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PM Cancels Itinerary Today

Jai Dee

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PM cancels itinerary today

The Prime Minister has canceled his itinerary for today (April 9) due to personal reasons.

Prime Minister Gen Surayud Chulanon has canceled his 10:00 AM seminar at Government House, as well as all other meetings scheduled for today (April 9). The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Human Security, Mr. Piboon Wattanasiritham (ไพบูลย์ วัฒนศิริธรรม), will be filling in for the Prime Minister at the Government House seminar, and will also receive the Chief Executive of Macau, Edmund Ho Hau-wah, and delegates at 14:00.

Mr. Piboon is also tasked with taking Gen Surayud's place in a press interview at 16:00. Meanwhile the Spokesperson to the Prime Minister's Office, Capt MD Yongyuth Maiyalap (ยงยุทธ มัยลาภ ), indicates that he was not aware of the full details of the Prime Minister's personal matters, and that reports into Gen Surayud's health condition could not be confirmed or denied at present.

The Spokesperson to the Prime Minister's Office affirmed that the Prime Minister's absence today was not linked to the Minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office, Mr. Thirapat Serirangsan's (ธีรภัทร์ เสรีรังสรรค์), allegation that Gen Surayud may resign from his post.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 09 April 2007

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Surayud in hospital

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont went to see doctors at Bangkok Hospital Monday morning.

He arrived at the Bangkok Hospital at 11 am and doctors would hold a press conference on his condition at 3 pm.

Source: The Nation - 9 April 2007

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Government spokesman denies reports on PM's resignation

Government Spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp has denied reports Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont lost heart and planned to call it quits, saying the premier cancelled his official schedules on Monday because he had personal business to do.

The reports on the planned resignation of the premier came after he cancelled the official schedules for his performance throughout Monday including an opening of a seminar on "Prevailing Justice and Public Participation", meeting of a team of senior executives from Macao, and an exclusive interview with political and military news editors of TV Channel 7.

Capt. Yongyuth said the premier had personal business to do and assigned senior officials to perform on his behalf. Certain schedules had been postponed.

Asked whether the premier got sick, he said:" I don't know in detail. What I know is that he has business to do today and will return to perform official duties tomorrow."

Asked about a revelation by Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan that the premier lost heart and might resign in May, Capt. Yongyuth said the prime minister made a clear remark he would never lose heart because he had a clear objective to administer the country until a fair general election is held as scheduled on December 16 or 23.

"The premier has a clear determination and assertion that he will perform duties continuously as the head of the government for the sake of the country. As a former military officer, he will do a mission he had go to the utmost of his ability," Capt Yongyuth said.

Asked he had sought a clarification with Mr. Thirapat on his remarks, the government spokesman said he did not know in detail what the minister talked.

However, he said he believed the premier clearly intends to fulfill his duties and that he will carry out his tasks to the utmost of his ability.

A source said the premier took a one-day leave of absence due to illness, and that a medical team had come to treat him at his residence in Lad Krabang.

The premier reportedly caught cold upon returning from Japan April 5 because the weather in Thailand is very hot while that in Japan is cold.

Source: TNA - 9 April 2007

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not good news , this guy has already earned kudos by rejecting martial law for Bkk ,

the whole shebang is shaky enough without the need to replace the appointed PM

get well soon , Sir

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not good news , this guy has already earned kudos by rejecting martial law for Bkk ,

the whole shebang is shaky enough without the need to replace the appointed PM

get well soon , Sir

Hopefully nothing serious and like others I wish him well.

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Premier enters hospital as resignation rumours swirl

Amidst unsubstantiated rumours that he was considering stepping down within a month, Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont has suddenly checked into a hospital for a few days. The premier was admitted to the Bangkok Hospital on Monday and was planning to stay for a while in order to receive a thorough medical check-up.

Khunying Chitravadee Chulanont, the premier's wife, told reporters that there was nothing about Gen Surayud's health to be worried about, and that the visit to the hospital was "a normal check-up."

There was no warning to the public that Gen Surayud intended to go to the hospital. When asked if the premier would stay at the Bangkok Hospital overnight on Monday, his wife replied, "Yes."

Doctors at the hospital held a press conference on Monday afternoon, saying that Gen Surayud would be able to go back to work on Thursday - the beginning of a five-day Songkran (Thai New Year) long weekend. They said his condition was normal and that they would spend two to three days to do a thorough check-up on him.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

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Three nights or just overnight?

