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Increasingly Bad Exchange Rates - Thinking About Moving ..


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That would be a little bit hard to do given the distance between LOS and the middle East or the USA or where ever he is, wouldn't it? Given the circumstances of his situation and the amount he is paying for having he GF, and the fact they are not even in the same country, I actually think it would be a good idea if I or someone sat down and talked to him face to face and made him aware of all the common practices that happen here that he seems to not be aware of. If he is worried about paying the extra 8.5K, he should also be worried about that family he is marrying in to. for that sort of money, I'm sure the parents could kindly say "hey, this guy is working hard and going to LOVE and take care of our daughter, he can have her for 1.7 instead of 2 mill" rather than making him have to worry about afew hundred thousand baht.

Since you took my comment so seriously I now expect to see you take the comments of others just as serious and post the same smart arse remarks to others...........okay............you will do this now won't you? Especially because you know you can hide behind your computer and not get your arse handed to you in a can :o

Yes Please, I will be here on the 12th of April for about 3 weeks. PM me with your number, or, if the jello in your back masquerading as a spine, quivers at that thought, I will give you mine and meet you anywhere in the BKK area so that you can indeed tell me what a F'ing hooker my fiance' is to my face. Please Please I beg you, please let me meet you I'll even pay you for your time...

You think I'm foolish for spending the 2 mil, or that I'm ignorant as too thai culture and I am in desperate need of a lesson in the sin sot practice...fine I can live with that. But to effectively call my fiance' a whore and say that I'm supporting her to have a Thai husband is uncalled for. Had I insulted your lady first then sure I would have left my self open to such. And yes in other threads we have been at odds about other issues, such as the death penalty for example, and I have been critical of your opinions...however everything I said about you I have kept to YOU personally. I left your family out of it. So if you would like to insult my family and loved ones I have no problem with that.... I only as that you swell up the testicles to do so to my face.

I will be in BKK soon I will not make you wait long, I will make it a priority to see you.

Now that being said, for the other posters....

I live in Thailand, I work offshore, it's my home and I lived there for 6 years now. The amount reflects on several factors, my ability to pay being on the lowest priority. It's a package deal, the family is awesome, educated, affluent, well connected....and most of all deeply loving... they make me feel like their blood, and it's a honor to be accepted amongst them.

As for the amount, it's not really much for me or them, and I'm sure I will see it back in one form or another as a gift of some sort (not that it matters). It's just that I remember when it was 43 baht to the dollar and this exchange rate has me bent out of shape...I already committed myself to Thailand and a 20% loss in disposable income in just over a year has me very very concerned.

And judging by the responses here I would guess I'm not the only one.

(Edited for spelling and grammar)

Edited by Nebukanezar
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Nebukanezar - def out of line calling your lady anything less than a lady mate. Ignore the tw*ts. However got to admit 2million bht is excessive, but in the end your dosh. If your soon to be family is as honourable as you say then I have no doubts you will see the dosh back because after all its only for show. :o

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That would be a little bit hard to do given the distance between LOS and the middle East or the USA or where ever he is, wouldn't it? Given the circumstances of his situation and the amount he is paying for having he GF, and the fact they are not even in the same country, I actually think it would be a good idea if I or someone sat down and talked to him face to face and made him aware of all the common practices that happen here that he seems to not be aware of. If he is worried about paying the extra 8.5K, he should also be worried about that family he is marrying in to. for that sort of money, I'm sure the parents could kindly say "hey, this guy is working hard and going to LOVE and take care of our daughter, he can have her for 1.7 instead of 2 mill" rather than making him have to worry about afew hundred thousand baht.

Since you took my comment so seriously I now expect to see you take the comments of others just as serious and post the same smart arse remarks to others...........okay............you will do this now won't you? Especially because you know you can hide behind your computer and not get your arse handed to you in a can :o

Yes Please, I will be here on the 12th of April for about 3 weeks. PM me with your number, or, if the jello in your back masquerading as a spine, quivers at that thought, I will give you mine and meet you anywhere in the BKK area so that you can indeed tell me what a F'ing hooker my fiance' is to my face. Please Please I beg you, please let me meet you I'll even pay you for your time...

