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UK PM Johnson's lead over Labour narrows one point to 11 points - YouGov poll

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5 hours ago, samran said:

For these blokes, anti-antisemitism is abhorrent, but muslim bashing is totally fine. You'd think they both find them equally disgusting. Go figure. 

I think the main reason for that is ,you rarely see anything bad in the papers that Jews have done ,on the whole they seem to integrate and just get on with their lives just like the rest of the population ,i am afraid on the whole that cant be said of the Islamic community .

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I must admit that having worked with both The jewish community and the Muslim community ,The Jewish people were no different to the people living around them(i have not worked with the Hasidic Jews who wear the funny clothes) in fact if i had not known that they were Jewish i would not have guessed ,far different from the Muslim community i am afraid .although i did meet some quite nice ones as well.

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On 11/28/2019 at 4:04 PM, Orton Rd said:

Anti semitism is not fine nor is anti Muslim, but there is nothing wrong with bashing Judaism and especially not repellent Islam. People are not the same as the ideologies they follow.

You have located the key issue there, but then sadly waltz well off track.


It is not fine to be anti Muslims, Jews, Christians, or indeed Hindus for that matter. These are people who have been brain washed in their youth and it is not their fault.


It is absolutely fine to criticise any religion, and different ones appear more abhorrent to some people than others. For utter foulness (And total idiocy) the Judaic concept of original sin is hard to beat. All Abrahamic religions have shared a vast basket full of sick beliefs at different times, and committed unspeakable acts they believe are condoned by them. Currently the Evangelical Christians, Fundamental Islamists, and Orthodox Jews are competing in the  "Most nutty and/or unpleasant of all" category. It's a close run competition. 


I tend to agree with the view that a competent  leader would see Labour romp home. However Corbyn is at least principled and basically decent, if lightweight. This stuff about being a Commie is only for those whose education has failed to teach them the difference between Communism and Socialism - it is huge. If living in England I would have reservations, but still vote Labour. Corbyn is old, and I expect will soon be replaced, lose or in the unlikely event win.


For heaven's sake the alternative (Brexit views aside) is a proven liar, a total buffoon, a man without any principle whatsoever, and now it is clear from his avoiding interviews on MSM a total coward (No cries of chicken from the Sun or the Mail surprise surprise). How much embarrassment to their own country is anyone prepared to accept, to have Boris as the public face of the UK at home and abroad.

On 11/27/2019 at 9:14 AM, jesimps said:

Can't believe that 32% of my countrymen would vote for a party led by a treacherous, anti-semitic, commie.

you left out brain dead commy and his dumbo sidekick abbott who can only count on 1 hand

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