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The Tear-it-up Tourist


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So you aussies are the 'POMS' then right? :o

Not those of us whose families came out as miners, migrants, and free settlers

So why don't you go start one called "Trolls for Hire" and get on with your own little world and leave us to enjoy this one

But getting back on track to the topic this sort of behaviour is fairly common amongst most cultures that allow/encourage/tolerate young men letting off steam. He may be drunk, stupid, or just having fun. He may look like a <deleted>/dork/wan*ker or whatever but until they stop the sale of alcohol/drugs or limit freedom of expression it will always happen.

Personally I think they are amusing if only as examples of why I don't want to go back to the homeland. It is only when they become beligerent ars**oles and want to fight everyone that it loses the fun factor.


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I've watched far worse from farang ladies in Patters recently. :o

not the large pale skinned ones squeezed into a 'kini 4 sizes tooooooooo small for them? :D

Uh not quite; however I'll summarize:

-Legless farang ladies (multiple instances) drinking so much, basically carried out of said bars.

-Although not confined to ladies exclusively, but seeing this more/more of this from farang ladies - stripping in GoGo(s).

-Certain gogo to remain nameless involving a farang lady, lets just say smth that should be confined to a room, and this also apparently was told to me by other members on TV. (didnt believe it was more than a one off until I saw smth similar)

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The Aussie generation may have started from English convict stock, but that stock developed into a race of people far superior to those from whence they came.

We built a strong (sporting) nation from your convicts whilst you POMS continue to flounder with your toffee-nosed aristocrats. :D

Move over Rolf, there is another convict comedian in town !!


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may personal fav to see, and it occurs quiet often be in in a go go bar, or anywhere with hot thai chicks up dancing is the 55 and upwards aged guy....who is well beered up, fancies himself as john Travolta and he too takes to the stage/podiumn to gave an embarassing cringing dance display... its a greater reminder as to why I gave up all forms of drinking alcohol! and I can smugly sit back, and thank god, its not me the next hung over day..getting "let me tell you what you did last night" ha ha !

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Your explanation of POME is quite correct but the spelling, POM, is now the accepted form in all publications.

The Aussie generation may have started from English convict stock, but that stock developed into a race of people far superior to those from whence they came.

We built a strong (sporting) nation from your convicts whilst you POMS continue to flounder with your toffee-nosed aristocrats. :o

Come on now mm NO POMM BASHING, as I spend equal time here in UK/ Aus, I have the perfect answer to you Aussies. For people that don't know me when travelling, I can do a G/day mate as good as you, and a good old Aussie twang, the ba..tards never guees I am a pom, and for those that know me I take the p.ss out of the poms myself, that beats them hands down !

And when is LOS/ Pattaya sometime I act a Pom, sometimes A cobber, I have to say the girls love it when I have my good old Aussie hat on and act the cobber, I been asked many time thus "Eh crocodile dundee, take me Australia" No problem what can you do for me !

I aint keen on the aristo cats either !

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Not exactly sure why the op should feel that his national dignity has been denigrated.

Maybe the poor bastard works 50 weeks a year in a crap job to be able to live for a fortnight free from the strictures of his home town culture. His idea of fun is your idea of acting like a “nob”; if no-one else is being harmed, surely that’s his choice?

I’d far rather be around someone drinking, smiling and dancing, than someone drinking, scowling and donnybrooking.

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Don't feed the Troll. Must be close to to Songkran. Next week it will be, "bloody drunk English with water cannons, I hate it, stay indoors for the week,as do my Thai friends, as I am nearly Thai myself.Don't know why I live in Patters,I could live anywhere and moan, all the drunks and prostitutes.

Hahahaha, I found that kinda of funny, as just yesterday, I received a dinner invitation from a Thai lady that is coming down to Pattaya (from Bangkok) specifially to "play SongKran" for 4-5 days.

Last year I hung out with my Thai friends during Songkran (I think I mentioned in another thread about how I had armed all the ankle-biters in my soi with various sizes of water guns). We only did two days of mayhem though. At one point, Nam loaded up his pick-up with a large plastic garbage can, (full of water and ice) and the rest of the "clan" piled in and started running around the neighbourhood soaking everything in sight (no farangs to be seen, as I stayed behind. The thought of 12 people crammed in the back of the truck with a driver that was not exactly sober didn't excite me).

But then I couldn't sneak down Soi 6 after golf on Sunday."

Still looking for golfing books at the "public library" eh ? :o

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last year I was in Samui for SongKran, 1st 2 days were great fun. I sort of noticed after 2 days max, most of the thais had called it quits, at that stage, except for the pretty gals whose would deem it good business to have a load of farang lads, carrying on the party from their bar for an extra 3 days.

So yeah, I found after the 2 days of fun, it was becoming a bit of a pain, especially since 90% of thai people had seemed to stop, and the rest farang holiday markers being encouraged to play it out for a few more days, obviously in order to keep the beer sales and bar fine flowing. etc etc

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Not exactly sure why the op should feel that his national dignity has been denigrated.

Maybe the poor bastard works 50 weeks a year in a crap job to be able to live for a fortnight free from the strictures of his home town culture. His idea of fun is your idea of acting like a “nob”; if no-one else is being harmed, surely that’s his choice?

I’d far rather be around someone drinking, smiling and dancing, than someone drinking, scowling and donnybrooking.

I dont begrudge anyone enjoying themselves, but this guy WAS acting like a nob and his antics were having an effect on people around him; he was po-going around and bumping into people and generally his actions were intimidating to these people. So what if he works 50 weeks a year, I do too. Do I act up like that? no and never have and never will.

