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Trump negative for coronavirus again, says wearing masks okay

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10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'm getting a bit tired of the Trump admirers who use "Trump Hater" as a label. Fact is, his initial downplaying of coronavirus is going to cost a lot of American lives and American jobs. COVID-19 cases in the USA are double that of any other country. While one can argue China is concealing the real number of infections, it's still a damning statistic.

Harry Truman kept a sign in his office saying the buck stops here. About time Trump was presented with one.


 I believe 95% of the task force efforts . I leave 5 %  for error! Do you know when the medical experts  in the Usa came to the Administration and actually said ,we need to act!

"The first known case in the United States of COVID-19 was confirmed in the state of Washington on January 20, 2020, in a 35-year-old man who had returned from Wuhan, China on January 15.[4] The White House Coronavirus Task Force was established on January 29.[2] On January 31, the Trump administration declared a public health emergency,[5] and placed travel restrictions on entry for travelers from China".[6]



Every country has covid virus,instead of dwelling in the past and  blaming anything that begins with t  and ends with p!

What are you doing to bend the curve ! 


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27 minutes ago, riclag said:

 I believe 95% of the task force efforts . I leave 5 %  for error! Do you know when the medical experts  in the Usa came to the Administration and actually said ,we need to act!

"The first known case in the United States of COVID-19 was confirmed in the state of Washington on January 20, 2020, in a 35-year-old man who had returned from Wuhan, China on January 15.[4] The White House Coronavirus Task Force was established on January 29.[2] On January 31, the Trump administration declared a public health emergency,[5] and placed travel restrictions on entry for travelers from China".[6]



Every country has covid virus,instead of dwelling in the past and  blaming anything that begins with t  and ends with p!

What are you doing to bend the curve ! 


And you? What are you doing?


Coming back to the chronology you started to display, and then?

2 hours ago, candide said:

From the first article that comes up with your link. Lol.

What's True

The U.S. did not use COVID-19 diagnostic tests produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in favor of producing its own.

What's False

The U.S. did not turn down an offer to use those tests (as no such offer was extended), nor was it unusual for the United States to design and produce its own diagnostic tests in lieu of those made elsewhere.

Precisely. Thanks for emphasizing the point. I doubt your pal who got suckered finds it very funny.

2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Precisely. Thanks for emphasizing the point. I doubt your pal who got suckered finds it very funny.

In case you did not understand what was written in the article, it does not provide the clear-cut answer you claim either.

"Although Trump’s political opponents and some media sources accused his administration of “refusing” to use the WHO test, Fauci’s comment and various credible news reports on the topic indicate that the CDC has a standard procedure for handling diagnostic tests during an outbreak, and that protocol doesn’t include using tests provided by WHO (or any other external organization). We therefore rate this claim “Mixture.”


In other words, the WHO did not make an explicit offer to the US, so the US did not litterally turn down an offer. However, by definition, the WHO makes his tests available to any country which asks for it. So the US could have asked, but did not want to use the WHO test.

So, formally, the US did not turn it down. Practically, it clearly did refuse to use a test which was made available by the WHO.

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3 hours ago, candide said:

In case you did not understand what was written in the article, it does not provide the clear-cut answer you claim either.

"Although Trump’s political opponents and some media sources accused his administration of “refusing” to use the WHO test, Fauci’s comment and various credible news reports on the topic indicate that the CDC has a standard procedure for handling diagnostic tests during an outbreak, and that protocol doesn’t include using tests provided by WHO (or any other external organization). We therefore rate this claim “Mixture.”


In other words, the WHO did not make an explicit offer to the US, so the US did not litterally turn down an offer. However, by definition, the WHO makes his tests available to any country which asks for it. So the US could have asked, but did not want to use the WHO test.

So, formally, the US did not turn it down. Practically, it clearly did refuse to use a test which was made available by the WHO.

This is all true. 


It was however the CDC, not Trump, which advised "No, we do not trust and will not use any tests which we did not produce because we have to be sure the highest standards are adhered to". 


That literally meant "ANY" tests, including those made in the US by private companies.


The CDC right away proceeded to design and manufacture its own tests. As it then happened those tests were poorly designed and did not work for weeks, so it took them a while to correct this problem.


Of course on the face of it it looked like the right decision at the time if the CDC says we only want the best of the best tests. And if they advise you they can make their own, would you as President, not take their advice?


