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Buried Or Burned?


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Having watched the Sawang Boriboon boys at work stuffing a foreigners corpse into the back of a pick-up on a number of occasions, I wondered what the average resident farang wants to be done with his vacated 'earth-suit' once he has shuffled off this mortal coil.

My father was buried behind the pig-sheds in the rubber garden - Trang province. I will probably do something similar.

On the other hand I know a number of guys who are quite happy for the local 'wat' to do their stuff and despose of the body in true Thai-style.

Incidentally, the main driving force behind my fathers western-style burial was his wife of 14 yrs. I guess she thought that was the right thing to do.

What about you? Buried or burned?

I think I'll try both and see which I like better.... :o

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burried or burned... nah, i want to be used as a stunt double. throw my corps off a cliff, shoot it with bullets. if i can't be a famous actor alive, may as well use me when i'm dead to make awesome action movies. so i guess the answer is burn me (but put it in an thriller or a comedy)

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I would like my carcass to be suspended over a busy road bridge, I will surely get a kick watching chunks of my rotting, putrid flesh plop onto the cars passing below.

/Unless death actually means death. In that case I couldn't give a rat's arse what happens.

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I hopefully I have a long way to go just yet.....My plan is to live to be a hundred, then to die in bed, shot by a jealous husband......

but burial, or burning?.................no way.....after three days I shall come back....I have heard that it has been done before...............................

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on the topic of organ donating

has anyone watched that Chris Rock stand up on HBO special where he said something along the line of "no one want to be an organ donor, they said they want to be an organ donor because it seems like a right thing to say, because it seems like a cool thing to say". Then he went on about how organ donors are people with no faith because "what if the scientists found a way to bring you back from the dead and now u got no eyes. Ain't that a b****, back from the dead and I can't see s***"

sorry, off topic, my apologies. Interesting topic though. Don't think i will like being cremated, that keith richards guy is still sniffing around

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