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Biden takes early lead over Sanders in Michigan, wins Mississippi and Missouri

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Free testing could be offered without Medicare for All.  So could mandatory paid leave for self-quarantine.


No country is fully prepared for Covid-19, and no country will be fully prepared for the next health crisis.  However the Republican's "every man for himself" approach to health care leaves the US uniquely unprepared among the rich nations.

I don't know if you're being intentionally obtuse or not, but testing is the least of it and I don't care what the Republicans are doing as I'm not a Republican. Just admit that that free test could still end up costing thousands of dollars no matter who wins. So what if the test is free. You just tested positive.  You're not going to go to the hospital because you're deductible is $5,000, which is gone in less than a few hours and you don't have that so you go home instead.

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Bernie says he is staying put and will debate. It's going to be fun watching Biden try not to lose his .... for an hour. Way to go Bernie, if you can't win don't let anybody win! Gotta laugh at how badly they want power. They are so driven by their drunken lust they self destruct. 


Let the circular firing squad do its magic one more time. You go after him Bernie and don't let anybody doubt you.Now before you all get in a hissy and suggest it's just because I want Trump vs Bernie, that's not it. I am merely cheering Bernie to take a chunk out of Joe  . 

Bernie has no chance but him debating Joe has no positive side for the Biden camp. Hopefully Bernie puts on his final masterpiece before he becomes a mere footnote in history.

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

Are you being deliberately obtuse?


Nothing is going to change the reality we are in now.  The Republicans have left us unprepared in every way.


I would love to see universal healthcare in the US for reasons that go way beyond Covid-19.  However Bernie, a career politician with little political baggage because he never accomplished anything of significance, is not going to accomplish that.  A pragmatic politician has a chance to make incremental improvements in healthcare in the US. 


I realize we are not going to go from Republican "you're on your own" healthcare to Canadian or Nordic universal healthcare in one Presidential term.  That's why I'm going to vote for someone who can offer incremental improvements in the current system.  And someone who won't leave us so pathetically unprepared for the next pandemic as we are now.


Republican healthcare is still Obamacare. Yes I know they say they are trying to repeal it but with healthcare insurer's stocks up 1000% in the past 10 years, I don't think they're trying too hard.


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41 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Republican healthcare is still Obamacare. Yes I know they say they are trying to repeal it but with healthcare insurer's stocks up 1000% in the past 10 years, I don't think they're trying too hard.


Republican healthcare is Obamacare even though they are trying to repeal it.  Really?  You do know Republicans are fighting in court to defund the Affordable Care Act, don't you?   https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-07-08/trump-backed-lawsuit-to-invalidate-obamacare-back-in-court


My point is that if we'd elected HRC in 2016 we would be better prepared for this and future pandemics.  If we elect a Democrat this year we will be better prepared for future pandemics.


What is you point?

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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Republican healthcare is Obamacare even though they are trying to repeal it.  Really?  You do know Republicans are fighting in court to defund the Affordable Care Act, don't you?   https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-07-08/trump-backed-lawsuit-to-invalidate-obamacare-back-in-court


My point is that if we'd elected HRC in 2016 we would be better prepared for this and future pandemics.  If we elect a Democrat this year we will be better prepared for future pandemics.


What is you point?

My point is that the healthcare system in place now in America, which is wholly inadequate is the same healthcare system Biden promises to maintain. So, I don't know what all your talk about "free" is about. Ain't nothing free about it unless you're impoverished. The beauty of the system is that it can make you impoverished so that you might get it for free.

14 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Republican healthcare is Obamacare even though they are trying to repeal it.  Really?  You do know Republicans are fighting in court to defund the Affordable Care Act, don't you?   https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-07-08/trump-backed-lawsuit-to-invalidate-obamacare-back-in-court


My point is that if we'd elected HRC in 2016 we would be better prepared for this and future pandemics.  If we elect a Democrat this year we will be better prepared for future pandemics.


What is you point?

It's the self destructive ideological purist POV of the Bernie people in 2016 that stayed home or voted for a throwaway candidate like Stein or God forbid voted for 45 to cynically blow up the system that resulted in the tragic outcome we know. I actually think most Bernie supporters wont do that again and indeed based on the democratic primary results there are fewer of them. 

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

My point is that the healthcare system in place now in America, which is wholly inadequate is the same healthcare system Biden promises to maintain. So, I don't know what all your talk about "free" is about. Ain't nothing free about it unless you're impoverished. The beauty of the system is that it can make you impoverished so that you might get it for free.

If Biden is elected he will maintain and expand Affordable Care.


If Trump is re-elected he will continue his attempts to repeal Affordable Care or kill it in court.


In the unlikely event Bernie is elected he won't accomplish anything.


Which do you choose?

1 hour ago, heybruce said:

If Biden is elected he will maintain and expand Affordable Care.


If Trump is re-elected he will continue his attempts to repeal Affordable Care or kill it in court.


In the unlikely event Bernie is elected he won't accomplish anything.


Which do you choose?

Repeal the UN-affordable Care Act. 

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3 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

Repeal the UN-affordable Care Act. 

Trump's promise was to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with something cheaper and better. 


How's he doing on that?

10 hours ago, heybruce said:

Really?  Are you in the US?  Does your doctor or hospital have a test kit for Covid 19?  Can you get tested for free if you think you have been exposed?  Will you be treated for free?  Will you get paid time off from work if you need to self-quarantine?