PM to spend a night at Bangkok General Hospital

The Prime Minister, Gen. Surayud Chulanont, is currently resting at Bangkok General Hospital for medical check-up tonight.

At 14:20 hours, Khunying Jitrawadee Chulanont, the Prime Minister’s wife, visited Gen. Surayud at the hospital. She said her husband is scheduled for a regular medical check-up and will spend a night at the hospital.

- ThaiNews

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More and more lies...

Parinya explained he needed about three days as Surayud is to be placed on a strict diet and administered with a laxative for two days so that his colon is clean and his intestine is ready to undergo a "virtual colonoscopy".

It's strange... a colonoscopy takes one day (not night) at Bumrungrad hospital.

You come early in the morning... They give you a strong laxative... And hop... in the afternoon they do the examination.

At 4 PM, bye, bye. You go home.


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More and more lies...

Parinya explained he needed about three days as Surayud is to be placed on a strict diet and administered with a laxative for two days so that his colon is clean and his intestine is ready to undergo a "virtual colonoscopy".

It's strange... a colonoscopy takes one day (not night) at Bumrungrad hospital.

You come early in the morning... They give you a strong laxative... And hop... in the afternoon they do the examination.

At 4 PM, bye, bye. You go home.


shar... shar... no need to jump on this at this point in time.

Many colonscopies, particularly in older patients, require more prep time.... AND if the exam is being conducted along with other studies, such as a cardiac work-up... it can easily stretch into a couple of days.

This is Thailand, where people get admitted to the hospital for 3 days because of a head cold.

Is there something more behind all of this? dunno... it's far too little to speculate so strongly on.

Edited by sriracha john
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Interior Minister affirmative of PM stand still.

Interior Minister Aree Wongaraya has asserted that Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont will not resign from his position as he is willing to do his job for the good of the country.

Previously, the People's Alliance for Democracy claimed that the Prime Minister is discouraged and he may resign due to the mounting political tension. In response, Mr. Aree says he believes Gen. Surayud will not resign from his uncompleted tasks. He says Gen.Surayud has accepted the post for the sake of the kingdom and will not do anything for himself. He also asks people to stop making groundless comments.

Furthermore, the Interior Minister says the Council of National Security (CNS) is under political attack and everything should be done fairly. However, he denies to discuss the relocations of provincial governors as it will be discussed in the Cabinet meeting today.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 April 2007

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More and more lies...

Parinya explained he needed about three days as Surayud is to be placed on a strict diet and administered with a laxative for two days so that his colon is clean and his intestine is ready to undergo a "virtual colonoscopy".

It's strange... a colonoscopy takes one day (not night) at Bumrungrad hospital.

You come early in the morning... They give you a strong laxative... And hop... in the afternoon they do the examination.

At 4 PM, bye, bye. You go home.


shar... shar... no need to jump on this at this point in time.

Many colonscopies, particularly in older patients, require more prep time.... AND if the exam is being conducted along with other studies, such as a cardiac work-up... it can easily stretch into a couple of days.

This is Thailand, where people get admitted to the hospital for 3 days because of a head cold.

Is there something more behind all of this? dunno... it's far too little to speculate so strongly on.


This is special for the Prime Minister. He needs rest for a few days. Free from press, from engagements, possibly from decision-making, and acid in his stomache!!!

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Thai PM undergoes hospital tests

Thai Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont has been admitted to hospital for a medical check-up, fuelling rumours that he may resign.

Mr Surayud abruptly cancelled all his engagements to go to the hospital in Bangkok for the four-day examination.

A government spokesman denied the rumours that Mr Surayud, 63, may quit, saying the prime minister just had "personal business to attend to".

Mr Surayud was appointed by the military after a coup in September.

Source and rest of the article:



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Learning now the PM has a history of diverticulitis confirms, at this point, that nothing is out of the ordinary regarding his hospital stay:

The [physical] check must be extended over a couple of days because Gen Surayud has a record of colon problems, said Dr Prinya, who is a colo-rectal surgeon. Eight years ago, Gen Surayud suffered from diverticulitis of the colon, a disease found in one in three people in their 60s. Though he recovered, he was advised to have his colon checked regularly. For the check-up, he must eat only plain boiled rice for two days prior to a colonoscopy. All examination results will be available on Thursday and the prime minister should be discharged from hospital that day, the doctor said.

