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Giving dog worm pills - How?

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Iv'e always given my dogs pills by getting hold of their top jaw forcing their head back and pushing the pills in the open mouth to the back of the throat then holding the head up till you can feel the pill being swallowed.


This has worked in the past but now the dogs are getting bigger and struggle when I try and now makes it impossible to do it this way any more.


Tried hiding the pills in a lump of yummy meat, but they know it's there and just eat the meat and spit out the pill.


Tried crushing the pill and putting that in a lump of yummy meat but somehow they manage to eat round that leaving just a pile of pill crumbs behind.  (how do they do that?) :unsure:


These worm pills are fairly big and seem to have a distinctive taste/smell that the just don't like, and difficult to hide in any snacks without them noticing. :sad:


How do you give your dog it's medicine?


Is there a liquid form of worm medicine that I could syringe down their throat? -  this works quite well on the kids :thumbsup:



Edited by Daffy D
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OP, do it the same way when they were young. I've got a Husky and do it this way, no problem.


    If you do it very fast they don't even realize that they've swallowed a pill. 

Edited by Isaanbiker
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I crush the pills with the pestle into a fine powder, then it goes in with the wet food. Usually my dogs get boiled fish with rice  once or twice a week and its fairly sloppy thats the time to mix the pill in. I never just give them apile of raw meat for instance. I have one male dog, more discerning than the females who seems to be able to work hsi way round the powder, while still consuming most of it. I poured a can of pla grapong into his bowl and mixed the powder in with the sauce, no rice, he gobbled it down

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Hold the muzzle shut.  Then lift the top lip at the side.  There's a gap between the teeth you can push a pill through.  (You may need to relax your grip on the muzzle a little to do this.)  Then rub the dog's nose with something smelly and tasty.  (A small piece of cheese works well.)  The dog will attempt to lick its nose, and will then swallow the pill.

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Frankly, the best way is to institute a frenzy.


Cook a juicy pience of meat in front of Fido, all the while murmuring in your good doggie voice, ohhhhh, look at this Fido, Prime Rib (even when its a tail chunk), yum, o this is gonna be so good, I bet you cant wait, here, have a snif, nope cant eat yet, yummmmmmmmmmmmmm.


The dog will be sitting there, staring, begging , salivating.


Now cut the meat in front of the dog. Make pill size pieces.  Put a pill in one. Maybe let the dog lick your fingers. The thing should be quivering in anticipation. Pickup a small piece (not with the pill), put it in your mouth and start noisily chewing in the dogs face. Yum, yum, ooooooo this is so good,  want some? want some? Come on, yeah, o boy I have some for you, want some, want some? Come on, yeah yeah yeah meat meat meat


Your dog shoud be spaz at this point. The make him sit and take a piece the size of a nanometer...but give him the no treatment..NO...NO...NO...(maybe put it on his nose so he has to cross eye it) NOOOOOOO....GOOD BOY!!!! Gobble snarrfle


By now rhe dog is insane with dogge hunger....now hold up a big piece.....want it, oh yummy, good boy, speak (bark) speak (bark) SPEAK (BARK BARK BARK) oh my god here it comes YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY and start flinging pieces into his mouth that he literally will just swallow down, lots of screams from you like Yummy yummy good boy meat meat yummy goooooddddd booooyyy. The pill will be gone.

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4 hours ago, Mutt Daeng said:

The best way in my experience is to crush the tablets and mix with a little milk. It works for my dogs.

Sounds like a plan will give that a try.


The few times Iv'e given them milk they do seem to like it, and possibly will hide the taste of the pill.  



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4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

By now rhe dog is insane with dogge hunger....now hold up a big piece.....want it, oh yummy, good boy, speak (bark) speak (bark) SPEAK (BARK BARK BARK) oh my god here it comes YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY and start flinging pieces into his mouth that he literally will just swallow down, lots of screams from you like Yummy yummy good boy meat meat yummy goooooddddd booooyyy. The pill will be gone.

I got 3 dogs that need 2 pills each, that's gonna take a lot of time. :whistling:

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1 minute ago, Steve Vincent said:

Whenever give my dogs worm pills or any other pills “. Always crush them up and mix within there food. Was told by my local vet this the best way as sometimes dogs regurgitate and bring the tablets up. 

Yeah but then they will just eat it back up. 



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4 hours ago, Oxx said:

Hold the muzzle shut.  Then lift the top lip at the side.  There's a gap between the teeth you can push a pill through.  (You may need to relax your grip on the muzzle a little to do this.)  Then rub the dog's nose with something smelly and tasty.  (A small piece of cheese works well.)  The dog will attempt to lick its nose, and will then swallow the pill.

That sounds like a two person job.


The dogs muzzles are slightly tapered towards the nose and from experience I know that if I grab the snout they will just wriggle out backwards.


Maybe I could back them up against a wall and give it a go next time.  :thumbsup: 

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I just wrap the pills up in a small ball of cheese.  


Feed a few bits of cheese first to get the dog thinking its just getting treats, then give the bit with the pill in in last with no fuss so the dog is not suspicious.  Works every time for my dogs and any pill.



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