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Does Thailand Have Honest Straight Girls?

Do Straight Thai Girls Cheat?  

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Thai Lover

There is a tradition in Thailand of girls marrying older men. As a man over 50 myself I would like to have got married to a nubile 20 year old, but settled for someone only 7 years younger who is totally devoted and faithful.

There are many problems with marrying someone much younger - for example they may want (at some future time) to have a family of 3-4 children when you already have a crop of your own already grown up and you certainly don't want the expense and effort to go through all that again.

A long-term marriage means that when you are 70 and getting a little droopy in the ‘meat and 2 veg’ department, she will be only 40 and still pretty horny. After only a small number of years the differences will become irreconcilable and divorce would be almost inevitable.

What percentage of sexy, vivacious 21 year olds who married 50 year old men have gone on to have long-term stable successful marriages. I would suggest a number close to zero. I think the 'optimum age gap' for compatibly is 5-10 years. It may be great to have a young lady on your arm aged 50, but look at things from the girl's point of view and you may see things differently. :o

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To laugh is to risk appearing a fool

To weep is to risk being called sentimental

To reach out to another is to risk involvement

To expose feeling is to risk showing your true self

To place your ideas & your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive

To love is to risk not being loved in return

To live is to risk dying

To hope is to risk despair

To try is to risk failure...

The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing

The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing

and becomes nothing

Only the person who risks is truly free.


1. "True Love" is somewhere and the time can tell

2. Its meaning is devaluated when some more factors involved; physical attraction, untrustworthy, sexual pleasure, greed, etc.

3. One sweet sugar daddy and one Marmalade young girl sounded a perfect match

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If you are that young, maybe you need an older woman - age gap works both ways.

The average age gap for Thai-farang relationships (from a couple of polls) is around 10-12 years. In about 12% of cases the Thai partner was older.

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rainman Posted on Tue 2004-06-08, 03:07:00

QUOTE (stroll @ Tue 2004-06-08, 02:57:52)

Just curious, what is a bbbj?

bony british beef jerky. everyone knows that. geez, some people live in the stone age!!

So why would bony british beef jerky rank as a positive attribute alongside trustworthyness and the likes for Chonabot and friends? And what is the talk about practising it, is it a religion?

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BBBJ = Bare Backed blowjob ,ie sans cindom , mai mee meechai et al

Me was just trying to add some light (hand) relief to a tiresome subject..

Believe dudes , when I had a bit of marital stress , no disrespect , but I would/did not come here for the answers.

Surely Mr Thaiseducerbwoy is just having a trolling escapade , no?

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Listen fellas !!!!!!! Get a life. The original person in this topic is 50 years old and talking like he a 10 year old on his way to puberty. If your not married that person has the whole world to play the dating field and that includes sex at ones choice. BF or GF it makes no difference. As of who claims one or the other saying GF or BF is considered mutual if both parties agree to such and in most cases it does get broken due to hormones or some emotional shindig one experiences from time to time. In long distance relationships it is fair game like it or not. No sympathy for me. So grow up and quit playing fox games or beauty contest on looks or is she or he faithful thing or another hottie from KFC or McD. Once married that is when one to one commitment takes place and that is when the playing field stops concerning others in various walks of life.

Now this sums up the whole story, anything else it is classified the BS department as far as I see it.

Daveyo :o

What a load of American twaddle..

Daveyo you biatch ! HOw's its hanging U Dog?


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Interesting debate.

You have to go into a relationship with a Thai girl with your eyes open.

Sure the sex is great,they are cute and fin to be with etc etc .

You cant tell me that falang chicks dont screw around!!

The main difference between a Thai girl and say an American girl is that if they come from a poor background and most would have,you are going to inherit the Family.

This means they are looking for someone not only to look after them but help their family.

Wealthy Thai families in the main would frown upon their daughters have a falang boyfriend...its just not done.

In my case at 45 and having had a few in their 20s over the past few years I now have a beautiful,sweet,very well preserved 40 year old thai lady.

Sure she still has her moments of ting tong ,but in the main she is way better than the gorgeous sexy glamor 20 year olds.

