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Lost in translation – Karon seafood restaurant staff chase American customer


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56 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I notice that Yinn hasn't responded to my post #78 to explain why Thais always fight like a pack of rabid dogs and never one-on-one ????. Even someone who comes on this site to support all things Thai can't explain away that one.

It's a cultural thing, you have probably already heard the ''Thai rak thai'' concept

''Thais love thais'' where each citizen here is asked all life long to stand together in dfficult times


Thailand is still mainly a rural area, and most of these people in low wages employment

are coming from rural areas, were the comunities are very interdependent and welded

(For a lot of good reasons, i do not develop here) so they keep the mentality.


Plus the strong nationalism, a pinch of frustration, an inferiority complex and you have all the answer.

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20 hours ago, DiJoDavO said:

No one here talking about the American tourist? 

I think an angry group of people won't chase you unless you have done something terribly wrong. 

You all act like the group was waiting for a random foreigner to pass and yell GET HIM! 

Yeah, they do that.


No American, ever was boorish, noisy and provocative, even those ex-CIA, Navy Seals and 'Jar Heads' (self-explanatory) people.


Number two in God's own people. Never wrong.

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55 minutes ago, dave s said:

This is the text of the reference to the MGR Online article, which is in Thai. It is close to the Thaiger news article of the original post, and appears to be the source that responses #56 et. al. are based on. Quoting the Thai is relevant because I am going to nitpick about its exact wording.


หนุ่มใหญ่ชาวอเมริกันทะเลาะพนักงานร้านอาหารหลังสื่อสารไม่เข้าใจ ล่าสุดโดนปรับทั้งคู่
:ศูนย์ข่าวภูเก็ต - โดนปรับทั้งคู่ หนุ่มใหญ่อเมริกันเข้าใช้บริการร้านอาหารซีฟูดหาดกะรน ไม่พอใจก่อนวิวาทกับพนักงานร้าน ตร.เข้าระงับเหตุ สุดท้ายถูกปรับทั้งคู่ พบแค่สื่อสารกันผิด
จากกรณีเพจเฟซบุ๊ก “เหยี่ยวข่าว ภูเก็ต Newshawk Phuket” ได้โพสต์คลิป ความยาวประมาณ 30 วินาที พร้อมข้อความระบุว่า #ที่กะรน เกิดอะไรขึ้น..... เหตุเกิดเมื่อวันที่ 2 ธันวาคม 2562 ช่วงเวลา 16.00 น. ที่เกิดเหตุบนถนนหน้าหาดกะรน จังหวัดภูเก็ต” โดยในคลิปดังกล่าวเป็นเหตุการณ์ชุลมุนของกลุ่มคนที่มีการทะเลาะวิวาทกัน ก่อนจะมีผู้เข้ามาแสดงความคิดเห็นเป็นจำนวนมาก

ล่าสุด วันนี้ (4 ธ.ค.) พ.ต.อ.ประวิทย์ สุทธิเรืองอรุณ ผกก.สภ.กะรน เปิดเผยว่า จากกรณีมีการเผยแพร่วิดีโอในสื่อออนไลน์ดังกล่าว ได้สั่งการให้เจ้าหน้าที่รายงานข้อเท็จจริง ทราบว่า เมื่อเวลาประมาณ 16.30 น. วันที่ 2 ธ.ค.62 พ.ต.ต.เตชินท์ ดีทองอ่อน สว.(สอบสวน) สภ.กะรน ได้รับแจ้งเหตุทำร้ายร่างกาย เหตุเกิดบริเวณร้านอาหารซีฟูดแห่งหนึ่ง ถ.เลียบหาดกะรน ต.กะรน อ.เมืองภูเก็ต จึงเดินทางไปตรวจสอบ ที่เกิดเหตุพบคู่กรณีชาวต่างชาติ ทราบชื่อคือ Mr.connelly อายุ 44 ปี สัญชาติอเมริกา กับพนักงานร้านอาหารซีฟูดแห่งหนึ่ง 3 ราย ประกอบด้วย น.ส.ธีราพร ฐิตะยาภรณ์ อายุ 27 ปี นายอาวมิน เว้น อายุ 20 ปี สัญชาติพม่า และนายนาดี อายุ 21 ปี สัญชาติพม่า
จากการสอบสวนทราบว่า Mr.connelly ได้พูดจาสื่อสารกับพนักงานที่ร้านอาหารเกี่ยวกับเรื่องอาหาร แต่เกิดความเข้าใจผิดกันขึ้น ทำให้มีเหตุทะเลาะวิวาทปรากฏตามคลิปวิดีโอ เจ้าหน้าที่ได้ให้ทั้งสองฝ่ายได้พูดคุยปรับความเข้าใจในเหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้น และรับสารภาพว่าได้สมัครใจทะเลาะวิวาททำร้ายกัน แต่บาดแผลไม่ถึงได้รับอันตรายแก่กายหรือจิตใจ จึงทำการเปรียบเทียบปรับคู่กรณีทั้งสองฝ่าย ในข้อหาทำร้ายร่างกายไม่ถึงได้รับอันตรายแก่กายหรือจิตใจ คนละ 500 บาท ตามคดีเปรียบเทียบปรับที่ 700-703/2562 โดยคู่กรณีทั้งสองฝ่ายไม่ติดใจทั้งแพ่งและทางอาญากันแต่อย่างใด