You think I'm foolish for spending the 2 mil, or that I'm ignorant as too thai culture and I am in desperate need of a lesson in the sin sot practice...fine I can live with that. But to effectively call my fiance' a whore and say that I'm supporting her to have a Thai husband is uncalled for. Had I insulted your lady first then sure I would have left my self open to such. And yes in other threads we have been at odds about other issues, such as the death penalty for example, and I have been critical of your opinions...however everything I said about you I have kept to YOU personally. I left your family out of it. So if you would like to insult my family and loved ones I have no problem with that.... I only as that you swell up the testicles to do so to my face.

I will be in BKK soon I will not make you wait long, I will make it a priority to see you.

Now that being said, for the other posters....

I live in Thailand, I work offshore, it's my home and I lived there for 6 years now. The amount reflects on several factors, my ability to pay being on the lowest priority. It's a package deal, the family is awesome, educated, affluent, well connected....and most of all deeply loving... they make me feel like their blood, and it's a honor to be accepted amongst them.

As for the amount, it's not really much for me or them, and I'm sure I will see it back in one form or another as a gift of some sort (not that it matters). It's just that I remember when it was 43 baht to the dollar and this exchange rate has me bent out of shape...I already committed myself to Thailand and a 20% loss in disposable income in just over a year has me very very concerned.

And judging by the responses here I would guess I'm not the only one.

(Edited for spelling and grammar)

I never called your TGF a F'king hooker, those were your words. I made you aware of the fact that she COULD have a Thai husband, and that is a fact, you would be ignorant to say that you know she is 100% loyal to you while you are working your ass off in another country...................

And I did not say you are supporting you wife to have a Thai husband, obviously you would not be supporting her if you knew that, I was making comment that many Thai girls rip of dumb farangs and give their money to their "UNKNOWN ABOUT" thai husband, I suggested its possible that the money that was going to her was going to someone else you didn't know about.

If you or the other posters took my comments seriously, too bad, deal with it, this is a forum and im not like a Thai who will lie and say what people want to hear, I will say the facts and sometimes people don't wanna hear the facts because they hurt, well to fcukin bad, facts are facts and every thing ive said on here is factual based on the sad experiences of others.

Hopefully your relationship will be smooth , but if it doesn't end up like a fairytale for you, just remember this thread and the dozens of other threads where people question the loyalty of their TGF. Seems like you are confident of yalls relationship, congrats, but after reading dozens of the same stories, "she riped me off" "is the buffalo sick" "whos baby is it" "why is her puss so big if shes a virgin" I start to doubt most Thia girls, especially when the figure 2 Million sin sod is mentioned..........................

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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I have no doubts you will see the dosh back because after all its only for show. :o

If the dosh was "Only for show" then he wouldn't be able to say he is paying 2 Million Sin Sod, he could say "im paying no sin sod but showing it to gain face".

People who show the money and get it back are paying ZERO sin sod (unless they give something else such as gold and dont get it returned) and thats a fact.

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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Thats right Brit, I wasn't gonna mention it as to stay vaugly on topic, but yes it is just for show. And as I said it is a pakage, one that I think is worth it..there are some other factors as well that over a beer and plate of Moo Staye I would be happy too get into it but for here lets say it's a huge package deal with real long term potential.

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Thats right Brit, I wasn't gonna mention it as to stay vaugly on topic, but yes it is just for show.

So much misledaing info. 2 mill Sin Sod turns into nothing.

Enjoy the moment of "gaining face because of a 2 mill lie"

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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That would be a little bit hard to do given the distance between LOS and the middle East or the USA or where ever he is, wouldn't it? Given the circumstances of his situation and the amount he is paying for having he GF, and the fact they are not even in the same country, I actually think it would be a good idea if I or someone sat down and talked to him face to face and made him aware of all the common practices that happen here that he seems to not be aware of. If he is worried about paying the extra 8.5K, he should also be worried about that family he is marrying in to. for that sort of money, I'm sure the parents could kindly say "hey, this guy is working hard and going to LOVE and take care of our daughter, he can have her for 1.7 instead of 2 mill" rather than making him have to worry about afew hundred thousand baht.