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I am not a Thai man, but from Europe, however living in Asia since 1972.....

Yes, the Asian girl will tell you a lie, and I am surprised, that you are not aware of it. - ...

I feel somehow, Thailand is not the right place for you.

Did you look around in some other countries already?

Well, my hat is off to you. You have lived 30 years in Asia. I have only been there about ten times. You must have ton of experiences to report. I wish I had your wisdom.

I know that Thailand people do lie - quite frequently - to keep face. However, I still hoping to find a little honesty in all the roughage. Perhaps it is just me; I am setting too high standards for the Thai girls.

I have visited several countries and cities, including Singpapore, Malaysia, China and HK. I find the Thai girls to be the most "charming" and welcoming, and forget Singapore girls; they are more stuck-up than US girls.

Perhaps Thai girls are only good for play, not for GFs or wifes. As stated earlier, I am done with playing around with bar-girls - I really enjoy a real relationship with a healthy lady, at any age.

You say that a marriage makes a difference with Thai people. Why do you say this? I know that most Thai men (75%) sleep around, after marriage. This does not seem any better than the behaviour before marriage.

If I scratch Thailand off my list for finding a faithfull GF, what country do you suggest instead?

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What do you think, should I do with a Thai girl, who is 30 years younger than I, looking like a model, and who is telling me (a lie), that she loves only me and this forever until the end of her life???

1- Telling her the truth about myself, that I am a married man, children grown up, and that I love her too, and of course until the end of this night?

(baht 1000,- peaceful night)

2- Give the girl a good spanking on her bare model-a*s after removing her panty, so she tells me, she feels so sorry, she never will do that again, and from now on she truly loves only me and will show me straight, how honest she is after her punishment?

(baht 1500,- wild night)

3- Kick the girl out of the room, she will cry and tell me she is only a very very little liar, usually she is a good girl, she is only a liar for some days because her dear aunty is in the hospital with headache, ready to die because of heart problems....

she needs urgently buy medicine....(beer?)

(baht 500,- and spend the night alone without listening to this bulls**t all time)

I love it! I really do.

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There is a tradition in Thailand of girls marrying older men.

It may be great to have a young lady on your arm aged 50, but look at things from the girl's point of view and you may see things differently. :o

I know I should not be able to marry a girl much younger than 35-40, in the US.

However, when you look at the young Thai lady's point of view; when a Thai girl marries an older man she gets a stable (read: financially secure), honest and well traveled man that can take care of her entire family, show her around the world and raise her social status several notches - without working or going to school.

I think it is a great deal for the Thai girl, and if she gets bored (or the husband dies off) she can divorce and marry another farang and get half the assets of the first husband.

The Thai girls control the whole equation, whether you believe it or not. I wish I was Thai girl. I would be the best baht vacuum-cleaner in the whole world. :D

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If I scratch Thailand off my list for finding a faithfull GF, what country do you suggest instead?

Try Cambodia. Khmer girls are a lot more sincere and appeciative than Thai girls. They aint been spoilt by falangs throwing themselves at their feet yet, and they dont watch silly soaps where women yell at men all day and everyone is shagging about.

Oh yeah, they're fuller breasted also. :o

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To laugh is to risk appearing a fool

To weep is to risk being called sentimental

To reach out to another is to risk involvement

To expose feeling is to risk showing your true self

To place your ideas & your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive

To love is to risk not being loved in return

To live is to risk dying

To hope is to risk despair

To try is to risk failure...

The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing

The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing

and becomes nothing

Only the person who risks is truly free.

No offense to all the other posters, but this must be one of the best postings so far!!!

Who are you?

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To laugh is to risk appearing a fool

To weep is to risk being called sentimental

To reach out to another is to risk involvement

To expose feeling is to risk showing your true self

To place your ideas & your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive

To love is to risk not being loved in return

To live is to risk dying

To hope is to risk despair

To try is to risk failure...

The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing

The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing

and becomes nothing

Only the person who risks is truly free.

No offense to all the other posters, but this must be one of the best posting so far!!!

Who are you?

