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Thousands of migrants workers deported from Thailand: Official

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A deputy provincial governor for Banteay Meanchey yesterday reported Thailand has so far this year deported 9,979 undocumented migrant workers through Poipet city. “According to feedback from migrant workers who are deported, they faced a lot of risks while working illegally abroad,” Pok Nady, the deputy provincial governor, said during a National Committee for Counter Trafficking event in Poipet yesterday. “This is why we have officials at the border to counsel them before they are sent back to their home provinces.”


She added the bodies of 104 workers who died in Thailand have also been repatriated. Chou Bun Eng, a secretary of state of Ministry of Interior and vice chair of the NCCT, said officials are stationed at the border to receive workers deported from Thailand.


She said some of them were found to have suffered disabilities, such as loss of sight or limbs, some had mental problems or were addicted to drugs and others had been jailed for working illegally in Thailand. “Some of the deported workers had problems such as mental disorders and poor health…when they returned, they found it difficult to find jobs,” Ms Bun Eng noted.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50671516/thousands-of-migrants-workers-deported-from-thailand-official/


Well, maybe Thais are too lazy, expensive or unreliable which allows job openings for "aliens". The non-documentation is illegal and not acceptable but, having said so, it might be worthwhile to check, what documentation is needed.

I - for one - had to sign a four-paged form (Thai and English form, although not a single Thai would complete this form) confirming, that I agree to hire myself for yet another year.
This had to be supported by a board meeting resolution, chaired and documented by me, signed by me as chairman and as company secretary, that the board (consisting of me only) had unanimously agreed to hire me one more year. Now, in all fairness, how bloody stupid is this? 

Do you think, a construction company is going through this paper rubbish for each and every alien worker from across the border who will take the job anyway? Non-documentation (due to bureaucratic brainlessness) leads to illegality triggered off by the employer - to start with. Cheap (below minimum wage) labour, no social security and no basic rights in any respect! 

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