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My Friend In Pain When She Try Pee


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my friend has had pain near bladder for around a month now. It started off where she hurts all the itme around that area. when she need to go and pee, she can only do a little bit but feels like she needs to pee much more than what she feels.

The doctor gave her medicine, its made her pain ease a fair bit but she says it still hurts bad when she acually can pee.

the doctor said because she has not stopped hurting she may need an operation which will cost approximately 20,000 baht. Is this familiar to anyone?

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Did the doctor perfrom an internal (pelvic) examination on her? Because unless he did and unless he found evidence of a uterine prolapse (collapse of the womb which can put pressure on the bladder; common only in women who have had children), then there is no way to say she needs an operation.

Even if she has had several children and the dotor did do such an examination and says her uterus (womb) is prolapsed, she should get another opinion before agreeing to surgery. But if the uterus is actually prolapsed, then yes, surgery would be indicated.

More likely she has an infection. It could be a simple urinary tract infection (very common in women) OR it could be a sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.

Provided she has no drug allergies, the simplest and cheapest approach would be the following:

1. Take Bactrim 2 tablets twice a day for 10 full days.

2. Drink a very large amount oif fluids every day for the full 10 days.

If this resolves the problem, then she had a simple UTI. If it does not, she should see a urologist or gynecologist at a reputable hospital, as she either has a UTI resistant to common treatment, a sexually transmitted disease, or some structural problem like prolapse of the uterus.

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Week's worth of Cirpro also works for UTI(s).

The best advice is to go see a doctor. I can think of three things off the top of my head that it could be. Two were already mentioned here.

1) Urinary Track Infection (UTI)... Sometimes see dark uring during infectinos.

2) STD

3) Kidney Stones - Pain usually stops in a day or two when the stone passes out.


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If she had kidney stones, the pain would be so intense she would prefer dying to living with it. Doubt it is that. She could also try increasing the alkalinity in her urine, there was a woman who made a mint from a book all about cystitis - I can't remember her name but it was a bestseller in England. Her advice as far as i can recall was soda bic in water and plenty of it. Good luck to your friend.

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as a (used to be ) sufferer:

cranberry juice, or lemon in water, or vitamin c tabs

go for culture including vaginal since one symptom covers an other and she might have more then one type of flora/fauna

get thee to a doctor as well for a smear for STD's

have her get a good gyni check up for pelvic stuff; also if pain is abdominal then also ovary checks

start with the easiet: a pee check

also: tell her to pee in the shower/or quick warm water bath, the warm water helps u pee and the water also reduces any pain in genital areas. (secondary infection or primary which is causing the cystitis type thing: chlymydia, cnadida etc etc etc).

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Do you know her diagnosis? What medication did she take?

Bladder pain and painful urinating sound much like UTI (urinary tract infection ) or IC (Interstitial cystitis). However these conditions are not treated with surgery. IC needs surgery in very rare cases of intolerable symptoms. UTI just can't be treated with surgery because it is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract.

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