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'Spartacus' actor Kirk Douglas dead at 103, son Michael Douglas says


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33 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Ah yes The Vikings, I had forgotten that one..Kirk jumping along the oars of his longship as it proceeds down the fjiord towards the village.No stunt man required!

But it is his role as Colonel Dax in 'Paths of Glory' that bears the bell away for me...a great actor.


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I have waited a day to respond and in the end I just cannot say what I really want to say.  When a person dies they are square with the house and all past debts are cancelled. I have to accept that for anyone and everyone - despite the truth.


There are two types of actors.  Those that are good playing a certain 'character' and those that are good in any character/role.  Character actors like John Wayne, Steve Macqueen, Karl Madden, Jack Palance, Samuel Jackson, Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, etc. play roles best that essentially are the same person.  Actors that can play many/any role and can actually fit that character successfully are not as common - such as Tom Hanks, Daniel Day Lewis, Anthony Hopkins, Christoph Walz,  Joaquin Phoenix, Johnny Depp, Sean Penn, Gary Oldman, etc.


Kirk Douglas was a character actor and one of the best. He was at his best as a 'tough guy' and in those days a tough guy was a mean nasty seriously tough guy - think James Cagney, Charles Bronson, Michael Biehn, etc. All of those actors had or have  something inside that worked when they played 'tough guy' roles, and Kirk Douglas was probably the best.  What was inside and drove Kirk Douglas was not good (read his book), but he used that to perfection and went on to create a huge career and left a great legacy and became a decent person.  But make no mistake, Kirk was a star when hollywood was very bad in certain respects, and was someone that would make Harvey Weinstiein seem nice.  It Wood be remise of me not mention Natalie, but as I said - he is now square with the House and are his debts are forgiven - if not forgotten.


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