I agree that it's not too bad................

There are not too many bar girls who I would credit with such insight (or express it as she "?" has)

Maybe she has memorised it from another source.

Anyway it's a lot better than some of the foregoing trash.

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> ie sans cindom , mai mee meechai et al

Ah, pet peeve alert.. :o

Chonny, nobody in Thailand uses 'meechai' for condom anymore, and that's assuming this was ever actually the case anyway. I think it made a nice line in several magazine articles and documentaries, but I have NEVER heard a Thai person actually use the word. I HAVE heard foreigners use the word and receive mostly blank stares in return until perhaps an older Thai person makes the connection.



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If I scratch Thailand off my list for finding a faithfull GF, what country do you suggest instead?

First of all I would look for a faithful wife for marriage, and not look too much into a faithful girl-friend. In Thailand you never know - pure luck, and as the Thai man is rather open moving around women, the young Thaigirl feels pretty free to do so among men.

My personal opinion is, that a Thai woman is not really fitting into your requirement, which means to follow you out of Thailand to a rather unclear future.

No intention of you so far to settle down in Thailand, nor to invest something in her family or relatives......

However, when you look at the young Thai lady's point of view; when a Thai girl marries an older man she gets a stable (read: financially secure), honest and well traveled man that can take care of her entire family, show her around the world and raise her social status several notches - without working or going to school.

I think it is a great deal for the Thai girl, and if she gets bored (or the husband dies off) she can divorce and marry another farang and get half the assets of the first husband.

Do not expect, that a Thaigirl thinks in this way....and for sure, she is not thankful to you for offering her such a life...(which means also to accept a lot of restrictions, and you have 3 children too.)

Thailand is not so poor off, and family values are high. And there are men out better than what you can offer. So your offer is not really such a great deal.

I think, you must look for somebody, who is clearly one step below the Thai living standards and Thai girl mentality.......

A girl, who is out of total poverty, had a very bad past.....and who does not care about anything anymore, does not have any relatives, is in a terrible situation, a woman, who gave up herself already....just ready to go with everyone, who gives her a chance....

Look somewhere in Cambodia, or Burma, Philippines or India, Africa........

Yes such girls are also out somewhere.... but I think, not in Thailand....


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Are you saying modern straight Thai girls are simply loose and sexy, without considerations or respect for a boyfriend?

PS Yes, I plan to wait the marriage plans. My GF's father wants her to finish college before she has a boyfriend. Little does he know about the real life of his Thai daughter... (smile)

yawn................., you talk about Thai women like they are some sub species only on the Planet to satisfy the lusts and desires of aging forgien men.

If anyone is under the illusion that the women in Thailand are in any way bad, just get a women from your own country, you have that choice,well..................maybe you don't have a choice.

In USA and UK, girls have sex with people as they do in every country on the planet, its natural, we all do it, yet people expect Thai women not to do it, unless they are doing it with fat farangs for money, i really think that a lot of members of this forum should get out more. Its easier to get a shag on a friday night in any pub or club in USA or UK or Japan than it is is Thailand, (i am talking unpaid sex), and if you want to pay, try a Japanese HighSchool Girl (Yes, with uniform!) in Tokyo for 30,000 yen, there are hundreds on the game, and if you go to Roppongi on a friday night you will be hard pushed to find a Japanese officegirl not wanting to have sex with a guy.

I am sure that many of the guys that start these topics never had a sex life before paying for sex with Asian women, then they find that they cannot get attracted to women of their own age and colour anymore, then they realise that they are just another old man in their own countries, so they continue to Come to Asia where they can exploit the fact that the people are nice, yet low paid. And the idea of marrying a farang is an attractive opportunity for many girls.

If Thai women where the ugliest creatures on the Planet, you guys would never have been to Thailand. Thaiwomen are human beings, they just happen to be atttractive to western men, and many are not in a very good financial situation, hence plane loads of farangs arrive daily, some with good intentions , some with not so good intentions, but its all just life, the same as goes on all over the world. My mother was English, she was a slag, my sister is English and was pregnant at 14, i lost my virginity to a girl in the UK 30 mins after i first met her. So what, who cares?