Since you took my comment so seriously I now expect to see you take the comments of others just as serious and post the same smart arse remarks to others...........okay............you will do this now won't you? Especially because you know you can hide behind your computer and not get your arse handed to you in a can :o

Yes Please, I will be here on the 12th of April for about 3 weeks. PM me with your number, or, if the jello in your back masquerading as a spine, quivers at that thought, I will give you mine and meet you anywhere in the BKK area so that you can indeed tell me what a F'ing hooker my fiance' is to my face. Please Please I beg you, please let me meet you I'll even pay you for your time...

You think I'm foolish for spending the 2 mil, or that I'm ignorant as too thai culture and I am in desperate need of a lesson in the sin sot practice...fine I can live with that. But to effectively call my fiance' a whore and say that I'm supporting her to have a Thai husband is uncalled for. Had I insulted your lady first then sure I would have left my self open to such. And yes in other threads we have been at odds about other issues, such as the death penalty for example, and I have been critical of your opinions...however everything I said about you I have kept to YOU personally. I left your family out of it. So if you would like to insult my family and loved ones I have no problem with that.... I only as that you swell up the testicles to do so to my face.

I will be in BKK soon I will not make you wait long, I will make it a priority to see you.

Now that being said, for the other posters....

I live in Thailand, I work offshore, it's my home and I lived there for 6 years now. The amount reflects on several factors, my ability to pay being on the lowest priority. It's a package deal, the family is awesome, educated, affluent, well connected....and most of all deeply loving... they make me feel like their blood, and it's a honor to be accepted amongst them.

As for the amount, it's not really much for me or them, and I'm sure I will see it back in one form or another as a gift of some sort (not that it matters). It's just that I remember when it was 43 baht to the dollar and this exchange rate has me bent out of shape...I already committed myself to Thailand and a 20% loss in disposable income in just over a year has me very very concerned.

And judging by the responses here I would guess I'm not the only one.

(Edited for spelling and grammar)

Even though this is not relevant to your post, I have to make mention that I married into an affluent family in thailand.

No sin sot was required.

We were given large parcels of land & operating business's as wedding gifts.

All power in the family still rests with the grandparents. (& then with the parents once the grand parents croak)

I fail to see why the issue of sin sot was even brought up by an affluent family?? Do they have cash flow problems??


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Thats right Brit, I wasn't gonna mention it as to stay vaugly on topic, but yes it is just for show. And as I said it is a pakage, one that I think is worth it..there are some other factors as well that over a beer and plate of Moo Staye I would be happy too get into it but for here lets say it's a huge package deal with real long term potential.

Sounds like you will be taken for a long-term ride.

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I have no doubts you will see the dosh back because after all its only for show. :o

If the dosh was "Only for show" then he wouldn't be able to say he is paying 2 Million Sin Sod, he could say "im paying no sin sod but showing it to gain face".

People who show the money and get it back are paying ZERO sin sod (unless they give something else such as gold and dont get it returned) and thats a fact.

Yes there is gold...and yes there are related expenses, all of which I am comfortable with it's the exhange rate and miserable little haters like you that bother me... but I guess both are fleeting issues. The exchange rate will likely change back in my favor before then. And the world will always be filled with ignorant people like you. I usualy just ignore them but you cought me off gaurd with the comment about my lady. Being away in the stressfull environment I'm in gets me a lil more sensetive than I normaly am. Anyother time I would have just ignored you and shrugged you off as the peasent you are but in responding too your innane comments I showed weakness.

Won't happen again, though rest assured if you really want to make sure I hear what you have to say the offer to meet you in person is definetly still valid.

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I have no doubts you will see the dosh back because after all its only for show. :o

If the dosh was "Only for show" then he wouldn't be able to say he is paying 2 Million Sin Sod, he could say "im paying no sin sod but showing it to gain face".

People who show the money and get it back are paying ZERO sin sod (unless they give something else such as gold and dont get it returned) and thats a fact.

