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I was watching a British drama on UBC today, where a female scientist was performing some sort of forensic test. She was wearing a surgical mask & had thick caked mascara. I know it was just an actress, but the first thing that went through my head was "Why on earth is she wearing that thick make-up with a job like that?"

It took me a couple of minutes to realise that when I was nursing, in my early 20's, I used to wear make-up all the time. Even when I did my theatre (OR) training, I wore make-up. In fact, up to the time I came to Thailand, I would not go anywhere outside my immediate neighbourhood without putting on the slap. Even for my first couple of years here, I wore make-up to work & whenever I went into town.

What happened to me? I only ever wear make-up for special social occasions or for the "once in a blue moon" times I go out at night, now. Sure, it would be silly for my work, but why don't I make the effort at other times? Am I too lazy? Is it the heat? Is it that virtually no other women wear make up in the day here in Hua Hin?

Do you wear make-up less often than you used to? Does make-up fit into your lifestyle now? Are the ladies who live in BKK more likely to wear cosmetics than those of us who live in smaller beach towns?

What are your views on this?

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I used to wear full make up most bays back in the uk. I'd never leave the house without mascara.

Here it's so hot it seems to slide off my face within minutes so i don't bother. i sometimes put it on once i get to work but not always, then its only powder, mascara and lipstick/gloss. Special occasions i put on the full slap but they are very few and far between.

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i find that even sunscreen is even too much on my face as it blocks the pores. i have a friend who wears a full face of make up here in phuket. doesnt sweat a drop! i have no idea how she does it.

if i do wear make up (i dont even know where it is any more) it melts off of me as soon as i put it on. thats why i prefer the permanent solution.

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i can not go without eye makeup. i wear eyeliner and waterproof mascara every day. no point in using anything other than that though as it all melts off. i use a lot of carmex for my lips. i noticed not many women wear makeup at all in LOS, but the eye makeup is a habit i have had since i was about 11 and can't break, i don't feel like myself without it.

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Never wear makeup. When I say never, I mean once or twice a year at most and then only lipstick.Can't bear the feel of foundation or powder and don't really need mascara (which is lucky, it became a solid lump the last time checked) Worryingly though my girls covet the barbie little girls makeup in central. :o

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i can not go without eye makeup. i wear eyeliner and waterproof mascara every day. no point in using anything other than that though as it all melts off. i use a lot of carmex for my lips. i noticed not many women wear makeup at all in LOS, but the eye makeup is a habit i have had since i was about 11 and can't break, i don't feel like myself without it.

What brand of mascara do you use? I bought some that claims to be waterproof (Maybelline, I think) but it still runs. I wouldn't mind wearing mascara as my eyelashes are pretty thin but could do without raccoon eyes :o

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Lancome has the best waterproof/smear-proof mascara. You need to blot a bit when you apply it but after that it pretty much stays on. "Defensils" or something like that is the name I use.

Make up for me has always been eye makeup plus maybe a little blush, I have never worn foundation, powder or lipstick...the first 2 clog my pores and the last seems a waste of time as it comes off as soon as you eat ior drink anything...plus my eyes are my best feature.

I always wear my eye makeup going into Bkk, never when I'm just staying at home, and used to not wear it going into the local town but am trying now to do so...just for my morale. It's a wierd thing how we decide what merits it and what doesn't. Living in the countryside, Bkk is clearly a make-up occasion but the local provincial capital is sort of in-between. I've decided to start making up for it mainly because if I don't then I'll almost never wear make up and feel like I'm sliding into frumpishness.

I too have tattooed permanent eyeliner, so all I need to add is eye shadow and mascara (I do get the tint when I can, but find it still adds something to put mascara over it) which is hardly onerous to do....and it makes such a difference! Yet I'm often lazy to do it....

P.S. NR: didn't know you were also a nurse!!!

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Lancome has the best waterproof/smear-proof mascara. You need to blot a bit when you apply it but after that it pretty much stays on. "Defensils" or something like that is the name I use.

Make up for me has always been eye makeup plus maybe a little blush, I have never worn foundation, powder or lipstick...the first 2 clog my pores and the last seems a waste of time as it comes off as soon as you eat ior drink anything...plus my eyes are my best feature.