You are 50, she is 21, and as you have said that you always liked young girls, in 15 years time she will be 36, and you will still like young girls, so in fact she is completely wasting her time. you will be a 65 year old with an eye for young girls, she will be too old for you.

For a guy that is 50 years old, you appear to have had a very limited and sheltered life.

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Guys & girls, the last two postings show you have a limited understanding of successful 50 year old single men in America.

Do you think a 50 year old man can not find and date (young) girls in his own country!? - That he can only can date young girls from desperate financial situations!? Maybe it is true for some, but not for me.

I date more beautiful girls (in the US) than when I was 21 years old! True...

I do not want to say any bad words, but this dialog disgust me. I do not want to get into a pissing contest, but now you are pushing me.

Here is a link to a real picture of me and some friends - in America, not Thailand. There is no trick photography, and I am not hiding under some fake identity. Come on guys – give it a rest:

Me and Some Friends

I have a very good life in the US. I just happen to have fallen in love with a Thai girl, and I am not sure what to expect from her – and what is normal with Thai girls in general.

And, there is no need to talk down about Thai girls. Most Thai girls are struggling to meet their financial ends, and are simply trying to survive as they see fit.

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No jest.

The picture is real and is taken of me (with some friends) in San Francisco.

I have never been to Cambodia, but have heard many things about the place.

lol.. Now yer starting to crack me up :o

If you got so many asian friends in Thailand/USA why post on a thai web board asking people you dont know, and that dont know you how things operate over here???

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Was told along time ago the only honest women you meet are hookers they tell it to you as it is you pays your money has your way and off you go no promises of enternal love in the UK 3 in 5 end in divorce and they were all striaght women dont know the rate here but hear many stories of bad thinks happening to guys here but to the fellows that have made it work I wish all the best as for myself still married to Thai wife and have a reasonable relationship .


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Perhaps Thai girls are only good for play, not for GFs or wifes.

However, when you look at the young Thai lady's point of view; when a Thai girl marries an older man she gets a stable (read: financially secure), honest and well traveled man that can take care of her entire family, show her around the world and raise her social status several notches - without working or going to school.

I think it is a great deal for the Thai girl, and if she gets bored (or the husband dies off) she can divorce and marry another farang and get half the assets of the first husband.

The Thai girls control the whole equation, whether you believe it or not. I wish I was Thai girl. I would be the best baht vacuum-cleaner in the whole world.

If you believe that's all we have been expecting from our foreign hubby, then you should scratch Thailand off your list. Please do.

The orginal poll/question is pure nonsense. There are good and bad people everywhere. I never doubt if there are sane people in the US. I know for a fact there are, even though a lot of you guys have done a bloody good job on ruining your country's reputation.

It's not fair and is pretty stupid to tar everyone with the same brush. There are cheaters in every country. There are liars in every country. What makes you believe we are only good for play and are not made to be girlfriends/wives? Many guys on this forum have had good experiences/lives with their Thai girlfriends/wives. It's down to an individual. If it doesn't work out for you with this girl, it has absobloodylutely nothing to do with her nationality (or even yours for that matter). Just ditch her and move on. There are a lot more attractive, honest, faithful, mature Thai women with high sex drive out there.

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Been following this thread for a while. I find TL1's comments / poll kind of bizarre, but each to their own.

A few have said here (and I'm paraphrasing) that you've just got to try to find your own way. I agree, there's no "one size fits all" approach to this.

IMHO a big age difference will make everything that much harder though. Whether you're in Thailand, Asia, the US or the UK, the odds against you will be that much bigger.

Been living & working here for a few years now. 34, single, had a few local girlfriends, some BG, some not. All have fizzled out coz' after a while I just couldn't connect on any level with a girl usually ~10 years younger than me.

Current GF is 30, divorced, has 1 kid etc etc etc. Whatever, greater maturity seems to make it easier to get along (note, I did not say easy, farang-Thai relationships rarely seem to be). Will it work out? No idea!

So, Mr TL1, I fear you may be looking in the wrong place, but good luck anyway.

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