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There Are Some Comediens Out There...


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Allow me CD,

ZukiSuzuki your an ass.


We just come from very different cultures. I know you can appreciate that.

Well any culture should value one human life as much as another irrespective, after all do they not possess kami?


PS Apologies if I miss-spell, no disrespect intended

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We just come from very different cultures. I know you can appreciate that.

I am Asian also, and I don't share your attitude.'

Thank you.

PS. You are an arse.

Edited by elsie
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Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

I'd get a warning for telling what I think of you so I'll let someone else call you an ass.

Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

I'd get a warning for telling what I think of you so I'll let someone else call you an ass.

And I"ll follow up with "hole"


excellent :o

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One could make the arguement that ripping off a hooker is no different than ripping off a drug dealer, they both are providing an illegal service. I dont think there would be nearly as much sympathy for the drug dealer if someone posted "I stole some crack from a dealer and punched his friend in the head".

I think the difference is that most prostitutes (especially in Thailand), are by no means well off and in a perfect world it would not be their profession of choice.

It is the fact of stealing from someone who is already in a situation 1000 times worse than your own that disturbs me.

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Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

Amazing how much a few sentences can tell so much about the op. I think if we are judging value, you should start with a mirror, I certainly see nought. :o

I'm with brit! :D

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Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

Amazing how much a few sentences can tell so much about the op. I think if we are judging value, you should start with a mirror, I certainly see nought. :o

I'm with brit! :D

Me too, any culture that devalues a woman because she is a sex worker is about as civilised as the Huns.

I'd like to add, however, that as a former Government worker I was paid in monopoly money for years.

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Allow me CD,

ZukiSuzuki your an ass.


We just come from very different cultures. I know you can appreciate that.

Not personally against you but the Chinese saw your culture in Nanjing 50 years ago - I have heard they have a long memory though and they are growing very big right now.........................................

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Allow me CD,

ZukiSuzuki your an ass.


We just come from very different cultures. I know you can appreciate that.

Not personally against you but the Chinese saw your culture in Nanjing 50 years ago - I have heard they have a long memory though and they are growing very big right now.........................................

We've had the Thai bashing threads, and the American bashing threads, and the Brit bashing threads. Are we now going to have a Japanese bashing thread? Let's not, shall we?

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Apart from all the conflicting views here, I think it's a shame that such guys feel good about taking advantage of the trust these girls show. In their trade there's very little opportunity for recourse when they get ripped off.

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I once bought a bag of orgeno and I can assure you no one felt sorry for me!

Was it that stuff that was grown with too much water and tastes all bland when you put it in a sauce?

I hate that. :o

My sympathies.

Not Oysters then....! :D:D


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I Hope you guys get what is coming to you, you feed off of young ladies who are mostly doing what they do because of low education and a necessity for looking after their family, who is the scum? Not them I am sure, if you feel the need to partake, then at least have the decency to look after your entertainment properly, and with some kind of respect.

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I Hope you guys get what is coming to you, you feed off of young ladies who are mostly doing what they do because of low education and a necessity for looking after their family, who is the scum? Not them I am sure, if you feel the need to partake, then at least have the decency to look after your entertainment properly, and with some kind of respect.

Seriously, are you, have a word....!

What gives you the right to discern what is right and what is wrong....!

Are There Some Comediens Out There...



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Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

Amazing how much a few sentences can tell so much about the op. I think if we are judging value, you should start with a mirror, I certainly see nought. :o

I'm with brit! :D

You're both looking in a mirror..how strange.

What's this thread about ?

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I Hope you guys get what is coming to you, you feed off of young ladies who are mostly doing what they do because of low education and a necessity for looking after their family, who is the scum? Not them I am sure, if you feel the need to partake, then at least have the decency to look after your entertainment properly, and with some kind of respect.

Seriously, are you, have a word....!

What gives you the right to discern what is right and what is wrong....!

Are There Some Comediens Out There...


Right and wrong in this situation is simply treating your Bar Fine with the respect she or he deserves, and not ripping them off after the deed has been done, simple ethics I'm sure.................

Remind me never to share a beer with yourself, trouble would follow I'm certain.

Edited by solent01
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Devalue the girl further? She's a prostitute, she has no value.

Amazing how much a few sentences can tell so much about the op. I think if we are judging value, you should start with a mirror, I certainly see nought. :D

I'm with brit! :D

You're both looking in a mirror..how strange.

What's this thread about ?

That means they're looking at themselves then.... :o OOOoooohhhh, deep maN....!!!!


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