Yes there is gold...and yes there are related expenses, all of which I am comfortable with it's the exhange rate and miserable little haters like you that bother me... but I guess both are fleeting issues. The exchange rate will likely change back in my favor before then. And the world will always be filled with ignorant people like you. I usualy just ignore them but you cought me off gaurd with the comment about my lady. Being away in the stressfull environment I'm in gets me a lil more sensetive than I normaly am. Anyother time I would have just ignored you and shrugged you off as the peasent you are but in responding too your innane comments I showed weakness.

Won't happen again, though rest assured if you really want to make sure I hear what you have to say the offer to meet you in person is definetly still valid.

The more you speak, the more you sound like a thug protecting a bar girlfriend.

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I have no doubts you will see the dosh back because after all its only for show. :o

If the dosh was "Only for show" then he wouldn't be able to say he is paying 2 Million Sin Sod, he could say "im paying no sin sod but showing it to gain face".

People who show the money and get it back are paying ZERO sin sod (unless they give something else such as gold and dont get it returned) and thats a fact.

Yes there is gold...and yes there are related expenses, all of which I am comfortable with it's the exhange rate and miserable little haters like you that bother me... but I guess both are fleeting issues. The exchange rate will likely change back in my favor before then. And the world will always be filled with ignorant people like you. I usualy just ignore them but you cought me off gaurd with the comment about my lady. Being away in the stressfull environment I'm in gets me a lil more sensetive than I normaly am. Anyother time I would have just ignored you and shrugged you off as the peasent you are but in responding too your innane comments I showed weakness.

Won't happen again, though rest assured if you really want to make sure I hear what you have to say the offer to meet you in person is definetly still valid.

You say big such big words by calling my names such as a "Pesant" good for you! I hope it makes you gain face like by SHOWING your 2 Mill baht when you get married!! Congrats, but when you say shit like you'll buy a property here and there or an investment property or two, it makes me wonder, why are you delaying the marriage because of the extra 8.5K USD returnable money, if your as well of as you claim, why don't you just borrow the money from a bank or a friend and return it later, after all, you will be getting it back?

Now I start to think you are one word that you forgot to call me "Liar" :D

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I have no doubts you will see the dosh back because after all its only for show. :D

If the dosh was "Only for show" then he wouldn't be able to say he is paying 2 Million Sin Sod, he could say "im paying no sin sod but showing it to gain face".

People who show the money and get it back are paying ZERO sin sod (unless they give something else such as gold and dont get it returned) and thats a fact.

Yes there is gold...and yes there are related expenses, all of which I am comfortable with it's the exhange rate and miserable little haters like you that bother me... but I guess both are fleeting issues. The exchange rate will likely change back in my favor before then. And the world will always be filled with ignorant people like you. I usualy just ignore them but you cought me off gaurd with the comment about my lady. Being away in the stressfull environment I'm in gets me a lil more sensetive than I normaly am. Anyother time I would have just ignored you and shrugged you off as the peasent you are but in responding too your innane comments I showed weakness.

Won't happen again, though rest assured if you really want to make sure I hear what you have to say the offer to meet you in person is definetly still valid.

The more you speak, the more you sound like a thug protecting a bar girlfriend.

Jet, Jet, Jet,

Not like you to get your nose out of joint by a knuckle dragging neanderthal!!! :o:D


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That would be a little bit hard to do given the distance between LOS and the middle East or the USA or where ever he is, wouldn't it? Given the circumstances of his situation and the amount he is paying for having he GF, and the fact they are not even in the same country, I actually think it would be a good idea if I or someone sat down and talked to him face to face and made him aware of all the common practices that happen here that he seems to not be aware of. If he is worried about paying the extra 8.5K, he should also be worried about that family he is marrying in to. for that sort of money, I'm sure the parents could kindly say "hey, this guy is working hard and going to LOVE and take care of our daughter, he can have her for 1.7 instead of 2 mill" rather than making him have to worry about afew hundred thousand baht.

Since you took my comment so seriously I now expect to see you take the comments of others just as serious and post the same smart arse remarks to others...........okay............you will do this now won't you? Especially because you know you can hide behind your computer and not get your arse handed to you in a can :o

Yes Please, I will be here on the 12th of April for about 3 weeks. PM me with your number, or, if the jello in your back masquerading as a spine, quivers at that thought, I will give you mine and meet you anywhere in the BKK area so that you can indeed tell me what a F'ing hooker my fiance' is to my face. Please Please I beg you, please let me meet you I'll even pay you for your time...

