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I wonder if anyone has experience of an epidural injection for severe lower back pain here in CM ?  Stupidly I picked up a heavy box a few weeks ago and since the day after that I have had moderate to severe lower back pain, which is probably a slipped disc. I was already diagnosed with DDD (degenerative disc disease).  I have taken Ibuprofen and Paracetamol which gave no relief and now Gabapentin prescribed by my UK doctor but the pain persists.

A couple of Thai friends have both had what they called a jab in the back and all pain gone at local clinics.  I am however, very nervous of a having an epidural and wonder if fellow members have any experience of this here in CM, which I would be grateful to read about.


I have a bad back too at the moment, have taken Paracetamol but not much

help,the Wife got me some Celebrex tablets they are working good for up

to 24 hours, not cheap ,400 thb for 10 capsules, will help with the pain but

not cure it.

I few years ago I had an injection for pain in my hip,and the pain stopped

very quickly,but only for a day. good luck,I have a hot water bottle strapped

to my back which also helps.    P.S. it's the 400mg ones made by Pfizer

regards worgeordie

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Have you considered seeing a Chiropractor ?

For moderate pain Tramadol works well. Can only get two packages of 10 pills every 2 weeks. Bring your Pink ID card or passport as they record the details in a book at point of sale.

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Yes, Celebrex is good as is some of the other new generation COX 2 NSAID drugs. Perskindol creme Made in Switzerland is widely recommended by ortho docs here. It's quite effective. I had severe SI pain and the orthopedic doc at RAM offered to inject steroids directly into my hip, but I declined. There are most likely pain injections too.


Maybe go see Dr. Chanakarn at his clinic. He's excellent.


Can't help about where you can get treatment in Chiang Mai but after 2 years of pain and treatment with, firstly Gabapentin and finally Pregabalin, I had an MRi scan when the medication no longer helped, which showed 2 discs out of alignment and also degenerative spinal stenosis.  This caused pain in my buttocks, down both legs to my knees and then internally in my knees to the extent I was in great pain walking even a short distance.  I then was given injections on both sides of my lower back, described as nerve root block injections and, one year on am still virtually pain free. I guess these would be described as epidural but I had numbing injections first so felt nothing until the real deal when it was like a severe momentary electric shock down each leg. Pretty much life changing for me but not a cure and will need a repeat when the effects wear off.

Hope you get some relief.


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25 years 3 herniated discs.

I have had several epidurals.

They do work but for me only for about 6 weeks of relief.  Short of surgery, massage and chiropractics have given me relief.

It is a constant battle.  Sleeping wrong, lifting, even a twist can set it off.

I do take Tramadol from time to time.  It is an opiate, but you can buy it over the counter at some pharmacies.

I feel for you. People I know who have had surgery are never 100% and many times the problem comes back.

I do not know of any Chiropractors here.  BKK has a few on Soi 13 Sukhumvit that have helped me.


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If you can find a "good" acupuncturist, they would help, or as stated a good Chiro, problem is they are not easy to find, I have had a bad back for forty years and refuse to take pain killers, between the above two they have kept me walking and pain free for many years. Good luck

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I am a sufferer also but I do put my body through its limits every day.

My first port of call used to be the painkillers and muscle heat rubs but realised they dont address the problem of a sprained muscle, a spasm, sciatica so the pain relief just covers up the problem until next time.

Next time is always worse, i can assure you.

I found the answer by following a 30 minute You tube video on exercises for lower back aches/sciatica. When you understand the anatomy and what is happening with DDD it all makes sense.

I think i followed the video two night consecutive and I have not suffered a real episode in 18 months,.....until yesterday, when I lifted a small lawnmower into the back of the car.

Mine has eased already without anything other than a lazy day and a beer, but if its not good tomorrow i will redo the stretches and realighn my muscles

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When I had severe lower back pain from SI, I went to PT at Rajavej Hospital and after the heat packs, ultrasound, etc. the very talented head of the Dept. showed me some exercises using a large rubber ball (maybe the same thing the others refer to above). I purchased that rubber ball and like eyecatcher, after only about 3 days of following the exercises, the pain was gone. I had one minor relapse 6 months later that lasted about two days but other than that, no pain in about 2 1/2 years now.

