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Blood type 0- urgently required


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We are in Chiang Mai currently visiting our father Malcolm Burn, a UK expat living in Chaing Mai, who is currently in the Sriphat Medical Center. He has been diagnosed with leukemia which has depleted his red blood platelets and urgently needs a transfusion so we can fly him back to the UK on Friday 20th December.  His bloodtype is 0- which is very rare in Thai people, 0.04% of population. In the UK it's around 7%, hence the reason we want to get him back there. The hospital had a donor ready to give blood today but unfortunately he developed a fever so had to cancel. Both myself and my sister had our bloods checked but are both 0+. 
If anyone reading this can help please reply to this post as soon as possible or call me on 07754164524.

Best regards and many thanks.
Chris Burn.

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37 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Also worth trying the Red Cross. They have links to many places and can tell you if there is any available stock at any blood bank.

Thank you, British Embassy have contacted the red cross too. Good to know they can check all available stock.

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8 hours ago, b8jamin said:


I'm O- and live in Chiang Mai.

I was treated for a lymphoma 5 years ago and received blood. I know that would disqualify me in my home country (France) as a blood donor but afaik this is only a precaution, there isn't known risk about that.
If doctor is OK, I would be happy to help with my blood, just contact me by PM.



Hi Benjamin

I've sent you a PM I think. Please let me know if you don't receive it. I'm new to this site so may have done it wrong!

Thank you, Chris

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59 minutes ago, jonwilly said:

I have just tried to phone you on 07754164524 and each time the Thai operator tells me the number is not correct.


Hi John, thank for trying, I'm not sure why the number isn't working. 

Please see my last post though, we've found a donor and are very hopeful for the trip back to the UK tomorrow night. I would urge you to add your name to Chaing Mai hospitals list of emergency donors as there are so few on the list right now. 

Thank you


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I have O- and live in Chiang Mai, but I see you have things sorted now.

I do give regularly via Red Cross but I'm OK to donate in an emergency, if the hospital can waive the min 3 month waiting period since my last donation.

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6 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

According to WHO:


You must not give blood:

If you engaged in “at risk” sexual activity in the past 12 months


Seems to rule out a large swarth of the population here, foreign and domestic.


TIT. ????

What is classified as risky here? The Thai Red Cross website is broken.


I found this gem though:



Screen Saver

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1 hour ago, ChrisBurn said:


Good news ???? Arrived at the hospital today and dad is much better. Much more himself and can walk and talk well.
He had the plasma this morning and says it instantly made him feel better. Thank you to all who helped especially to Benjamin who came to the hospital to donate blood. We are incredibly thankful to you and all who donate their blood and time. Also to those who participate in this forum and help each other out. This is a great resource. 

Kindest regards.

Chris and family. 

Glad to hear that. Thanks for the update.

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I was not the blood type needed here; however, I’d like to think that the powers that prevail would let a healthy 60+ year old donor give blood in an true emergency.


I have given blood my whole life, and it pains me, at 64, that my blood is now deemed unacceptable.


It makes me sad that I carry “the gift of life,” yet I am unable to give this gift.





Edited by Brightly
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