You think I'm foolish for spending the 2 mil, or that I'm ignorant as too thai culture and I am in desperate need of a lesson in the sin sot practice...fine I can live with that. But to effectively call my fiance' a whore and say that I'm supporting her to have a Thai husband is uncalled for. Had I insulted your lady first then sure I would have left my self open to such. And yes in other threads we have been at odds about other issues, such as the death penalty for example, and I have been critical of your opinions...however everything I said about you I have kept to YOU personally. I left your family out of it. So if you would like to insult my family and loved ones I have no problem with that.... I only as that you swell up the testicles to do so to my face.

I will be in BKK soon I will not make you wait long, I will make it a priority to see you.

Now that being said, for the other posters....

I live in Thailand, I work offshore, it's my home and I lived there for 6 years now. The amount reflects on several factors, my ability to pay being on the lowest priority. It's a package deal, the family is awesome, educated, affluent, well connected....and most of all deeply loving... they make me feel like their blood, and it's a honor to be accepted amongst them.

As for the amount, it's not really much for me or them, and I'm sure I will see it back in one form or another as a gift of some sort (not that it matters). It's just that I remember when it was 43 baht to the dollar and this exchange rate has me bent out of shape...I already committed myself to Thailand and a 20% loss in disposable income in just over a year has me very very concerned.

And judging by the responses here I would guess I'm not the only one.

(Edited for spelling and grammar)

Even though this is not relevant to your post, I have to make mention that I married into an affluent family in thailand.

No sin sot was required.

We were given large parcels of land & operating business's as wedding gifts.

All power in the family still rests with the grandparents. (& then with the parents once the grand parents croak)

I fail to see why the issue of sin sot was even brought up by an affluent family?? Do they have cash flow problems??


Your assumption is correct, they didn't. I brought it up. I have my own reasons. It works for me, more than that I don't want to get into. I don't want to get into the details in writing however that being said I'm looking forward to the wedding it's going to be huge and fun. I'm flying in my own preist and priesstess ( for a nice Wiccan (Pagan)/ Buddist cerimony) and many members of my family....

I'll post the pics :D

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Jet, Jet, Jet,

Not like you to get your nose out of joint by a knuckle dragging neanderthal!!! :o:D


Uhoh, I'm getting testy with age. I just bashed you about illegal software in another thread. Hit me here....

Hit, hit, hit.

I'll answer this question here cos this tread has lost all direction anyway.

Any program that is open under the OS will have the hackers tag on the top widow bar RHS.



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I would like to apologise to Rainman, the OP who started this thread, for being involved in the hi-jacking of this thread.

Back on topic, I believe the combination of many factors such as new immigration laws, the coup government, violence in the south, the raiding of schools for dodgy teachers and just the overall feeling I get when I walk through the same areas I usually walk through (back up the the thread about the attitude of Thais chainging towards foriegners) I feel that between the next 8 months to 24 months, Thailand will take a (hopefully temporary) turn for the worst. The export market here will get worse, tourism will will be at about 50-70% of what it usually is, many forigners will move to live and invest in other countries and I believe this will lead to the baht going back down to 45 per USD. I also believe that if some of the current politicians still have the same positions and the average Thais continue to let Thailand head in the dirrection its heading, I believe within the next decade, the Nation's dominant religion will change...................

Thats what I think might happen, I have no evidence to back it up, but after living here only the last two years (but during the important 2 years where I saw many changes take place) I get the feeling that the Baht will go down and the country will be subject to a lot of religious violence.

Because of that un-stable feeling I get here now, I decided to leave afew moths ago, I feel other countires have a lot more to offer in the futurem and every day, my feelings about the future get confirmed and I look forward to the day I will leave.

