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Video: Six year old boy dead - but driver survives, thanks to amulet


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Clear cut case.


Amulet caused the accident because of inadequate homage paid.


Clear lesson to all believers here.

Get down to the local temple more frequently and give more alms or you will be the next to be punished.


If this is not possible just drive a lot more carefully. Same result.

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another terrible accident that could have easily been avoided.


completely asinine to say an amulet saved my life.  You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Buddha image, amulet or some other nonsensical artifact here.  It's sad that Thailand is so lost in the pagan ritual belief of Buddhism.

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14 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Maybe wrong - but if you watch closely after the accident you will see a dog run across the road.  I dont think the speeding truck was avoiding it, but I think the one in front (the tortoise) may have slowed down because of the dog, and the person in the truck reacted way too late - and then slammed on the brakes causing lose of control.  As we all know, in Thailand there is very little maintenance of vehicles and the trucks suspension and brakes and tyres were probably all in bad shape. 


The lesson for all is to own a big car/truck/mercedes - or buy an amulet ????



and don't slow down to avoid dogs

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To me, at the start of the first version of the video, the first car (the so-called ‘tortoise’), is in the middle of his lane, and indeed seems to be going at a similar speed to the car passing on the left. The replay is of course in ‘slo mo’.


But then he seems to be slowing down as he moves over to his left. I can’t see his indicator going, but maybe he is about to take a turning to his left, which is out of sight to the camera, or maybe he is about to stop at a road side hot food stall.


The idiot in the pick up behind is going way too fast for those particular road conditions, and maybe, just maybe, he slammed on his brakes because he suddenly realised he was about to miss the turning on his right. As he swerves, he seems to be speeding up, not to avoid the Yaris, but to enter the turning on his right!


At the bottom of the picture, there’s a black and white pole, with what looks like a black lamp at the top. Is it one of those flashing amber lights, perhaps warning of a ‘blind’ turning coming up. If so, maybe that is what the first car is about to turn into, which is why he is slowing.

Edited by silver sea
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The observers of the video can clearly be heard saying that the black pick up was turning in to a side street. That is why it was traveling slowly. It is permissible to slow down for a turning. Had he not slowed down and overshot the corner, you'd all slam him for driving too fast.


The white pick up was driving too fast, braked too late and being a pick up, ended up pear-shaped. Blaming the driver of the white pick up is not correct.


On 11/30/2019 at 7:45 PM, torturedsole said:

Too true.  The Thai tortoises are just as dangerous as they randomly slow down to nothing for no obvious reason or they arrive at a junction and eventually proceed in fits and starts.  Very dangerous and even more mind-boggling as to what the intention actually is.  I always tell my wife to give them a wide berth and try to not get stressed, though appreciate that it's not that easy.  

On 11/30/2019 at 7:38 PM, unamazedloso said:

pickup was speeding and thebone in front being a typical thai tortoise which is so dangerous in itself but hit the brakes in a pathetic rear drum, no weight in the back ute and this is exactly what happens. 

Anyone speaking of amulets should be shot in the head. That thinking is far more serious of an issue.


On 12/1/2019 at 11:35 AM, AussieBob18 said:

Maybe wrong - but if you watch closely after the accident you will see a dog run across the road.  I dont think the speeding truck was avoiding it, but I think the one in front (the tortoise) may have slowed down because of the dog, and the person in the truck reacted way too late - and then slammed on the brakes causing lose of control.  As we all know, in Thailand there is very little maintenance of vehicles and the trucks suspension and brakes and tyres were probably all in bad shape. 


The lesson for all is to own a big car/truck/mercedes - or buy an amulet ????



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