The title of this article is:


หนุ่มใ หญ่ ชาว อเมริกัน   man big person American
ทะเลาะ   quarrel [with]
พนักงาน ร้านอาหาร   staff [of] restaurant
หลัง สื่อสาร   after communicate
ไม่ เข้าใจ   not understand


The article begins:


หนุ่มใ หญ่ อเมริกัน   man big American
เข้าใช้ บริการ   access service [of]
ร้านอาหาร ซีฟูด   restaurant Seafood ("seafood" spelled in Thai letters? definitely not "talay")
หาด กะรน   [at] beach Karon


ไม่ พอใจ   [American] not pleased
ก่อน วิวาท   before fight
กับ พนักงาน ร้าน   with staff [of] store


The article was updated on Wednesday, December 4 by The Manager. It specifically mentions 4 people by name:


อายุ 44 ปี   age 44 year
สัญชาติ   nationality
อเมริกา   America


น.ส. ธีราพร ฐิตะยาภรณ์   Ms. Teeraporn Thitayaporn
อายุ 27 ปี   age 27 year


นาย อาวมิน   Mr. Aomin
อายุ 20 ปี   age 20 year
สัญชาติ   nationality
พม่า   Burma


นาย นาดี   Mr. Nadee
อายุ 21 ปี   age 21 year
สัญชาติ   nationality
พม่า   Burma


The abbreviation "น.ส." (for "nang sow") is for the title of address of a Thai woman. "Teeraporn"? Does that sound like a Burmese name to you? The article explicitly describes the two men as Burmese. But Teeraporn needs no designation of Thai nationality, to a Thai reader of the article. The Thaiger article of the OP does the same. The Manager says that:


ได้พูดจา สื่อสาร   spoke communicated
กับ พนักงาน   with [the] staff
ที่ ร้านอาหาร   at [the] restaurant
เกี่ยวกับเรื่ องอาหาร   about food


Thaiger renders this in English as "Connelly was having a conversation with the staff about food". The Manager says that they were fined:


คนละ 500 บาท   each 500 baht



According to the newspapers, and I have specifically quoted above the text of The Manager, which seems to be her reference, there is at least 1 Thai in this episode, so this response is a lie.



Yes. Thai. Not all foreigner. At least 1 of the 4 named people is Thai. We don't know about the others in the "mob (at least 14 people) armed with sticks and what looks like boards". So this is another lie.



Westerners have a concept called "truth", another called "justice", another called "fairness". Westerners say things like "It's the principle of the thing". It is satirical criticism when Gordon Gekko (the lizard of a man) says "Greed is good". But not in Asia. People have been arguing for almost 10 pages at this point over the facts, over what really happened. Many discussions go on and on and on like that. But none of those things matter to a Thai like Yinn, she cannot "UNDERSTAND". Thailand is money and power and money and corruption and money and ... everything can be bought off with payments in brown envelopes, no matter what actually happened. So this one response is the most disturbing things in the whole discussion.



Well, that's just a lie, according to the very article in The Manager quoted in this response.



The picture has the label "ยวข่าว ภเก็ต". It does not say anything about who the thug with the club is. How do you know it is the restaurant manager? Or is that just something else you made up because it fits your narrative? A foreigner cannot get a work permit to manage a restaurant, because it's a reserved occupation under Thai labor laws, so if it really is the restaurant manager, he has to be Thai. "Oh, officer, I'm not fighting, whenever I go out on the street I always run with a screaming mob, waiving a club -- and if you don't believe me I'll bash your <deleted> skull in with my club." Yeah, right.