So, anyone who wants to Buy Thai baht for a decent rate, PM me cause Ill be getting rid of all My THB soon (preferably for AUD or USD)

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That would be a little bit hard to do given the distance between LOS and the middle East or the USA or where ever he is, wouldn't it? Given the circumstances of his situation and the amount he is paying for having he GF, and the fact they are not even in the same country, I actually think it would be a good idea if I or someone sat down and talked to him face to face and made him aware of all the common practices that happen here that he seems to not be aware of. If he is worried about paying the extra 8.5K, he should also be worried about that family he is marrying in to. for that sort of money, I'm sure the parents could kindly say "hey, this guy is working hard and going to LOVE and take care of our daughter, he can have her for 1.7 instead of 2 mill" rather than making him have to worry about afew hundred thousand baht.

Since you took my comment so seriously I now expect to see you take the comments of others just as serious and post the same smart arse remarks to others...........okay............you will do this now won't you? Especially because you know you can hide behind your computer and not get your arse handed to you in a can :o

Yes Please, I will be here on the 12th of April for about 3 weeks. PM me with your number, or, if the jello in your back masquerading as a spine, quivers at that thought, I will give you mine and meet you anywhere in the BKK area so that you can indeed tell me what a F'ing hooker my fiance' is to my face. Please Please I beg you, please let me meet you I'll even pay you for your time...

You think I'm foolish for spending the 2 mil, or that I'm ignorant as too thai culture and I am in desperate need of a lesson in the sin sot practice...fine I can live with that. But to effectively call my fiance' a whore and say that I'm supporting her to have a Thai husband is uncalled for. Had I insulted your lady first then sure I would have left my self open to such. And yes in other threads we have been at odds about other issues, such as the death penalty for example, and I have been critical of your opinions...however everything I said about you I have kept to YOU personally. I left your family out of it. So if you would like to insult my family and loved ones I have no problem with that.... I only as that you swell up the testicles to do so to my face.

I will be in BKK soon I will not make you wait long, I will make it a priority to see you.

Now that being said, for the other posters....

I live in Thailand, I work offshore, it's my home and I lived there for 6 years now. The amount reflects on several factors, my ability to pay being on the lowest priority. It's a package deal, the family is awesome, educated, affluent, well connected....and most of all deeply loving... they make me feel like their blood, and it's a honor to be accepted amongst them.

As for the amount, it's not really much for me or them, and I'm sure I will see it back in one form or another as a gift of some sort (not that it matters). It's just that I remember when it was 43 baht to the dollar and this exchange rate has me bent out of shape...I already committed myself to Thailand and a 20% loss in disposable income in just over a year has me very very concerned.

And judging by the responses here I would guess I'm not the only one.

(Edited for spelling and grammar)

Even though this is not relevant to your post, I have to make mention that I married into an affluent family in thailand.

No sin sot was required.

We were given large parcels of land & operating business's as wedding gifts.

All power in the family still rests with the grandparents. (& then with the parents once the grand parents croak)

I fail to see why the issue of sin sot was even brought up by an affluent family?? Do they have cash flow problems??


Your assumption is correct, they didn't. I brought it up. I have my own reasons. It works for me, more than that I don't want to get into. I don't want to get into the details in writing however that being said I'm looking forward to the wedding it's going to be huge and fun. I'm flying in my own preist and priesstess ( for a nice Wiccan (Pagan)/ Buddist cerimony) and many members of my family....

I'll post the pics :D

Your story is full of holes. First you say you will be SPENDING $8,500 more for Sinsod. Also, you're "scared to think what it will be like in 08 when we finally Thai the knot".

Then you say it's just for show. Well if it's just for show why do you care WHAT the exchange rate is? Just before the wedding you xfer enough USD to create 2,000,000 baht (for show). You get it back. Can then do what you want with it......put in Thai bank, convert back to USD (which would only cost you a small amount; could even make money if the rate changed favorably).

NOW you're saying YOU brought up the issue of Sinsod......for your "own reasons" that you "don't want to get into". Sounds like you're planning to run a scam on a decent Thai family......Jet hit the nail squarely.....a thug.

Maybe you'll be decent enough after the scam to allow the family to stay in one of your Section 8 apartments big shot.

I'll also apologise to the OP for posting off topic. My last post on this issue.

