the government on this policy rather than capitulating. It is going to kill their business model.



You have got to be kidding me!! You are telling me that you cannot take a cloth bag with you if you are going to get your beer!! For goodness sakes!! So you think it is better to pollute the planet because you cannot be bothered and do not like being inconvenienced!! Then on top of that you reckon CP should be fighting this policy. God help us all if everyone thought like this. 

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6 minutes ago, billd766 said:

But I do have a pickup truck and if you think that at 75 years old I will walk 6 km each way to the nearest 7/11 your are mistaken. There is I think 1 motorcycle taxi and a few baht buses, but to get to them I have to walk the 6 km to the village first. The baht buses generally go the other way up to Khampaeng Phet.

My humble apologies. I must have confused you with someone else. 

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23 hours ago, Monomial said:

So they seriously think that when I go in there and take out 6 bottles of beer from the refrigerator, bring it up to the counter in a red basket and pay for it, that I am going to be able to carry it out without a bag? I've only got 2 hands guys...


I have around 50 umbrellas because I can't be bothered to carry one of those around, and I have to buy it everytime. You think I'm going to carry around a bag just to buy beer?  These guys have lost the plot. 7-11 is supposed to be for convenience. If it is inconvenient for me, I ain't gonna pay their premium prices, and I'm sure not going to pay for a useless cloth bag every time. If I have to put in the effort to plan for a shopping trip, I definitely won't plan to pay premium prices at a 7-11.


If CP had even a lick of sense, they'd be fighting the government on this policy rather than capitulating. It is going to kill their business model.



No words... ????

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4 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

My humble apologies. I must have confused you with someone else. 

OK. You may have confused me with some who cares, at least a fair bit.

I support our local trash team who take everything that I put on the once a week collection. That is where all my recycled plastic bottles go to.


Sometimes it is a PITA living in rural Thailand but I wouldn't want to live in a city any more.

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14 minutes ago, worrab said:

You have got to be kidding me!! You are telling me that you cannot take a cloth bag with you if you are going to get your beer!! For goodness sakes!! So you think it is better to pollute the planet because you cannot be bothered and do not like being inconvenienced!! Then on top of that you reckon CP should be fighting this policy. God help us all if everyone thought like this. 

No. I think it is better to implement a sane policy, such as biodegradable bags or bags with a deposit, rather than an obvious ploy designed to increase corporate profits.  And people who drink the Kool-Aid and buy the cover story that this is to "protect" the environment are part of the problem.


The reason the world is in the state it is is because many people don't bother to think critically and just go out yelling slogans without considering the larger picture.


I say "God help us all" if everyone thinks this policy has been done to help the environment.


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When I’m in Thailand, I carry a little nylon bag that folds down to a tiny package smaller than a tissue packet in my back pocket in case I need to pick up something at Seven or some other store. These bags, dyed in all sorts of colours and patterns, are sold for about 1 euro here in Germany by a national drugstore chain, Rossmann, and they last years and years. If these are not already on the market in Thailand, they could be a lucrative niche product for some entrepreneur.

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6 minutes ago, billd766 said:

OK. You may have confused me with some who cares, at least a fair bit.

I support our local trash team who take everything that I put on the once a week collection. That is where all my recycled plastic bottles go to.


Sometimes it is a PITA living in rural Thailand but I wouldn't want to live in a city any more.

You and I are actually in very similar situations and seem to share the same ideas. I really don't understand how I made that mistake.

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44 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Just got back from one of the three 7-11s within 200 meters of my house. Made sure they know that if there is no bag for me, then no baht for them.

I’m sure they took your threat very seriously. No doubt they consider you vital to their business

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3 hours ago, Beggar said:

Driving around? You are all so funny and think YOUR world is the universe. I live in Pattaya and mostly walk or use sometimes a Baht bus. I don't own a vehicle because I don't need one. And I am for sure not the only one here behaving like this ????????

I guess the big majority of people here have some kind of private transport, so it's not unreasonable to assume this ????

