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Hopefully, Market forces at work.

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Trusting in Capitalism and "Market-Forces" would mean that by now every Laboratory would aim to be the first to come up with a Vaccine. The financial rewards would be absolutely tremendeous. Entire States would engage in a bidding contest, making everyone that was part of the Instituton that came up with it first "superrich". And rightly so!
This must happen within the next 2 months. We can not keep the productive "world-population at home" much longer than that.
- The common consensus that it takes 1 year to developpe a vaccine must be qualified as "unacceptable". We simply don't have this much time.
Let's (for now) trust in the much praised "market-forces" that can solve any problem as long as the financial reward is big enough.
This must happen within 2 Months. We can not keep the productive forces of the world "at home" for a year, since we know that only mass-vaccinations can bring this under control and not any endless "stay-home" concepts.

Capitalism and it's inherit "reward-system" are being put to the ultimate Test these days.
Failure is not allowed! A vaccine within 2 months is imperative. Let's see if the Market Economy with all it's promises of being at the right time at the right place with the right product will make you rich. The ultimate driving force of it all. If this should not come to pass, I would recommend not to follow the Dow-Jones and Co on a daily basis anymore.
We shall see.

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Contrary to popular belief, pharmaceutical companies dont have a big incentive to develop vaccine because they are not the most profitable market. There is also the fact that vaccine take on average 10 years to develop with 96% failure rate. We still don't have a vaccine for SARS 18 years later...


You can develop a vaccine overnight but you cant afford to inoculate millions of peoples and find out later that it make them sick like it already happened in the past. It wont happen in less than 2 months. We will be lucky if it happens in less than 18 months but we might find out that treatments like hydroxychloroquine work much sooner. 







Edited by Tayaout
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The safety of any vaccine is going to be what slows it down, some 'dude' was already injected with a test vaccine in the US.


Now we wait to see how it pans out.


I have a vision of very effective and almost immediate result easy to use 'field tests' being produced and used over the next couple of years while vaccines are being tested over time. The kind of thing that will give you a result very quickly if you're infected, perhaps something that can be used before you enter a large building once per day.


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37 minutes ago, swissie said:

A vaccine within 2 months is imperative.

It would take that long to even get ethics approval to begin a 1st phase trial, before even thinking about 2nd phase and then final approvals


Shortages have been brought about by "market forces" outsourcing manufacturing to one country, which will again have the "upperhand" as they emerge from the firt part of the crisis. USA does not have enough PPE, medical equipment, or testing kits, thanks market forces.


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