Excellent analysis, thanks for that. I've made a local copy because I have a feeling that this might get buried.


When the video goes viral over the coming weeks and months things will 'step up'.


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1 hour ago, ukrules said:

Excellent analysis, thanks for that. I've made a local copy because I have a feeling that this might get buried.


When the video goes viral over the coming weeks and months things will 'step up'.


“Step up” to what? ????????‍♂️

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Im confused. I have read a report elsewhere saying the American wanted to order something NOT on the menu.


He demanded to speak to the manager to complain !!!!!!


The waiters would not get the manager .. presumeably because he was not there !


He got violent.  He was a big guy. The witnesses to this ... helped the waiters chased him off.


No idea what the criticism of Thais / others is about .. but I admit not read all of the thread.


The American guy is one bad arrogant violent idiotic person.


Edited by PAWNEESE
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On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 10:58 AM, snoop1130 said:

American tourist flees mob amid fight with restaurant staff


The American flees the angry mob on the Karon beach road on Monday (Dec 2). Image: CCTV / Karon Police

PHUKET: Police have declined to explained what started a fight between an American tourist and a mob of staff from a seafood restaurant on the Karon beachrfont road on Monday (Dec 2) that ended with the American man fleeing a mob of more than a dozen angry locals.

The incident became public after CCTV footage of the altercation and ensuing chase down the beachfront road was posted online on Monday.


Karon Police Chief Col Prawit Sutthirueangarun told The Phuket News today (Dec 4) that Maj Techin Deethongon of the Karon Police was called to the restaurant, Aof Seafood, at 4:30pm.

Full Story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/american-tourist-flees-mob-amid-fight-with-restaurant-staff-73873.php#zPSipOjXdm32fZAe.97



-- © Copyright Phuket News 2019-12-04

both sides attacked..no the American was defending himself

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1 hour ago, PAWNEESE said:

Im confused. I have read a report elsewhere saying the American wanted to order something NOT on the menu.


He demanded to speak to the manager to complain !!!!!!


The waiters would not get the manager .. presumeably because he was not there !


He got violent.  He was a big guy. The witnesses to this ... helped the waiters chased him off.

yes you are confused

your ''story'' doesn't make sense for at least one reason:

usualy you don't sit in a restaurant for eating with your motorbike helmet still on your head

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5 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

yes you are confused

your ''story'' doesn't make sense for at least one reason:

usualy you don't sit in a restaurant for eating with your motorbike helmet still on your head

He was leaving / being chased off by people who are standing up to bullies.


And Im just guessing .. heading towards his motorbike !!!!!!    



Edited by PAWNEESE
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4 hours ago, PAWNEESE said:

He was leaving / being chased off by people who are standing up to bullies.


And Im just guessing .. heading towards his motorbike !!!!!!    



Let me inform you about something

if you try leaving a restaurant anywhere in Thailand without paying

your bill, you can maybe rush to your motorbike,

but for sure you do not have the time to put your helmet on before to be attacked

that was i was trying to explain to you in my previous post

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8 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

Let me inform you about something

if you try leaving a restaurant anywhere in Thailand without paying

your bill, you can maybe rush to your motorbike,

but for sure you do not have the time to put your helmet on before to be attacked

that was i was trying to explain to you in my previous post

Rubbish explanation, so everyone that pops their helmet on prior to leaving gets set upon? Many occasions the customers have to chase up the bill from busy staff who don,t even notice diners are set to go!

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12 minutes ago, Olmate said:

Rubbish explanation, so everyone that pops their helmet on prior to leaving gets set upon? Many occasions the customers have to chase up the bill from busy staff who don,t even notice diners are set to go!

have you even ever been in Thailand?

How can you pop your helmet on prior to leaving

when in Thailand the helmet stay on the bike?

Obviously there was not a lot of customers in this case

since we can see all the staff ''busy'' to chase the american

so they have had all the time to ''take care'' of the bill BEFORE he leaves

and go to his motorbike, and get his helmet on.

What do you not understand in the timing exactly?

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18 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

have you even ever been in Thailand?

