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PM Prayut promises to devote himself to the country and people


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    give all or a large part of one's time or resources to (a person, activity, or cause).
    "I wanted to devote more time to my family"
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    invoke or pronounce a curse upon.
    "Let's vote for the second opinion, the 2.2 then. "


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we had 5 years of this guy switching uniforms and the corruption rate in Thailand (Transparency International statistics) hasn't improved not even 1%. Always the same and the same.

Generalissimo ,Prawin and Anupong the trio running Thailand, nobody trust them, come on.


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He's a good guy!!!


Loved him ever since the November 2013 protests against Yingluck, Prayut stood up and told us that the army was neutral and would not launch a coup and grant himself sweeping powers and amnesty for staging a coup...


Such a comfort how these billionaire politicians also stand up at New Year and wish everyone a year of greater wealth and prosperity.

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To Steven100:


Steven 100-I am not sure if you are a farang or a Thai-but probably a farang and that scares me even more than if you were a Thai as you should be able to see through these things-but it appears you are a brainwashed sycophant OR truly afraid of prayuth-most likely the latter. "Khun Prayuth" as you call him-who as you say is such a wonderful man and doing such wonderful things-is a BRUTAL FASCIST dictator who took power by force and said he would step down in a year-year after year-and has retained that power and ruled by fear, force, and oppression. He imprisons and kills people who peacefully exercise dissent-you say "there has not been any protest, etc"-THAT IS BECAUSE he has outlawed protests and gatherings and any form of dissent or semblance of democracy. At best he puts them in military "attitude adjustment" camps-where they are tortured; the man kidnaps children of dissidents for godsakes. I PRESUME-more than presume-you wrote that post because you are fearful of him-and are kissing his butt out of fear that if you do not you will be in trouble-AND YOU ARE CORRECT-you would be. And also, if you are a farang-you should know how hard he has made it on foreigners to live in Thailand-because he is a xenophobic racist. "Khun Prayut" is the most corrupt leader in THE HISTORY of THAILAND...he gets paid like 80K/yr from generalship and PM salary, yet he is worth perhaps 100 million dollars. Prayuth and his cronies have RUINED the land of smiles...he is concerned about 1 thing and 1 thing only-his power-and punishing anyone who dares question him. I have lived in Thailand from 2003 to now-and Thailand was a much nicer, MORE FREE, and friendlier place without him and his corrupt antics and brutal oppression.....GROW UP Steven and get a brain....he is a DICTATOR! And a brutal (yet idiotic, uneducated and stupid one) at that. Start to think for yourself...Steven-this man HATES farangs-and he would literally have you-thai or Farang-killed for merely disagreeing with him-and you know that-that is why you are kissing up to him....I take it you also probably think Kim Jong Un is a great man who truly loves his people and does wonderful things-am I right? 

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PS to Steven100-


I live and work here as a journalist-as Flawed as Thaksin was-it was democratic and there was free speech and expression and right to express peaceful dissent and I wrote whatever I wanted to-now, I cannot even do my job because if I write anything critical of him (publically not anon like here)-I will end up dead or deported....Yes...Prayuth is such a wonderful leader....

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