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Cultural Reason Or No Reason?

November Rain

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Human nature is strange, you get some guy will never ever ride a motorbike without a helmet but then he <deleted>-ks unknown girls in shortime bars without a rubber.

Then you have the guy that <deleted>-ks everywhere without a rubber but would never go outside in a thunderstorm incase he gets struck by lightning !

Brilliant! Agreed mak mak!

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you know, when I was a kid, (a fair few years ago) in the uk, I learned to ride a horse, bare-backed and standing up, at a gallop - out shooting with a shotgun before I was 12, jumped onto water (and rubbish) filled quarries for a dare, learned to swim in deep fast running rivers, built go-carts, bombs, canons etc. and generally had fun.

In todays Health-and-Safety led culture where risk-taking is frowned upon and where, following any sort of incident, our usual response is to find someone to blame, I find myself looking back and cringing at the risks I took and survived (just). On the other hand, I had a richness of experience that my children were unable to have because of the necessity to wrap them up in cotton wool.

I have no answers, only two questions..........................is it better to be safe than curious? when everyone has grown up in the no-risk culture, who will be prepared to risk their lives on our behalf?

Just my two pennyworth.

In HK, I think things are going crazy! You are not even allowed to have a football match when there is a thunderstorm warning signal! That is crazy! No one wants to be responsible for anything! People act like robots.

If you ask them something they just recite something out of the regulations. Even doctors are no different.

I can foresee that within 20 years, babies would be wearing helmets while learning to walk! Or are they wearing them already?

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Is telling the truth about Thai people considered Thai bashing? If so then all of you might as well just pack up and take your toys home with you. There will be no reality here.

Most people are taught not to think.

Now think about that statement.

America and most of the civilized western world are churning out stupid people in droves. Stupid is as stupid does. If the parents are stupid then how much can you expect from their offspring? No one thinks anymore because the nanny governments do the heavy lifting for you.

What Thai people lack is common sense. They also lack logic contrary to all of you who will admonish me that they possess "Thai" logic. For thinking people, there is only logic, as it transcends race and culture, it is the mathematics of life.

We have more stupid illogical people than they have in Thailand.

Cities have an abundance of stupid people. In my country I regularly told a few hundred thousand people on talk radio, that what happens in the city will eventually come to the suburbs. You can run but you cannot hide. While crime is a minority thing in America, it is becoming more commonplace in the suburbs as morality and justice are lost on most people.

Most crime in my country is committed by Blacks. Racist? Maybe, but it's true. The numbers don't lie. Oh yeah, that's the logic thing coming into play again. Most crime is black on black and is committed by young people.

The criminals here in Pattaya are not only stupid, but they have no logic, no common sense and they couldn't hold a candle to a real criminal in America. The biggest badass here would wet himself if he ever encountered a real badass from New York or Washington. They don't drive motorbikes, nor do they carry guns that blow up in your hand.

We have the real thing in America.

Farangs come here and turn off their brains. They figure they are better than the Thais and can beat them at the no thinking game. They're right, they are even more stupider than their Thai counterparts.

They know better.

Thai people seem to have shorter fuses than most and they don't think about the consequences of their actions.

I find them dangerous.


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One more thing: I'm days away from having a son. My parents are sending me a very expensive car seat from the USA. My mother brought me home in a box. They didn't have car seats back then and she just told me about the box thing. The hospital gave me to her in a box which she put on the floor of the car for the ride home. My baby car seat won't make it here in time.

I remember standing on the back seat as my father drove his 1963 Ford Falcon. I don't think I wore a seat belt until I was a teen.

I wouldn't ride in a car without one.


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Despite all the supposed unsafe-ness (grammar) and everything else, I have seen less deadly accidents in LOS than USA. Then there's my controversial theory that in LOS it's white people's turn to be a minority and this is how it feels. Let them run their own country. Let them be dependent on foreign work. It keeps me employed. etc etc

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It's one's perception of a threat or danger, however realistically or unrealistic is what makes us filter the odds.

I've been to the edge of the Grand Canyon many times, a freak gust or an errant misstep is all it will take. Some sheepishly approach the edge, caviler others saunter right up.

Experience will dictate behavior more than education.

Road-rash scars for instance from motor bike mishaps, are the norm in the LOS, not the exception, common as tattoos or an immunization scar. Yet the perceived odds are that I most likely will not have an accident today. :o

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Farangs come here and turn off their brains. They figure they are better than the Thais and can beat them at the no thinking game. They're right, they are even more stupider than their Thai counterparts.

Good one JR............... :o

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