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Trump is fourth U.S. president to face impeachment as Democrats unveil charges

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38 minutes ago, kamahele said:

Have you ever before heard a president ask three other governments to interfere in a political campaign to favor himself?

No, not ever. Never to this day.


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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

And so it begins...


I think that I view this situation a bit different than others; while Trump is officially on trial, I view it as the Republican Party as being on trial. Trump is what he is, I think most knew what he is and there isn't much more to say about it.


The Republican party, on the other hand, was something different, something much better. While not perfect (nothing is actually perfect), it stood for numerous principles that mattered; ethics in government, a free-market economy, a strong judicial system, morality in public affairs, a promotion of Rights and Freedoms abroad, the Rule of Law, efficient and effective government that lived within it's means, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.


I don't recognize the Republican party in Trump's America, and I find that sad. I see people who spent their careers fighting for honesty and ethics in government meekly spouting Trump's ever-changing defense/lie of the day. I see people who spent their careers trying to ensure that the government lived within it's means and did not run huge deficits meekly voting to balloon the deficit. I see people who spent their careers fighting the evil ideologies around the world and promoting truth, morality, ethics, and Rule of Law now spewing Putin's talking points. 


The decline of the Republican party is a hard thing to watch. I see Senators like Burr, Portman, Alexander, Sasse. Romney, and more being silent when they have a duty to speak. I see Grassley, a life-long advocate for a whistle-blower law demanding that it be suspended. I see Cruz (NOT a favourite!) defending Trump's nonsense after he had his own father accused of being involved in the JFK shooting!


I could go on. And on. And on. And on.


The Republican party desperately needs to get it's Mojo back.


I look at Trump and come back to something that I have posted several times; what I call the Trump Test. And, by the way, I have never had an answer...


Can anyone name a person, other than perhaps Niki Haley, who has been associated with Trump and had their reputation enhanced for the effort? A single person? One? If you can't name a person whose reputation has been enhanced for their work/association with Trump, then that speaks volumes.


I have said it before and (sadly) need to say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


Please Americans (Republicans and Democrats alike), get rid of this odious cancer!


Oh, and rejoin the Paris Accords.




Republicans to this Independent represented fiscally responsible, free trade supporters and integrity to stand up for their beliefs. I personally look to former Republicans to see what happened. They to me represent opinions I value. Never has any Trumpite  proved to be more than a blind supporter. SAD.

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1 hour ago, earlinclaifornia said:

Republicans to this Independent represented fiscally responsible, free trade supporters and integrity to stand up for thier beliefs. I personally look to former Republicans to see what happened. They to me represent opiions I value. Never has any Trumpite  proved to be more than a blind supporter. SAD.

Can you explain to me what a "Trumpite" is? Sounds borderline anti-LGBTQ to me.

14 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

... There is time to rename libraries later.

Imagine the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum!

What a joke for an illiterate clown...

I guess that even the bathroom (with the weak toilets) would be far too much honor to house The Collected Tweetings of #45

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And so the soap opera of "Protectionist America 2024" goes on.

I would be most likely that Trump will indeed be charged. Next act to be what happens in the  Senate?

Could it be that the silence maintained by the majority of Republican Senators is an indication of outcome?

Not because that silence indicates support but is merely self protection until such time as they  can swiftly oust the source of their own suppression?

Pence  gets his time in the top seat, Trump trundles down to a law office to find willing  defenders of the  very many other charges that await although any such  may want to see financial records first to be sure they will get paid, the USA gets back to a political situation that is not so preoccupied by a blustering egocentric, the rest of the world breathes an expectant sigh of relief, except perhaps Putin who will have to initiate plan B , and Boris is  deprived of his assumed  sole "ally?

That's the thing about soap operas. The script is written on the fly.




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1 minute ago, HuskerDo said:

Correction... Trump is the 3rd and not the 4th to face impeachment. Can't count Nixon as he took a walk/resigned before anything got going. Of the other two neither was removed from office. So, in the 240+ years of the existence of the country never has a President been removed from office. It will fail this time too and the Dems will spend the next 5 years hearing Trump say "I told you so".    


The Dems took a silly chance on this charade and will have to live with the results. So sad. 


It's Reuters what do you expect? I haven't googled the impeachment thing but Reuters almost always has very basic, fundamental, mistakes in their articles. Reuters is even too unpredictable to even be considered biased. It's just a wasteland of utter inaccuracies..

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4 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

Look at their faces. All so sad. it's like they are collectively saying "we know this won't happen and we made a mistake but we have nothing better to run on against Trump". WOW! Stunning.





I thought that was solemnity, sincerity and prayerfulness?

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2 minutes ago, J Town said:

They don't take any joy in this. The whole thing is a sad embarrassment. The world is LAUGHING at how Trump has soiled the office of the president, has denigrated his entire security officers while supporting the Saudis and Russians - this will go down in infamy as one of the most divisive, dark times in U.S. history.