I always wear my eye makeup going into Bkk, never when I'm just staying at home, and used to not wear it going into the local town but am trying now to do so...just for my morale. It's a wierd thing how we decide what merits it and what doesn't. Living in the countryside, Bkk is clearly a make-up occasion but the local provincial capital is sort of in-between. I've decided to start making up for it mainly because if I don't then I'll almost never wear make up and feel like I'm sliding into frumpishness.

I too have tattooed permanent eyeliner, so all I need to add is eye shadow and mascara (I do get the tint when I can, but find it still adds something to put mascara over it) which is hardly onerous to do....and it makes such a difference! Yet I'm often lazy to do it....

P.S. NR: didn't know you were also a nurse!!!

Yes, but only just! Did my 3 years RGN training in the UK & gave up just after qualifying. Very long story behind that, but I went to HK to teach instead! Actually loved nursing, but circumstances at the time weren't good. Still, the knowledge gained has stood me in good stead over the years, although I've probably forgotten a lot of it, now.

Back on topic - I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one that doesn't wear make-up often, although the "slide into frumpishness" that Sheryl describes was what was worrying me. I was wondering whether there was good reason behind it (the not wearing cosmetics), or whether I'd given up making an effort. :o

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Yes, I feel the slide too. A bit of mascara might do wonders :o

I go back to the US and do make an effort there. Sometimes its nice to wear nice clothes and nice shoes and makeup :D

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i wear that maybelline mascara called 'sky high curves'.... it doesn't even come off when i am trying to wash it off... i tried dyeing my lashes but i have dark hair and it doesn't make much difference when i dye them... but mascara separates the lashes and makes them look thicker. i use waterproof eyeliner too.

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I wear makeup a couple times a year, only for evening outings of special importance. the rest of the time I like talcum powder over sunscreen to add a bit more sun protection when I am going out in the daytime and can expect to be in the sun. No mascara, no eyeshadow, no blush, no eyeliner, no lipcolor.

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Used to wear full facial armour for work, but in Thailand only smudge kohl eye pencil at night (hey, if you have a bit of sun colour already, adding more is a waste to me and like many noted, goes goopy). Sun screen/moisturiser top to toe, sheer lipstick/balm, short, buffed fingernails and for decadence, siren red or bronze toe tips. Don't even wear jewellery anymore.

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Well if I am honest i always carry my make-up bag in my bag. I do not put much make-up most of the time only mascara and lipstick...well i always put lipstick on my lips i love it...i used strong cherry reds, or purples...strong browns...shiny berry colours...

From time to time i like to put eye shadows and do my eyeliner...well as a dancer you try to look nice when dancing and a little bit of make up helps...that...and that I love it....

I also love doing my nails...and my hair...I used lots of creams...at night ...during the day...for my hands...for my face... for my hair ...well i love all this girly stuff that´s the truth :o

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I only wear waterproof eyeliner and mascara; Revlon has this 3-day mascara that doens't come off even after swimming. Cover Girl makes a lipstick - comes in a box, 1 tube of color, 1 tube of clear gloss - still on the next morning. Only thing that takes it off is oil. Too hot to wear anything else!

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i find that even sunscreen is even too much on my face as it blocks the pores. i have a friend who wears a full face of make up here in phuket. doesnt sweat a drop! i have no idea how she does it.

if i do wear make up (i dont even know where it is any more) it melts off of me as soon as i put it on. thats why i prefer the permanent solution.

She doesn't happen to be thai? I don't think I've ever seen a thai sweat. Is it just normal for them not to sweat or is there some magic product they use?

I've also gone from wearing full war-paint to just wearing the absolute minimum (mascara and light colour/gloss on the lips) when I go out. Even moisturiser is too much too handle here, especially between march to june when I find humidity the highest.

Does anyone use matifiers? The best by far that I've found here is the one by the Body Shop. While it doesn't stop the sweating 100% during the really humid months, it definitely works wonders with shine and slide probs.


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She is french! Her secret, so she says, is to go to the gym in the morning and get all of the sweating for the day over and done with in an hour or two! (i dont agree with this, but she swears by it). To top it all off, she wears trousers, long sleeved shirt, AND man style jacket WITH A NECKTIE every single day.

