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Trump eases restrictions on land mine use by U.S. military

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47 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

Yes and all that drivel comes from an Aussie, maybe we should lie some on the

NSW and Vic borders and South Australian borders.

Just lay them anywhere you'd like really, the world over. All you have to do is just deactivate them and everyone will be completely, 100% safe lol

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7 hours ago, sucit said:

Let's see you guys fill your backyard with these high tech landmines then. We can deactivate them, and have your kids just go frolicking over them. No problem whatsoever, right? 

Couldnt you simply have skipped the post instead of announcing such utter lack of comprehension?

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11 hours ago, evadgib said:

We're done, +

In other words, "I have not made a single point of actual substance in the thread, I'd better run before I have to actually make a point". 


Ok, see ya. 

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14 hours ago, evadgib said:

We're done, +

I do hope so. Your argument is a huuuge nothing burger.


If the mines are so safe put them on the US side of the mexican and canadian borders.


Better still, put them on the fairways of trump golf courses, just see what happens.

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55 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:


But really the military argument is moot , like everything else he does, Trump's decision is self serving. 

Those election contributions from the arms manufacturers will do nicely , blood money !

And then of course, in line with "Trump's decision is self serving", it's one more Obama policy that Trump can boast about reversing. 

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49 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Reversing obama policy simply because it was obamas is nothing to boast about. No sane person would think it that way.


But trump and his white supremist base will.

I was not supporting the Trump boasting. I was merely commenting on one more of the many despicable Trump traits.

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Emotions emotions emotions - and anti-Trump rhetoric.

Do you know how many cars kill innocent perople every year? 

We are not talking about landmining vast strips of land like in WW2 and other wars that farmers lose legs from many years later.


Facts count and facts do not care about your feelings.


The Department of Defense is issuing a new landmine policy.  This policy will authorize Combatant Commanders, in exceptional circumstances, to employ advanced, non-persistent landmines specifically designed to reduce unintended harm to civilians and partner forces.  This action is yet another in a series of actions taken by the Trump Administration to give our military the flexibility and capability it needs to win.  President Trump is rebuilding our military, and it is stronger than ever.  The President will continue to support and equip our troops so that they will forever remain the greatest fighting force in the world.



New York Times (yes - them) In 1997, more than 120 nations signed the Ottawa Convention banning anti-personnel land mines that do not self-destruct. Notably, the United States was not among them, citing a need to use these mines along the border between North and South Korea, and is not among the 164 nations that are now party to the treaty.


And again: Last year, the State Department said the United States had provided more than $3.4 billion to more than 100 countries since 1993 to assist with the removal of land mines and the destruction of other conventional munitions. 


The VAST majority of landmines laid in the past were not done so by USA - and another point from New York Post:

According to the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, which reports on compliance with the Ottawa Convention, 59 countries around the world still have land mines on their territory.


The media emotions are fake news anti-Trump hype.  Read and learn - or is that too much to ask?    https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=IND&mtdsg_no=XXVI-5&chapter=26&clang=_en


The USA Military will not be deploying these mines in Mexico or Canada or Australia of UK.  The very high probability is that these landmines will be deployed in countries that are also not signatories to the UN convention and use landmines. Many US military personnel killed or injured overseas are through old technology landmines (inc. homemade) landmines deployed by others. 



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5 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Emotions emotions emotions - and anti-Trump rhetoric.

Do you know how many cars kill innocent perople every year? 

We are not talking about landmining vast strips of land like in WW2 and other wars that farmers lose legs from many years later.


Facts count and facts do not care about your feelings.


The Department of Defense is issuing a new landmine policy.  This policy will authorize Combatant Commanders, in exceptional circumstances, to employ advanced, non-persistent landmines specifically designed to reduce unintended harm to civilians and partner forces.  This action is yet another in a series of actions taken by the Trump Administration to give our military the flexibility and capability it needs to win.  President Trump is rebuilding our military, and it is stronger than ever.  The President will continue to support and equip our troops so that they will forever remain the greatest fighting force in the world.



New York Times (yes - them) In 1997, more than 120 nations signed the Ottawa Convention banning anti-personnel land mines that do not self-destruct. Notably, the United States was not among them, citing a need to use these mines along the border between North and South Korea, and is not among the 164 nations that are now party to the treaty.


And again: Last year, the State Department said the United States had provided more than $3.4 billion to more than 100 countries since 1993 to assist with the removal of land mines and the destruction of other conventional munitions. 


The VAST majority of landmines laid in the past were not done so by USA - and another point from New York Post:

According to the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, which reports on compliance with the Ottawa Convention, 59 countries around the world still have land mines on their territory.


The media emotions are fake news anti-Trump hype.  Read and learn - or is that too much to ask?    https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=IND&mtdsg_no=XXVI-5&chapter=26&clang=_en


The USA Military will not be deploying these mines in Mexico or Canada or Australia of UK.  The very high probability is that these landmines will be deployed in countries that are also not signatories to the UN convention and use landmines. Many US military personnel killed or injured overseas are through old technology landmines (inc. homemade) landmines deployed by others. 



Let me ask you a straightforward question: do you really believe the US government cares about killing innocent civilians? Because, depending on how you answer, there are numbers out there that are mindshattering. Iraq alone the death tolls are abominable. Have you seen reports on how many innocent women and children are killed by sanctions, and yet we employ stronger sanctions time and time again. 


Believing the US cares about dead civilians over the profits of the MIC masters, is like believing the Catholic Church does not have pedophiles. It is just such an utterly ridiculous assertions it does not even deserve consideration. 

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On 2/1/2020 at 3:10 PM, Srikcir said:

Wouldn't have done so if installed at Iraq's Ain al-Assad base.


Gee whiz! What an incredibly intelligent assertion.

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