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On 2/15/2020 at 5:28 AM, chaophraya49 said:

Can't help about where you can get treatment in Chiang Mai but after 2 years of pain and treatment with, firstly Gabapentin and finally Pregabalin, I had an MRi scan when the medication no longer helped, which showed 2 discs out of alignment and also degenerative spinal stenosis.  This caused pain in my buttocks, down both legs to my knees and then internally in my knees to the extent I was in great pain walking even a short distance.  I then was given injections on both sides of my lower back, described as nerve root block injections and, one year on am still virtually pain free. I guess these would be described as epidural but I had numbing injections first so felt nothing until the real deal when it was like a severe momentary electric shock down each leg. Pretty much life changing for me but not a cure and will need a repeat when the effects wear off.

Hope you get some relief.


In December, I got an epidural injection for my sciatica and lower back pain at the "pain clinic" at Chiang Mai Ram. Since then, I have been virtually pain free. It is not a permanent fix, but it sure makes a difference. The doctor that did it, was excellent, and the procedure only takes a couple of minutes, with half an hour recovery afterwards. The procedure cost 13,000 baht. I didnt have an MRI, and provided my own lower back x-ray. Also, regarding medication. OTC Ibuprofen helps me as much as anything else. 


The OP first needs a proper diagnosis of the cause. It may be a slipped disc, or it could be osteo-arthritis. An epidural is a rather drastic intervention.

In his shoes, I would be trying massage ( one who knows what they are doing ) or a chiropractor first, depending on diagnosis. Anti-inflammatories mask the underlying cause, and can actually proceed to more damage.

I have lived with lower back pain for over 30 years, chronic osteo-arthritis. Stretching exercises every day, Thai massage twice a week. I quit anti-inflammatories ten years ago.

The basic therapy is use it or lose it. Not saying that's the OP's problem, accurate diagnosis first.

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Dear fellow members

Thank you so much to one and all for your thoughful and kindly responses to my cry for help, which are greatly appreciated.

With the exercises from Youtube, massage by a temple trained Thai friend, the hot water bottle strapped to my back, the love and support of my family, your good advice and yes I suppose the Gabapentin, I am feeling much better and far less pain.

I guess that the "popularity" of lower back pain affecting 80% of us is owing to our incomplete evolutionary cycle from four feet to two so a while to go yet.

With best wishes for your good health and happiness.





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Acupuncture worked for me.


After an MRI at RAM Chiang Mai, follwed by another at Bumrungrad 6 months later, when my condition worsened to being unable to walk more than 50 yards. Both MRI were 'inconclusive' but that didn't stop them offering a $25k++ fusion procedure which I promptly declined.


7 acupuncture sessions by a Beijing trained Swiss lady and I was and still am pain free 5 years later. It was cheap and had nothing to lose. Good luck.

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17 hours ago, OneZero said:

I don't know what exercises you were referring to Eyecatcher, but the Mckenzie exercises work for me, as long as I am consistently doing them every day (if not I feel the stiffness coming on).



I looked through these exercises and recognize quite a few of them. For me, the guru of back pain relief was Dr. Leon Root (now deceased)


I found his earlier book, 'Oh my Aching Back' when I was going through a period of severe back pain and sciatica. So much so that I was going to the bathroom on all fours!


Doctor Root was a great advocate of exercise as a relief for back pain and suggested a series of exercises, not dissimilar to those on the website above. I learned that routine so well that I can still remember it some 30 years on and still practice it daily if I start to feel a twinge.


His last book 'No More Aching Back' is still available.

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Cycling strengthens your stomach muscles which helps your back. Ice packs or frozen peas are very effective. Cocodamol is effective but not available here.


Often you just need time for your back to improve, get back to normal activities asap, my quickest is playing golf 1 week after my back went


30 years ago my back gave me so much grief.. I couldn't walk down stairs without a rest the doc's gave me pain killers and x Ray's showed a worn disc .. they said if the pills didnt work then all they could offer was an epidural and there was a risk of paralysis.. and then the surgery.. . <deleted> to do ..?no advice was available att.

tried osteopathy..worked in the short term but  offered an open ended bill and arguably a reliance  acupuncture the same  worked in the short term same against open ended bill... so...

1/ changed the mattress... to an orthopedic

2 THIS IS THE IMPORTANT one, if applicable LOSE THE GUT  and in doing so

strengthen and then keep the stomach ie core muscles strong.. this will take the strain AWAY from the skeleton and relieve pain.. for me, I let the core slacken... it gives me grief.. and likewise if I go ott in strengthening  them, it gives me grief..  


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