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She is french! Her secret, so she says, is to go to the gym in the morning and get all of the sweating for the day over and done with in an hour or two! (i dont agree with this, but she swears by it). To top it all off, she wears trousers, long sleeved shirt, AND man style jacket WITH A NECKTIE every single day.

I seriously doubt that her training in the morning has anything to do with it. I used to train everyday (I used to compete in figure bodybuilding) and it makes no difference if or when you train and how much you sweat. I think it would be safe to say that your friend is just very lucky and she probably wouldn't sweat even if she didnt step inside a gym. :o


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does she have any botox done? botox inhibits the sweat gIands. Some ppI have it injected into their armpits for just that reason. Maybe thats why she doesnt sweat much? :o

make-up wise, i guess it depends on where im going and how i feeI. Sometimes its just too much fuss. Im not going to put on make up just to pop out. To be honest, i think there are a Iot of women who undervaIue their Iooks..and actuaIIy Iook much better without make-up.

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I only wear waterproof eyeliner and mascara; Revlon has this 3-day mascara that doens't come off even after swimming. Cover Girl makes a lipstick - comes in a box, 1 tube of color, 1 tube of clear gloss - still on the next morning. Only thing that takes it off is oil. Too hot to wear anything else!

Hi Rose, now these sound like my kind of products. Applying mascara ionce every 3 days I think I can manage! Are you finding them here in Thailand? If so, please advise name of the brand and where you get them....Thanks!

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i can not go without eye makeup. i wear eyeliner and waterproof mascara every day. no point in using anything other than that though as it all melts off. i use a lot of carmex for my lips. i noticed not many women wear makeup at all in LOS, but the eye makeup is a habit i have had since i was about 11 and can't break, i don't feel like myself without it.

What brand of mascara do you use? I bought some that claims to be waterproof (Maybelline, I think) but it still runs. I wouldn't mind wearing mascara as my eyelashes are pretty thin but could do without raccoon eyes :o


Like Sheryl, I use Lancome. Tried the one she mentioned but found one that is better for me, still Lancome (and quite pricey), but does not run and IS waterproof. Called Flex WP. Got it at one of the airside airport shops which was doing a three for the price of 2 not long ago. Since it is the only one which works for me, to me, it is worth it.

Hope this helps.

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I wear make up every day to work and if I'm going somewhere, e.g. shopping (not around home though) - foundation, powder, mascara, usually eyeshadow and lip gloss. However, it has been SOOO hot here in bangkok this past week or so I'm wondering why I bother as my face is covered by a sheen of sweat by the time I've walked the 300 metres or so from my house to my air-conditioned work! I mostly wear make-up because I feel my skin is very uneven in tones and scars easily so have a few acne scars (I know they are insignificant compared to what others may have, but I am still self-concious). My sister had some sort of beauty thing done on her face which really evened and smoothed the skin tone (and reduced her freckles) and meant she was confident enough to go without foundation. I forget what it was called, but it was good.

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I have never in my whole life spent money on makeup. Wore some when my brother and best friend got married (not to each other, of course). In high school and uni I played so many sports that it just didn't make sense to wear makeup and after morning practice we'd only have about 8 minutes to get showered and to class, so I just didn't get into it. Some of the girls I went to school with would say that I must think a lot of myself if I figure I can just go anywhere without makeup. Truly, though, I was just much too lazy.

Still don't wear any. I'm more of a get up at 6.30, shower, dress, brush teeth, comb hair, and leave the house by 7.50 kind of girl. Once borrowed some mascara and lipstick off a friend here in Thailand and when my husband saw me he just kind of shook his head. I'm not comfortable wearing it, feel like a clown, and I think it must show.

But it's all good cus at the noodle shop across the street they're always telling me that I have "ohm chompoo" skin, whatever that means (but I think it's good because they like to touch my face when they say it).

Money spent on beauty products means less money for beer - priorities and all :o (kidding.....)



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Another recommendation for the Lancome mascara. I pretty much only wear makeup on a Saturday night (train twice a day, 6 days a week at the gym so no point putting it on and taking it off ad nauseum. (Plus I'm lazy and don't like to get "used" to how I look with makeup and feel weird without it), but when I do, I always use the Lancome Flextencils Waterproof and don't get any smudges.