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That would be a little bit hard to do given the distance between LOS and the middle East or the USA or where ever he is, wouldn't it? Given the circumstances of his situatation and the ammount he is paying for having he GF, and the fact they are not even in the same country, I actually think it would be a good idea if I or someone sat down and talked to him face to face and made him aware of all the common practises that happen here that he seems to not be aware of. If he is worried about paying the extra 8.5K, he should also be worried about that family he is marrying in to. for that sort of money, im sure the parents could kindly say "hey, this guy is working hard and going to LOVE and take care of our daughter, he can have her for 1.7 instead of 2 mill" rather than making him have to worry about afew hundred thousand baht.

Since you took my comment so seriously I now expect to see you take the comments of others just as serious and post the same smart arse remarks to others...........okay............you will do this now won't you? Especially because you know you can hide behind your computer and not get your arse handed to you in a can :D

You think I took your comment seriously? :o It's not my GF integrity you were questioning after all.

I was just smart arse replying to a smart arse post, but for some reason ... you decided to justify your first post with a long silly post.

You shouldn't be surprised by Nebukanezar reaction.

If you wanted really to help him, as you now want to make him believe (offensive again, treating him like a moron), your post would have been quite different.

Admit it, you made a smart arse remark knowing zero about the lady and now you don't have the gut to say "Ok sorry about that, just kidding".

I'm waiting for Nebukanezar to confirm you sent him your infos for a meeting... gotta be interesting :D

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...snip... I'm currently thinking about Spain. I grew up there and while things changed a lot from back then, the prices on most things are about the same as Thailand right now. You also have the beach and all that, plus better air and no political instability... snip...

Rain man, your statement about prices in Spain struck my curiosity, I think (but feel free to disagree) your estimate is far from reality. Last time I've been to Spain was 2002 and prices were nearly equal to Italy (I'd say - 15-20%) and believe me I can live here with a fifth of what I used to spend in Italy, maintaining approximately the same life style, saving a lot of cash.

I have no idea how you can manage to spend the same amount of money you spend here.

Sure there are areas less expensive than Barcelona or Ibiza , but we are talking way beyond Thailand expenses.

I'm asking because you are not the first guy I hear to say that, and Spain is one of my favorite country.

Do you have in mind a particular area?

Thanks IA

I'm Spanish myself and was shocked by that Rain man statement with same life style you spend 1/4 or 1/5 less here (estimate)

that of course not considering Barna ,Madrid where housing is really expensive best option -i'm not very much into that bussiness tough- it's provincial cities or coast touristic places off-season where there can be bargains then you'll have to leave on summer and marked holidays .

Then you have food and drink that for european standars can be considered cheaper .

Just wish it was true :o

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Before this thread becomes yet another boring bun fight, The OP, Rainman I think, was expressing concern about the future security

of an expat there. It's something you should all be doing; I know it's easy, when you've found your Shangri La and the love of your

life, to sit back and live just for today but things do change and an expat should be thinking a little more ahead, especially if he's

burned his boats. If you've banked all your security on the rest of your life in LOS, or anywhere else, without at least a 5 year

projection then I say - respect - you're a lot more daring than me. What if she walks, falls incurably ill, if LOs clamps down on

farangs, if civil war breaks out, if your dollars/euros lose value? I would, like RM, think about these eventualities too, because all

or any of these things could happen.

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Seriously, I think I will see where it goes in the next few months and then make a decision. I can guarantee I won't be here the day it goes under 30.00 which is where it's heading if something doesn't change quickly.

Who knows, maybe the plan is to bring the Baht 1:1 with the USD. That's the day when someone working in 7/11 will earn 10k USD per month and taxi rides will start at 35 USD and jump up 2 dollars every few meters. :o

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we have crap weather,football hooligans,& the yanks all think we have bad teeth,but i think,as a brit,thailand still is one of the best countries for value for money on the planet.as far as prices go in this country,i generally look at it from a locals point of veiw.

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BOT fails to reveal which 2 thia banks were speculating.....this is getting interesting.

this is going to end very very badly.....


