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Thai Tourism Ministry considers collecting tourism fees


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3 hours ago, Scot123 said:

Some people have principles. There already are charges entering Thailand and then the government sangtioned dual pricing sorry encouraged dual pricing, the latest hospitals. Note I wonder if this post will be deleted as it appears one can not say the truth. 

There is a tourist police booth at the River Kwai bridge railway station. It asks to be informed if tourists feel anything is not correct for them. It is next to the ticket office where they will be told their tickets are 5 times more expensive than locals.

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1 hour ago, greeneking said:

Is it 300 baht? Does this get you an insurance policy? Covering all a tourist might do? Jet skis, rock climbing, motor bikes, elephant riding...crossing the road?

It certainly wouldn’t be a substitute for travel insurance, but could cover unpaid hospital bills of people without health or travel insurance and insufficient funds. In the compulsory health insurance for O-A visa holder topics, several posters pointed out that a small increase in departure tax could cover total unpaid hospital bills by foreigners several times over, and could substitute for O-A compulsory health insurance.

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there is nothing that thai authorities do, that is not a copy of farang policies.

in this case they propably get their inspiration from "tourist tax" that some european

cities impose on visitors, also in an effort to discourage tourism (for example barcelona

impose those "city taxes" on each hotel booking, just because it can't handle the many

visitors and want to get less of them).

however, this is not the case in thailand, thailand wants and needs more tourists, and

thailand is a cheap country that compete on price level, that's why this kind of tax is a

very stupid idea.

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23 hours ago, Blackheart1916 said:

So in one story we have a proposal to increase fees to improve the tourist experience, and in the next story we have two morons driving high powered boats into an easily avoidable high speed collision that killed two child tourists. Right.....

And in yet another story the government thinking of extending eat, shop, spend to tourists via vouchers or whatever.


They need to stop thinking aloud, dropping trial balloons. Most of all they need educated people making smart decisions.

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Nothing new,this is normal practice,I can remember years ago when one bar had loud music all the bars then followed and had loud music,then the competition began,which bar could blast out the loudest music,to drive away most of their customers,same thing for drink prices,less customers up went the prices for some bars,but most of those bars are long gone,I thought the Thai government already collect a tax when buying a airplane ticket,like for many tourist,and what are mostly locals visiting,up goes the entry (tax)price for the Farang.

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On 2/10/2020 at 5:45 AM, sjaak327 said:

So in a period where the number of visitors is declining, Thailand is going to charge the remaining people with more <deleted> fees ? Yep, it is clear the Thai authorities have no clue how to actually reverse the trend. 


You cannot fix stupid. 

A fine example of Thai logic

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On 2/11/2020 at 8:34 AM, Max69xl said:

And don't forget that people entering Thailand on different type of visas pays for them. But the dual pricing is not uncommon. Every western country charges a lot more than 100% extra for tourists without a travel insurance when visiting a hospital. 100 times or more if we're talking surgery. This is something most people don't know anything about. 

What utter rubbish. Name one country? I've read some rubbish in my time and that is right up there. You do comprehend that doing this in any civilised country is illegal and would result in front page news and an immediate court case... Phew!!!!! 

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