It was only until he po-goed into a post and banged his head that he simmered down a little

- Another example of 'Tear it up Tourist' was a group of Cockney thirty somethings in another bar, off Soi Yamato , shirts off tattoes on show, football chanting to a bar girl, 'Do you take it up the a###' at the top of their lungs, egging each other on, and swearing like dockers - again not amusing and made me and others around me cringe.

The girl could not understand what they were saying - this is a cheap shot IMO.

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Not exactly sure why the op should feel that his national dignity has been denigrated.

Maybe the poor bastard works 50 weeks a year in a crap job to be able to live for a fortnight free from the strictures of his home town culture. His idea of fun is your idea of acting like a “nob”; if no-one else is being harmed, surely that’s his choice?

I’d far rather be around someone drinking, smiling and dancing, than someone drinking, scowling and donnybrooking.

I dont begrudge anyone enjoying themselves, but this guy WAS acting like a nob and his antics were having an effect on people around him; he was po-going around and bumping into people and generally his actions were intimidating to these people. So what if he works 50 weeks a year, I do too. Do I act up like that? no and never have and never will.

It was only until he po-goed into a post and banged his head that he simmered down a little

- Another example of 'Tear it up Tourist' was a group of Cockney thirty somethings in another bar, off Soi Yamato , shirts off tattoes on show, football chanting to a bar girl, 'Do you take it up the a###' at the top of their lungs, egging each other on, and swearing like dockers - again not amusing and made me and others around me cringe.

The girl could not understand what they were saying - this is a cheap shot IMO.

Send them all back to magulf or playa des americas!

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Not exactly sure why the op should feel that his national dignity has been denigrated.

Maybe the poor bastard works 50 weeks a year in a crap job to be able to live for a fortnight free from the strictures of his home town culture. His idea of fun is your idea of acting like a “nob”; if no-one else is being harmed, surely that’s his choice?

I’d far rather be around someone drinking, smiling and dancing, than someone drinking, scowling and donnybrooking.

I dont begrudge anyone enjoying themselves, but this guy WAS acting like a nob and his antics were having an effect on people around him; he was po-going around and bumping into people and generally his actions were intimidating to these people. So what if he works 50 weeks a year, I do too. Do I act up like that? no and never have and never will.

It was only until he po-goed into a post and banged his head that he simmered down a little

- Another example of 'Tear it up Tourist' was a group of Cockney thirty somethings in another bar, off Soi Yamato , shirts off tattoes on show, football chanting to a bar girl, 'Do you take it up the a###' at the top of their lungs, egging each other on, and swearing like dockers - again not amusing and made me and others around me cringe.

The girl could not understand what they were saying - this is a cheap shot IMO.

Send them all back to magulf or playa des americas!

I got a better idea, send them to Bagdad. :o

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Not exactly sure why the op should feel that his national dignity has been denigrated.

Maybe the poor bastard works 50 weeks a year in a crap job to be able to live for a fortnight free from the strictures of his home town culture. His idea of fun is your idea of acting like a “nob”; if no-one else is being harmed, surely that’s his choice?

I’d far rather be around someone drinking, smiling and dancing, than someone drinking, scowling and donnybrooking.

I dont begrudge anyone enjoying themselves, but this guy WAS acting like a nob and his antics were having an effect on people around him; he was po-going around and bumping into people and generally his actions were intimidating to these people. So what if he works 50 weeks a year, I do too. Do I act up like that? no and never have and never will.

It was only until he po-goed into a post and banged his head that he simmered down a little

- Another example of 'Tear it up Tourist' was a group of Cockney thirty somethings in another bar, off Soi Yamato , shirts off tattoes on show, football chanting to a bar girl, 'Do you take it up the a###' at the top of their lungs, egging each other on, and swearing like dockers - again not amusing and made me and others around me cringe.

The girl could not understand what they were saying - this is a cheap shot IMO.

If he was intimidating other people, my original statement doesn't apply. He's a nob. :D

There is no excuse for the others you mention. Moronic mob mentality with the power of numbers to make them feel that normal rules of behaviour don't apply. Pointing out to them that they are a disgrace to their country would probably lead to a trip to the hospital, but what can you do? :D

I believe chimpanzees confronting another tribe fire themselves up in a similar fashion. :o

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It isn't only in bars that you get to see the Nobs at play. I was in Carrefour a couple of days ago (in your gracious city), three young men - probably aged 20, were discussing the merits of the ladies they had purchased the night before. This was not being done discreetly, top of their voices shouting about what these young women were (alleged) to have tolerated. My daughters looked perplexed. All three of them were bare chested and one was wearing speedos. Classy look I am sure you would agree! :o

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  • 3 months later...

Pattaya should have a Statue of Liberty style sign. I can see it now.

Give me your drunk, your idiotic, your perveted masses yearning to screw on the cheap.

The failed refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the overweight, tempest tossers to me, I lift my skirt behind the curtained door.

The guy the OP saw was no doubt a loser in his own society so feels at home in Pattaya.

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- Another example of 'Tear it up Tourist' was a group of Cockney thirty somethings in another bar, off Soi Yamato , shirts off tattoes on show, football chanting to a bar girl, 'Do you take it up the a###' at the top of their lungs, egging each other on, and swearing like dockers - again not amusing and made me and others around me cringe.

The girl could not understand what they were saying - this is a cheap shot IMO.

Chelsea supporters, obviously.

Hey - Heli - you seem to do a lot of cringeing - it's really not necessary, you know.

Regard them all as animals in a zoo, not as fellow countrymen - or even fellow human beings.

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