How can you pop your helmet on prior to leaving

when in Thailand the helmet stay on the bike?

Obviously there was not a lot of customers in this case

since we can see all the staff ''busy'' to chase the american

so they have had all the time to ''take care'' of the bill BEFORE he leaves

and go to his motorbike, and get his helmet on.

What do you not understand in the timing exactly?

I live in Patong,eat at out every other day,your up the creek with this response,just wrong,so simple to see really.Either way 2 seconds to slip a helmet on, cheap one or not??Time to pick another topic and come down from that mountain!

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6 minutes ago, Olmate said:

I live in Patong,eat at out every other day,your up the creek with this response,just wrong,so simple to see really.Either way 2 seconds to slip a helmet on, cheap one or not??Time to pick another topic and come down from that mountain!

Ok good to know

avoid Patong where if you left your helmet on your bike

it's immediately stolen

seems to be a very particular place in Thailand

never personaly had or never heard of someone with his cheap helmet stolen

finaly i am quite happy to live now in Pattaya and not in Phuket

it sounds more relax at least on this one

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On 12/4/2019 at 3:50 PM, CNXexpat said:

Perhaps he asked the waitress for "nom" and pronounced it wrong ????

What does nom actually mean?


He was probably simply asking for chicken.






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On 12/4/2019 at 8:34 PM, Isaanbiker said:

  It must have been a stinky "hoi". 



What's 'hoi' mean when it's not in private code.


It would help those of us who don't speak Thai if you bilingual fellows could interpret what you're writing as you go along. I believe there is some rule about posts having to be typed out in English.

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If you do a runner from a restaurant you are stealing not just from the owner but from the serving staff who are loyal to their place. Ive seen Brits, Ameris and Russians apprehended  sometimes by female staff whilst trying to run away. This also happens in the UK. Restaurant staff will gather together to catch and punish a runner. In this incident I applaud the staff and if they worked for me I would be thankful.

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On 12/5/2019 at 9:02 AM, Yinn said:

Please. Before mock, ctitisize, complain, moan and groan about Thai people do the google search about this story.




the american admit he start the fight.

The burmese then fight him back.






No injury. Everyone pay small fine. Why not?

Maybe, just maybe the police let any Thai people who were involved get away without any 500 baht fine and only fined the Burmese and the unfortunate Yank.


That rak Thai and so on.

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On 12/5/2019 at 9:59 AM, Orton Rd said:

TAT should use the vid to promote adventure holidays, some people actually like traveling to dangerous places

Brilliant idea.


They should show the video on Match of the Day. There'll be hordes of West Ham and Millwall fans fighting to get past the immigration desks at Phuket Airport.

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On 12/5/2019 at 10:03 AM, Matzzon said:

Why is that. I said that passing, eating or even complaining about the food does not create a reaction like this. I also believe that he might have been doing something to get this reaction.

I definately do not accept that people get attacked by mobs. Although, that happens in all countries when people go too far. Mostly it probably have to be something much more bad than this to be attacked in another country. However, this was in Thailand and here people react differently according to things and that has to do with culture. People that can´t accept the culture, understand it or adept to it is always getting into problems.

For an example: If you would call somebody a water monitor in the US, England or Australia people would probably just look at you and laugh. Here that is one of the most bad things you can call somebody. When dealing with other cultures and do not fully understand them, I am saying that it´s advised to thread carfully. 

By, the way, thank you. Yes, I meant manners. ????

Few people especially foreigners would know what a 'water monitor' even is. It would be lost in translation.


I'm English and I've never heard of such an expression. A milk monitor or a monitor lizard yes, but never a water monitor.

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2 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Let me inform you about something

if you try leaving a restaurant anywhere in Thailand without paying

your bill, you can maybe rush to your motorbike,

but for sure you do not have the time to put your helmet on before to be attacked

that was i was trying to explain to you in my previous post

Just see what happens if you leave a bar without paying your bill. They'll be on you like hawks and understandably so.

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1 hour ago, kingofthemountain said:

Ok good to know

avoid Patong where if you left your helmet on your bike

it's immediately stolen

seems to be a very particular place in Thailand

never personaly had or never heard of someone with his cheap helmet stolen

finaly i am quite happy to live now in Pattaya and not in Phuket

it sounds more relax at least on this one

It's the same in Pattaya. You often used to see helmets left with parked motor bikes. Not so often nowadays.

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