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I always wore makeup when I lived in Canada as well as in Beijing where every woman I knew would not have even thought for a second of stepping out without being totally presentable.

Not so here. :D

If I wear powder or foundation it's gone in no time at all so I don't bother to wear anything except lipstick when I just go shopping. I do wear lipstick AND mascara for work.

So today this was food for thought.

Since we have BBC entertainment now, I was watching this show (probably really old reruns for you guys but new to me) called "What not to wear" and they had this woman who never wore makeup and dressed too old for her age, the two make-over specialists were badgering her for not taking care of herself and that she should take pride in her looks etc...

so I thought to myself, what would they say about me? :D

I used to be the fashion plate, the elegant coordinated woman,

and now,


So when I went out today, I put on foundation, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, the works,

I was quite pleased with myself :D

I wasn't even out for 10 minutes that I had already wiped my brow along with all that was there :o


Also I wondered what these two make over specialists would say about the assortment of tops sold in all the shops here.

They would have loads of closets to raid here.

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I always wore makeup when I lived in Canada as well as in Beijing where every woman I knew would not have even thought for a second of stepping out without being totally presentable.

Not so here. :D

If I wear powder or foundation it's gone in no time at all so I don't bother to wear anything except lipstick when I just go shopping. I do wear lipstick AND mascara for work.

So today this was food for thought.

Since we have BBC entertainment now, I was watching this show (probably really old reruns for you guys but new to me) called "What not to wear" and they had this woman who never wore makeup and dressed too old for her age, the two make-over specialists were badgering her for not taking care of herself and that she should take pride in her looks etc...

so I thought to myself, what would they say about me? :D

I used to be the fashion plate, the elegant coordinated woman,

and now,


So when I went out today, I put on foundation, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, the works,

I was quite pleased with myself :bah:

I wasn't even out for 10 minutes that I had already wiped my brow along with all that was there :o


Also I wondered what these two make over specialists would say about the assortment of tops sold in all the shops here.

They would have loads of closets to raid here.


I watch that show, too, gisele. I often wonder what Trinny & Susannah would make of me. I think they'd die of shock, especially if they saw what I wear to work & round the house! And no make up!

It does make you wonder if we are "sliding into frumpery" or just being sensible. If I'm back in UK, my skin is really dry, but here, it's just a slick of oil & sweat - not conducive to make-up. I actually saw a woman in a cafe the other day who was fully made up, foundation, powder, full eye make up, blusher/bronzer, lippy. I must admit, she looked really good. But from her dress, her bling & her husband, she was obviously a lady who spends her days in air con (unless choosing to sunbathe), in the beauty salon & certainly doesn't work here. I guess if you're in that situation, it's easier to make the effort.

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I watch that show, too, gisele. I often wonder what Trinny & Susannah would make of me. I think they'd die of shock, especially if they saw what I wear to work & round the house! And no make up!

It does make you wonder if we are "sliding into frumpery" or just being sensible. If I'm back in UK, my skin is really dry, but here, it's just a slick of oil & sweat - not conducive to make-up. I actually saw a woman in a cafe the other day who was fully made up, foundation, powder, full eye make up, blusher/bronzer, lippy. I must admit, she looked really good. But from her dress, her bling & her husband, she was obviously a lady who spends her days in air con (unless choosing to sunbathe), in the beauty salon & certainly doesn't work here. I guess if you're in that situation, it's easier to make the effort.

I think it is being sensible, but it may look like frumpery.

I do teach in airconditionned classes and my office is airconditionned but going to classes and the hall between all the offices and my colleagues' offices are not airconditionned so it is hot and humid anyway. I can't imagine dressing up like that woman anymore.

I aim for comfort. None of that "suffering for beauty" for me.

The first year I taught here, I dressed quite nicely and put on make up but actually that only lasted the first term. Slowly my outfits became more and more casual, and I generally wear crop pants, a nice cotton top, ballet slippers, mascara and lipstick. I don't even wear lots of jewellery. Nothing special, very casual.

And loads of Protex powder.

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