Then you just have to take my word for it. If you seperate your trash you can be certain that the recycleable stuff will be sold by the person who picks up the trash at your place and then it will be recycled, it will not end up in a landfill or burned.


1 hour ago, jkcjag said:

Are you advocating to keep using single use plastic??? Habits will have to change...I noticed in Hong Kong and Australia that plastic bags are not used in 7/11s and the queues are still there.  People adapt quite readily when they have to, and for the better.

I think in 7/11 plastic bags are an important convenient factor.

If i plan my shopping ahead, because i want to buy many things, i bring something to transport it anyway. I don't want to hang 10 plastic bags on my motorbike, but in this case i do my shopping at Big C, i don't go to 7/11.

7/11 is mostly for unplanned shopping trips, and in these cases the plastic bags are useful. Of course i could try to always have a bag with me, but let's face it: Just in the moment when you need it you forgot to take it.

I don't throw the bags just away anyway, i use them to put my trash in. The number of plastic bags which i get matches about the amount of trash which i throw away. If i would always bring my own bag and wouldn't get plastic bags from shopping it would just mean i have to buy trash bags, this would not change anything for the environment, it would just mean some more profit for the shops.

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2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

You and I are actually in very similar situations and seem to share the same ideas. I really don't understand how I made that mistake.

Nothing to worry about.


Nowadays I can blame my mistakes on old age, memory failures etc.

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

I’ve taken a hard stance on latex condom use. For the environment.

LOL!! However:



Latex is a 100% Biodegradable, natural substance that breaks down both in sunlight and water and should never be confused with plastic.Apr 6, 2019


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3 hours ago, zydeco said:

Just got back from one of the three 7-11s within 200 meters of my house. Made sure they know that if there is no bag for me, then no baht for them.

You think this will worry the girls serving behind the counter??  They are employees!

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3 hours ago, Monomial said:

No. I think it is better to implement a sane policy, such as biodegradable bags or bags with a deposit, rather than an obvious ploy designed to increase corporate profits.  And people who drink the Kool-Aid and buy the cover story that this is to "protect" the environment are part of the problem.


The reason the world is in the state it is is because many people don't bother to think critically and just go out yelling slogans without considering the larger picture.


I say "God help us all" if everyone thinks this policy has been done to help the environment.


There are 195 countries in the world.  180 of them have agreed to control plastic waste:



Almost every country in the world, except the United States, agreed to a deal on Friday that would sharply reduce the amount of plastic being washed into the world's oceans.

The legally binding framework for reducing plastic waste means countries will have to monitor and track thousands of types of plastic waste outside their borders.

Germany states that countries should learn from Rwanda and other African countries who have successfully banned plastic.


But of course, the world should be listening to and learning from Monomial and others on this forum rather than to places where it's been tried and tested!!

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I am also re-using the single use plastic bags for my trash or anything else I might need a bag for. But I won't be re-using the single use plastic trash bags if I need to buy them and they are full of trash ????.

Edited by Mak25
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6 hours ago, HHTel said:

There are 195 countries in the world.  180 of them have agreed to control plastic waste:


Germany states that countries should learn from Rwanda and other African countries who have successfully banned plastic.


But of course, the world should be listening to and learning from Monomial and others on this forum rather than to places where it's been tried and tested!!


Who said don't control plastic waste? Nobody said that but you.


I said implement a sane policy to control plastic waste (i.e. a policy that has been tried and tested), not a false policy designed to enrich the bottom line of mega corporations. Plastic pollution can be controlled many different ways, almost all of which I support. But rather than consider a constructive policy, the giant retail merchants are foisting this awful policy on us in order to enrich themselves.


That is what I object to.


If you want to put money into the pockets of the uber wealthy, OK by me. But don't dress it up as something for the environment. I will be happy to sacrifice and accept this *IF* it also comes with a 0.1% windfall profits tax on gross sales of retail merchants who will benefit from this.




Edited by Monomial
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