By the time it was clear that the CDC tests were faulty the weeks had passed already and it was too late.


In this crisis it is experts that run the response. We saw this in the UK, in Germany, and we see this in the US. To expect Trump to step in and say "no we will take this test instead" is maybe expecting a bit much.



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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Contrary to the warning by 3M that stopping export of N95 masks to Canada and Latin America is counter productive. trump has gone ahead with the ban. In addition it has been reported by some EU governments the US has been interfering in their supply chain process by offering suppliers much higher prices to divert supply to the US. US actions do not bode well for future relations with allies.





Since Germany did exactly the same, ie halt exports of vital supplies to Austria and Switzerland, I suspect German protests will be short-lived.

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3 minutes ago, Tug said:

He was a good30 days late reacting to it other that thinking it was some personall attack on him he’s still floundering in dealing with it he’s creating more chaos every day by his utter inability to deal with it in a meaningful way his sheer incompetence is going to cost many many lives the economy is tanked and btw he underestimated???hes no expert he has no business none estimating something he knows nothing about that’s the problem he thinks he does and anyone who disagrees gets crucified 


He closed the US for flights from China on the same day the Italians did, 31 January.


Is there any country that did it earlier?

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7 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Since Germany did exactly the same, ie halt exports of vital supplies to Austria and Switzerland, I suspect German protests will be short-lived.

Unlike the trump administration...


“I take this issue of European solidarity very seriously and am therefore certain there will be authorizations soon to export masks to certain countries,” Health Minister Jens Spahn said at a news conference in Berlin on Monday. “We’re not categorically against exports but want to understand what happens, because previously it was so that masks went not where they were most needed but where most was paid.”



12 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Since Germany did exactly the same, ie halt exports of vital supplies to Austria and Switzerland, I suspect German protests will be short-lived.

If you took a poll of Americans as to whether they give a whit what Germany says I bet youd be astounded by the numbers.

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18 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Hey can you get Chloroquinine by prescrip in NY? If not, is their blood on Cuomos hands?

Other than trump playing doctor, has the drug been approved by Federal authorities for use in treating Covid-19?


EDIT: Yes FDA has approved for emergency use. However, a number of countries refuse to so so. It is disputed that Chloroquinine is an effective treatment for Covid-19.







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7 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

If you took a poll of Americans as to whether they give a whit what Germany says I bet youd be astounded by the numbers.

I know, we take the same approach in Germany with American protests.


Would be nice of the US government to apologise for this piracy, but I doubt they have the good manners to do so.


Like I said, we did the same with Switzerland and Austria. Okay we apologised and aren't doing it anymore, so who knows maybe the US will make it good somehow to its  German friends, we shall see.

  • Confused 1
1 minute ago, Logosone said:

I know, we take the same approach in Germany with American protests.


Would be nice of the US government to apologise for this piracy, but I doubt they have the good manners to do so.


Like I said, we did the same with Switzerland and Austria. Okay we apologised and aren't doing it anymore, so who knows maybe the US will make it good somehow to its  German friends, we shall see.

We owe Germany nothing. They owe us everything. But its off topic and we can save it for another day.

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42 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

BS. He was a head of the curve or on the same lap as others, and if we are going to Monday morning quarterback while the game is still on, a least lets recognize the bottom line China lied, people died.


Hey can you get Chloroquinine by prescrip in NY? If not, is their blood on Cuomos hands?



If you have been paying even the most cursory attention to any other news source than Fox and its ilk, you would know that once a drug is approved for treatment of one illness, doctors are allowed to prescribe it for any illnesss. It's called off label prescribing. That said, how do you know that Chloroquine won't result in more deaths than if it has not been used? So if Cuomo had it in his power to allow it and more people died as a result, in that case would he have blood on his hands?

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45 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Its going to be a New World Order for sure.

Oh for sure.


On behalf of all Germans I would like to welcome our new Chinese masters with a heartfelt "Ni Hao"!

  • Confused 1

Good bread it was too. And the women..., but we digress. I would certainly not relish having to eat Bat-soup but we have to live with reality, the Americans are so desperate for masks they're stealing paid for supplies from their best friend. By contrast the Chinese have it so far under control they're donating equipment to European countries, sending experts to help other countries.


Goldman Sachs is predicting the US economy will contract by 34% in the next quarter. 


Your scientific "experts" at the CDC look massively inferior to China's and Germany's and Covid19 is rampant in the US.


