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Lost in translation – Karon seafood restaurant staff chase American customer


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Its really time, that more foreigners start to post all this unfair treatments in of Thais in social media.

That is the only real language Thais understand, when they lose all the foreign costumers and tourists. As a matter of fact, Thailand is a very fascist country. So, why do people still remenber the Hitler regime but never mention Thai with their "Nazi" behavior?????


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  1 hour ago, BobinBKK said:

This is how they all fight, not one of them are man enough to fight their own battle.

I know a Thai guy that could take on six foreigners alone and beat the snot out of them.
BobinBkk ... Do you honestly believe you can beat a competent Muay Thai fighter?  If so, perhaps we can organize some bare knuckle events for you to make some money with.  GOOD LUCK! 555

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I doubt this was a parking dispute. That wouldn't result in all the restaurant staff including waiters and even cooks chasing you.

Perhaps an eat and run, or eat and forget to pay, or eat and refuse to pay an exorbitant bill.

A few observations" the guy hitting with the flag was the same one decked just before, he found a stick near where he landed.  The girl following behind wearing a red top, bike helmet and worried expression seems to be the guys girlfriend.

The last guy carrying a large weapon and running flat out seemed ready to commit murder, perhaps he was most aggrieved by whatever happened. 


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18 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'm thinking he parked in front of their restaurant in a bit of the road they considered theirs.

Doubtful.  The only people that run people off in that area are taxi drivers.  Back to your crystal ball I guess.

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This is happening on a daily basis in Patong, Karon, kata. Tuk-tuk and taxi mafia much more beasts, and often doing the same. The Thai police, having lunch and dinner in those restaurants for free from the owner. Actually, Thais doing whatever they want and happy to pay that bloody 500 fees. Thailand is a wild west and will be until the local owners and taxi mafia hand by hand working together with a police department. The truth is , most of the Thais are not like that and they are a shame too. 

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18 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

The birman staff of the restaurant was not aware of his nationality

every tourist is (Miss)treated in the same bad way with this parking problem


i have been ejected with roughness from a lot of parking lot in front of business in Pattaya.


The only time i have left my motorbike despite the sign ''parking for customers only'' at my

return my tires were flat, Lesson learned. Obviously in Thailand the street is not a public place.

Where does it say that this was a parking dispute, and is it often that a whole bunch of

angry attack a man in the street over such a trivial matter?


When I've parked in someone's perceived space I've been shooed away with chatter

and arm waving, gone on to find an alternative space. No point in getting into a

situation over stuff like this.

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14 minutes ago, shy coconut said:

Where does it say that this was a parking dispute, and is it often that a whole bunch of

angry attack a man in the street over such a trivial matter?


When I've parked in someone's perceived space I've been shooed away with chatter

and arm waving, gone on to find an alternative space. No point in getting into a

situation over stuff like this.

Just look at the video, the brawl start from the parking area

and yes the attack of one man by a whole bunch of angry in the

street other such a trivial matter is quite comon in Thailand, you should

watch the local news more often.


You can be lucky and asked to move away with an arm waving but also be unlucky and

face a very rude attitude and comment, i have personaly experimented the two here in Pattaya.


i agree with your last point, the best thing is to move to an alternative place


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23 hours ago, Ventenio said:

never seen anything so crazy.  this was no misunderstanding.  for sure over money.  bill was probably like 7000 baht and he said he will pay 300.  only money makes you this crazy.   

OMG You've just made a whole story up without any knowledge of what happened, calm down my friend you've got far too much time on your hands. 

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