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Thansettakij columnist hits govt over ‘failed’ mask distribution


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4 hours ago, saengd said:

I reckon something like this could well be the catalyst for something much bigger, people have learned to live with thievery but playing with lives is something else entirely.....people may have badly misjudged the impacts here.

I don't think anything has been misjudged, it is a case of simply don't care. Pretty much always been like that but sometimes harder to cover up.

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4 hours ago, Yinn said:


this story big news for 4 days already. Turn on the TV now. Everyone show. Talk about it many station, on radio. Every newspaper.

And 20 million talk about it social media. Actors make parody video etc etc.

Doctors post social media mock them, nurses, everyone. 


Can trick the election. But can not control the Thai people.

Social media get this story first. The “officials” go to the factory and demanding all the mask. Then doctor have no mask. The “officials” sell them to China. Make millions profit.

The factory worker post on social already.



And they sell bad quality mask to thai people that breathe the particle, because it broken easily. 


i post the link about this before but the mod remove it because Thai language.  (Sorry, I can not find English one)


Can trick the election. But can not control the Thai people.

But they do control the people though.

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40 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



But it is "some quarters" that I am interested in.


The overall population cannot even vote in a meaningful election.

Ask yourself who the general answers to, that will narrow the field considerably. 

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15 hours ago, colinneil said:

Failed mask distribution, what else can people expect from the bunch of failures who ARE SLOWLY DESTROYING THE COUNTRY.

I think you not understand again.

Use the “ “ for “failed”. 

Is sarcasm.  

This story more than failed mask distribution.

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They are not a government voted in to power by the people they are a mil@@@tary dict@@@ ship,


Couldnt get a <deleted> in pattaya and certainly not fit to run a country, time for the family the people love so much to kick this lot out and have a real honest transparent election system with a true government not a military forced rule.

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This is exactly why the CDC and WHO don't recommend using a mask for the general population who has no clue how contamination works. In this case healthcare workers can make better use of them. 



Edited by Tayaout
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On 3/11/2020 at 3:34 AM, Thaiwrath said:

Let's all hope so !


They have sheds filled with guns, tanks and money, and Royal backing to have everything back the way it was in the good old days - so I'd say it's impossible unless we want more massacres.

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On 3/11/2020 at 7:59 AM, Yinn said:

Can trick the election. But can not control the Thai people.

by tricking the election they are CONTROLLING the Thai people..... tricking and controlling go together

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