You, the United States, will emerge from this virus severely weakened. Economically, politically, socially and most likely militarily (spending will have to be reduced massively now)


Why would we hitch our star to a nation that is so obviously in decline?

  • Confused 1
8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Good bread it was too. And the women..., but we digress. I would certainly not relish having to eat Bat-soup but we have to live with reality, the Americans are so desperate for masks they're stealing paid for supplies from their best friend. By contrast the Chinese have it so far under control they're donating equipment to European countries, sending experts to help other countries.


Goldman Sachs is predicting the US economy will contract by 34% in the next quarter. 


Your scientific "experts" at the CDC look massively inferior to China's and Germany's and Covid19 is rampant in the US.


You, the United States, will emerge from this virus severely weakened. Economically, politically, socially and most likely militarily (spending will have to be reduced massively now)


Why would we hitch our star to a nation that is so obviously in decline?

China's CCP can't even prevent repeated pandemics arising on their own soil, with or without welding people in their homes. Who is going to follow that model?  When it's all over, the whole world will demand change and I thing the good Chinese people will be first in line to support it. 


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1 minute ago, rabas said:

China's CCP can't even prevent repeated pandemics arising on their own soil, with or without welding people in their homes. Who is going to follow that model?  When it's all over, the whole world will demand change and I thing the good Chinese people will be first in line to support it. 


And rightly so, we should really abolish politicians altogether and put experts in charge of running the country.


Times have become too serious, to allow the likes of Boris Johnson, Donald Trump or Angela Merkel to run countries. The threat is real.


Who would you rather have in charge, your country's top scientists or a smooth talker with a good haircut?

31 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Good bread it was too. And the women..., but we digress. I would certainly not relish having to eat Bat-soup but we have to live with reality, the Americans are so desperate for masks they're stealing paid for supplies from their best friend. By contrast the Chinese have it so far under control they're donating equipment to European countries, sending experts to help other countries.


Goldman Sachs is predicting the US economy will contract by 34% in the next quarter. 


Your scientific "experts" at the CDC look massively inferior to China's and Germany's and Covid19 is rampant in the US.


You, the United States, will emerge from this virus severely weakened. Economically, politically, socially and most likely militarily (spending will have to be reduced massively now)


Why would we hitch our star to a nation that is so obviously in decline?

Following the party line neh? We much dont care what other countries do as long as they do what they are told when the shooting starts ????


15 minutes ago, Logosone said:

And rightly so, we should really abolish politicians altogether and put experts in charge of running the country.


Thats the leadership principle we all need. Maybe it will work this time. Then again, folks who think they are experts and their supporters can look like anyhting from criminals to idiots in the eyes of history.



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4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Thats the leadership principle we all need. Maybe it will work this time. Then again, folks who think they are experts and their supporters can look like anyhting from criminals to idiots in the eyes of history.



The problem is that incompetence is like the virus, it does not discriminate. It can befall experts just as much as politicians.


We see this with the CDC in the US and the absolutely shocking mistakes they made in relation to test kits.


Or in the UK one expert predicting Doomsday 500,000 dead, revising his paper and now saying less than 20,000 dead.


In fact world wide, from the CDC to the RKI to the UK, we see governments seriously putting LAWS in place (!) mandating that people have to be 1.5 or 2 metres away from each other, when the MIT in the States has shown that  you'd have to be 8 metres away.


How is this even possible? Experts have shown what the right distance is and the world over governments require the wrong distance? Not even the CDC in the US is following the advice from the MIT. 


So they have solid, sound scientific data that confirms that you should be 8 metres apart at least, yet they have laws for 1.5 and 2 metres. On the other hand the head of the RKI has confirmed there is NO scientific evidence that wearing a mask will prevent others from being protected by your virus exhalations, but suggested we do it anway.


It's like Alice in Wonderland. Up is down and down is up. 

  • Confused 1
8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Or in the UK one expert predicting Doomsday 500,000 dead, revising his paper and now saying less than 20,000 dead.

Keep posting that lie about 500000. That was his prediction if nothing was done.

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9 minutes ago, Logosone said:

We see this with the CDC in the US and the absolutely shocking mistakes they made in relation to test kits.

As for the CDC, yes that was a problem. That said the bigger mistake was that the FDA hindered private companies and labs from developing and manufacturing test kits and doing testing. Whereas in Germany, private tests were the way to go from the start.

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