Repo rate could spell end for Tarisa's term

"No one had expected any Thai entity to speculate on the home currency, especially after foreign speculators had been prohibited to do so. The BOT's secretive and quiet action has led to it become the scapegoat as the names of the two banks have not been divulged. "


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A great deal of the problem is to do with the US dollar, not the Thai baht.

The dollar has been steadily sliding down the pan for the last 4 years

against other world currencies.

I suggest you send you comments to your Senator and G.W. Bush. :o

This line is always trotted out and while it is true to a point, it's not the whole story. There are two points.

First, the dollar's 'general decline' is not so big nor so universal as some point out.

Second, the baht is strong against EVERY currency.

If you look in the Economist tables you will see that the the dollar has slipped less 2% against the Yen in the last twelve months. It's virtually on parity with the EURO, and has actually strengthened against Sterling and the Canadian Dollar. It buys 1.27 Aussie today, compared to 1.28 twelve months ago. In the AP region, it buys exactly the same number of Singapore dollar today as twelve months ago (1.53) and is up against the Taiwan dollar, Korean Won, Indonesia rupee and India rupee. Against none-Euro European currencies it's stronger or at par against Czech, Hungary, Poland, Russian, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. It's weakened against the Norwegian kronar.

And elsewhere? Stronger against Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela. On a par or marginally weaker against Brazil and Colombia. It's soared against the South Africa rand.

So . . let's put it in perspective. Is the US dollar really that weak year on year?

Now, consider the Baht. It's at 8 year highs against just about every major currency, including the US, Aussie, Kiwi, Euro, Sterling and Yen.

All of which leads me to believe that this has very little to do with the US economy or any economic fundamentals, and EVERYTHING to do with baht speculation which is likely to pop at any moment.

While I agree that much of the exchange rate debacle is due to THB speculation, I don't agree with the exchange rates you mention.

From the Economist (same source as you quote):

2nd April 2006 / 2nd April 2007

GBP 1.7379 / 1,9685

EUR 1,2123 / 1,3360

AUD 0,7171 / 0,8091

JPY 117,821 / 117,875

So the USD is down 12 pct year on year against the GBP, 9 pct against the EUR and 11 pct against the AUD (but flat against the JPY).

So USD weakness is clearly part of the full picture.


Edited by Sophon
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Sorry Rainman, about the Topic divergence

Anyway Thug or not I never said I was loaded and the sin sot is not the only expense that will be heightened due to the painfully high raise of the baht, Theirs gifts, gold, wedding expenses and all kinds of stuff.

As for indivdual responces;

Khun Marco : No, Aussi may be a crab like peasant but he's not throughly stupid, he of course did not give me his contact details.

Jet and Lovedablues : Scam, of course :o young and black with a lil bread and some secretiveness so by default I must be running some sort of a scam. Anyway I'm legit, and if I have a hidden agenda it's that I Love my new family almost as much as my blood ones, I call my soon to be father in law Dad and my soon to be mother in law Mom. They are the first and the last to ever receive that honor away from my blood parents....oh and Grandma is called grandma (damm I love her cooking) anyway. It's mostly about face not for me, because I have that and it's really not a big deal for her mom and dad. However the in laws are almost all quite affluent and their numbers vast. And like most Thais they love to talk. I have been married before, I have a wonderful son from my prior marriage living with his mother in the States, and I'm kinda reclusive. Combine that with the negative media stereotypes about black Americans they see on TV and suddenly petty in laws have some ammo to gossip about and spread rumors with.

I figure no matter what, they are gonna talk crap, however if I bring a big fat silver tray with dough stacks draped in gold, larger than they have seen at a wedding before, Then HER PARENTS gain face in front of all the in laws. And That would make me feel like I have given back a lil something for all the generosity they have given me. I really do love them and they are a blessing in my life.

And lastly the Thug comment...as a child, yes there were times I had to be. I grew up a long time ago, but one never really forgets were they are from...if they do the universe will remind them.

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No, Aussi may be a crab like peasant but he's not throughly stupid, he of course did not give me his contact details.

You seem to like to use the word peasant, It seems like you use this word automatically as well!

You must of been called it on a daily basis whilst growing up in the ghetto to use it as frequently as you do.................. :o

Edited by aussiestyle1983
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