Continued here:


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Learning now the PM has a history of diverticulitis confirms, at this point, that nothing is out of the ordinary regarding his hospital stay:

The [physical] check must be extended over a couple of days because Gen Surayud has a record of colon problems, said Dr Prinya, who is a colo-rectal surgeon. Eight years ago, Gen Surayud suffered from diverticulitis of the colon, a disease found in one in three people in their 60s. Though he recovered, he was advised to have his colon checked regularly. For the check-up, he must eat only plain boiled rice for two days prior to a colonoscopy. All examination results will be available on Thursday and the prime minister should be discharged from hospital that day, the doctor said.

Continued here:


:o Diverticulitis can be extremely painful.....I know... :D

I had it some 13 years ago and drove to the hospital myself...literally crawling on my knees into first aid.....extremely painful! I was just in time; if the colon bursts open it can be very dangerous.

Since than I take 'Psyllium' capsules containing natural fibers and had never a problem again.

Hope he's allright.


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Here is a rather alternative take on what is happening:


Mind you it should be borne in mind that the Texas based company are pretty neo-con linked and have been predicting the end of Hugo Chavez for aeons and impending new al Qaeda attacks on the US since the day after 9/11, so their track record is not exactly impressive. They are also heavily linked to serving corporate America. However, it does detail an alternative interpretation of events that may interest some.

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Here is a rather alternative take on what is happening:


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Edited by sriracha john
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Here is a rather alternative take on what is happening:


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Ok if you want to read it go to Google News search "thailand" scroll down a little until you find the stories on PM Surayud's illness and click the link there. That will get you in, or at least it got me in and I am not a member of some Bushite "intelligence" assessment agency!

You can then get in as a google guest!

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Here is a rather alternative take on what is happening:


You need to be a premium subscriber to view that article.

Care to post a few pertinent paragraphs?


Only a few though... we don't want to violate copyright.

alternatively, a username/password posting would be quite beneficial to the rest of us.... :o

j/k, of course

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Here is a rather alternative take on what is happening:


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Ok if you want to read it go to Google News search "thailand" scroll down a little until you find the stories on PM Surayud's illness and click the link there. That will get you in, or at least it got me in and I am not a member of some Bushite "intelligence" assessment agency! laugh inserted here: :D

You can then get in as a google guest!

oh ok.... what's the title of the article to limit the Google searching?


nevermind... got it... AND it saved me the annual 11,253.50 baht fee


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Here is the analysis from that Statfor piece. Remember the bias of this group and their usually poor record.


Thai Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont unexpectedly checked into a hospital on the morning of April 9, reportedly for a scheduled routine checkup that will keep him hospitalized for at least four days. Surayud had to cancel an engagement in Macau because of his hospitalization, which suggests the checkup was not scheduled as claimed. This has led to mass speculations circulating throughout Bangkok about a deepening rift between Surayud and his military regime sponsors. Whatever the reason behind Surayud's hospitalization might be, the ad hoc and disjointed way in which the government is handling events in the run up to the announcement of the new constitutional draft shows that the regime still lacks confidence in its ability to retain control in the long run.


The constitutional draft due April 19 is meant to lay down the basics of Thailand's new democratic constitution, the call for which legitimized the coup led by Sonthi in 2006. However, the military regime's recent attempts to squash any opposition ability to spark mass uprisings and to meddle in the drafting of the new constitution have raised doubts over how pure the military government's "democratic intent" is. In response, opposition groups have sought to capitalize on this and started calling together weekly rallies that could eventually evolve into mass uprisings akin to those that overthrew Thaksin last year. Thousands of demonstrators have gathered weekly in downtown Bangkok since March to protest military rule despite the military's threat to impose emergency law.

The military considers Surayud to be too slow, indecisive and violence-averse to be able to implement all the short-term measures to pre-empt any mass uprising immediately before and after the draft is announced; Surayud thwarted Sonthi's attempt to declare emergency law over Bangkok on March 28. Surayud's four-day retreat was likely engineered to free up the military to impose immediate emergency law in Bangkok -- which is now inevitable following unconfirmed reports of an explosion late April 9 outside a theater (no injuries were reported).


Edited by Jai Dee
As this article was reproduced from a subcription only website, I've edited the post to avoid copyright infringement issues.
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Surayud's four-day retreat was likely engineered to free up the military to impose immediate emergency law in Bangkok -- which is now inevitable following unconfirmed reports of an explosion late April 9 outside a theater (no injuries were reported).

Interesting... we'll have to wait and see... :o

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