Most important, can all the people you encounter, and the people they encounter, afford to get tested if kits are available, afford to get treated, and afford to take time off from work to self-quarantine?


If you are in the US, the answer is no.  That means the virus will not be contained.

Well, I am not in the US, so I guess the rest of your bloviating is irrelevant

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Trump's promise was to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with something cheaper and better. 


How's he doing on that?

How'd it be if Congress stopped trying to impeach Trump and do their job and come up with a better, cheaper alternative.

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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

Republican healthcare is Obamacare even though they are trying to repeal it.  Really?  You do know Republicans are fighting in court to defund the Affordable Care Act, don't you?   https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-07-08/trump-backed-lawsuit-to-invalidate-obamacare-back-in-court


My point is that if we'd elected HRC in 2016 we would be better prepared for this and future pandemics.  If we elect a Democrat this year we will be better prepared for future pandemics.


What is you point?

But you didn't ( elect HRC ). How about accepting the 2016 result and get on with fighting the election in November?

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12 minutes ago, albertik said:

Well, I am not in the US, so I guess the rest of your bloviating is irrelevant

In other words, you're fine with the Republican "every man for himself" healthcare, and you don't care if it results in a pandemic in the US.


BTW, my points were valid and pertinent.  Either you aren't smart enough to recognize that, or you don't know what bloviate means.

7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

How'd it be if Congress stopped trying to impeach Trump and do their job and come up with a better, cheaper alternative.

Did the Republicans make an effort to produce a replacement for the Affordable Care Act when they held both the House and the Senate?  Are they making any attempt to do so now?

  • Confused 1
11 hours ago, heybruce said:

When Trump goes ballistic at every perceived slight it's called "counter-punching".  When Biden calls BS on a worker who accuses him of trying to "take away our guns" he's accused of losing it.


Can you see why people don't take Trump supporters seriously?


C'mon. The Dems use every mass shooting to call for a ban on guns. No one that likes to own a gun trusts the Dems, IMO. That's why gun owners don't take the Dems seriously, IMO.

6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

But you didn't ( elect HRC ). How about accepting the 2016 result and get on with fighting the election in November?

My post is pertinent to the current election. 


Let me help you out.  I pointed out that the Republicans are trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and trying to kill it in court.  I also pointed out that if we elect a Democrat this year we will be better prepared for future pandemics.


I don't know how you missed that.

  • Confused 1
6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

C'mon. The Dems use every mass shooting to call for a ban on guns. No one that likes to own a gun trusts the Dems, IMO. That's why gun owners don't take the Dems seriously, IMO.

You been following too much right-wing fake news.  What Democrat in office, or running for office, is calling for a ban on guns?


I own several guns.  I handle them responsibly, maintain them, and store them unloaded and securely when not in use.  Just as I was taught in the Air Force.


I don't think people without proper training should have guns.  I also think people should be held responsible when they handle their weapons irresponsibly.  The excuse "I didn't know it was loaded" should be taken as an admission of criminal negligence.  Penalties for carrying a weapon under the influence should be as stiff as the penalties for driving under the influence. 


I favor reasonable gun control.  I'd like to see laws making the irresponsible handling or storage of guns subject to painful penalties, and see these laws enforced (even when the laws exist they are rarely enforced).  I will vote for candidates who have similar views.  However I don't want guns banned.

3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You been following too much right-wing fake news.  What Democrat in office, or running for office, is calling for a ban on guns?

Far as I know none, but they want restrictions and we all know where "restrictions" end up. IMO, the ultimate goal of the Dems is to remove guns from the population.

  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Far as I know none, but they want restrictions and we all know where "restrictions" end up. IMO, the ultimate goal of the Dems is to remove guns from the population.

Right....in your opinion, and "we all know".


As I said, you've been following too much right-wing fake news.

  • Confused 1
19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I don't think people without proper training should have guns.  I also think people should be held responsible when they handle their weapons irresponsibly.  The excuse "I didn't know it was loaded" should be taken as an admission of criminal negligence.  Penalties for carrying a weapon under the influence should be as stiff as the penalties for driving under the influence. 

No argument with me there. However people that cause problems with cars don't get their cars taken off them- they get punished for what they did.

I'm against gun control and FOR punishment for those that use them irresponsibly. Gun control is, IMO, the thin end of the wedge, and the agenda, IMO, is banning guns. The only party that won't ban guns is the GOP, IMO.

However, this is going off topic and that's the last from me on it.

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48 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No argument with me there. However people that cause problems with cars don't get their cars taken off them- they get punished for what they did.

I'm against gun control and FOR punishment for those that use them irresponsibly. Gun control is, IMO, the thin end of the wedge, and the agenda, IMO, is banning guns. The only party that won't ban guns is the GOP, IMO.

However, this is going off topic and that's the last from me on it.

If you want to get into semantics, I also favor control of people who own or use guns.  This is what most people mean by "gun control".


Guns are in no danger of being banned in this country.  Fringe organizations promote this nonsense to advance their agendas.

12 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Bernie says he is staying put and will debate. It's going to be fun watching Biden try not to lose his .... for an hour. Way to go Bernie, if you can't win don't let anybody win! Gotta laugh at how badly they want power. They are so driven by their drunken lust they self destruct. 

You couldn't be more wrong even if you tried. Disagree with Sanders' policies but don't say he is power hungry. He has fought for those less fortunate his entire life. His desire to sit in the oval is only to implement what he and every human with an empathetic bone in their body wants.

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