You have an authoritative well balanced way of articulating yourself. Sort of reminds me of FDR

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1 minute ago, J Town said:

They don't take any joy in this. The whole thing is a sad embarrassment. The world is LAUGHING at how Trump has soiled the office of the president, has denigrated his entire security officers while supporting the Saudis and Russians - this will go down in infamy as one of the most divisive, dark times in U.S. history.

For many of us the US presidency, whoever the president, is a comedy show, from Hoppalong Reagan to Clinton (Pussy Grabber 1) - then who can forget Dubya - Obama (more hat than cattle), and now Trump (Pussy Grabber 2)

35 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

Correction... Trump is the 3rd and not the 4th to face impeachment. Can't count Nixon as he took a walk/resigned before anything got going. Of the other two neither was removed from office. So, in the 240+ years of the existence of the country never has a President been removed from office. It will fail this time too and the Dems will spend the next 5 years hearing Trump say "I told you so".    


The Dems took a silly chance on this charade and will have to live with the results. So sad. 

Its the 4th. Nixon was impeached.

4 minutes ago, J Town said:

They don't take any joy in this. The whole thing is a sad embarrassment. The world is LAUGHING at how Trump has soiled the office of the president, has denigrated all his security administrations while supporting the Saudis and Russians - this will go down in infamy as one of the most divisive, dark times in U.S. history.

"The whole thing is a sad embarrassment"...... if you mean for Trump think again.  He'll be talking about this every chance he gets when it all falls apart for the Dems.


"The world is LAUGHING at how Trump has soiled the office of the president".... really? The WORLD is laughing? If you mean he soiled the office by sticking up for the country he loves then so be it. He's negotiating a far better trade deal with China (of which he has the upper hand) and the new agreement to replace the absurd NAFTA deal is about to happen for the US, Mexico and Canada. 


I can hear the chant from here.... FOUR MORE YEARS.... FOUR MORE YEARS....

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1 minute ago, HuskerDo said:

"The whole thing is a sad embarrassment"...... if you mean for Trump think again.  He'll be talking about this every chance he gets when it all falls apart for the Dems.


"The world is LAUGHING at how Trump has soiled the office of the president".... really? The WORLD is laughing? If you mean he soiled the office by sticking up for the country he loves then so be it. He's negotiating a far better trade deal with China (of which he has the upper hand) and the new agreement to replace the absurd NAFTA deal is about to happen for the US, Mexico and Canada. 


I can hear the chant from here.... FOUR MORE YEARS.... FOUR MORE YEARS....

Yes the dems have negotiated a new nafta deal. Good job. Hope moscow mitch tables it instead of the other 400 deals he refuses to table.


hows that china deal coming along.

  • Haha 1
31 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Yes the dems have negotiated a new nafta deal. Good job. Hope moscow mitch tables it instead of the other 400 deals he refuses to table.


hows that china deal coming along.


Mitch is going to hold it a little while. Everybody knows it so it's priced into the market for him to do so. It didn't move it today and won't until it passes. The reason he will do this other than they have stacked the federal courts with judges in the meantime.


This solves the economy in the short term, Trump got a huge victory today, and anything the dems will do has to be postponed until after the embarrassment of the senate trial wears off for the dems.


The dems have circled their wagons backwards now. They still need to go through an election where they are also acting as a circular fire squad. The articles are under dispute and very much so. However Trump is running uncontested, unencumbered by the mundane events of primaries unopposed.


tick tock.

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It appears that a small percentage of his base has defected. I know alot of conservatives in the US that hate him, and most of his policies. They did not vote for a man who would hike the annual deficit to over a trillion dollars, prove that he cannot negotiate his way out of a paper bag, get blackmailed by Putin, behave like a super neurotic, very insecure, crazed juvenile, alienate nearly all of our allies, and coddle nearly all dictators.


I am predicting that with his vast fortune, Bloomberg will soon become the front runner. Warren and Sanders are far too liberal and extreme, and the senate impeachment proceedings may sideline them for awhile, Biden lacks any sort of passion, fire or charm at this stage, and the others continue to fade. Trump will be fairly easy to beat, if Bloomberg can gain the recognition needed. Mylie Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Sylvester Stallone, or Matt Damon could beat him at this point. People are very tired of his nonsense, and there is a desperate cry to return the nation to the hands of someone stable, mature, and intelligent.

"I know alot of conservatives in the US that hate him"... By ALOT I assume you mean less than 100. Insignificant. 


"They did not vote for a man who would hike the annual deficit to over a trillion dollars, prove that he cannot negotiate his way out of a paper bag"..... are you talking about Trump or a few that recently preceded him?

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4 hours ago, webfact said:


According to Reuters/Ipsos polling, 44 percent of Americans support impeachment, with 42 percent opposed.

Pretty damning poll for Trump as more Americans eager to impeach him compare with Clinton and Nixon. Clinton and Nixon were polled at 53% and 55% disapproval respectively. It seem many want to see him leave office. I can’t disagree more with the general consensus. 

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