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New York governor sees 'return to normalcy' with rapid coronavirus testing

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

Said without one iota of introspection.



I want to be just like you, Chomps.....

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1 hour ago, blazes said:

Having "faith" in a politician is a sad sign of a passivity which, as history teaches us, leads all too often to disaster.

Replace the word “faith” with “confidence”. Is that any better?

In any case we don’t have much choice; they’re the ones with the power to do what is required. We can’t fight this as rugged individualists can we? 

7 minutes ago, charmonman said:

Replace the word “faith” with “confidence”. Is that any better?

In any case we don’t have much choice; they’re the ones with the power to do what is required. We can’t fight this as rugged individualists can we? 


You raise an excellent issue: alas, what I derive from your opinion is that it is useless for individuals to band together and seek change in society.  Correct?


If the likes of Mao or Ho Chi Minh and all the revolutionaries of history had held this view  their particular slave societies would never have progressed.  (Leave aside for one moment the natural inclination of the average American to view those names as the ultimate anathema).

But at home (in the USA) one could argue that Martin Luther King would never have gotten anywhere with the passive view that resisting one's government is impossible.


(Needless to say, "resistance' does not consist of coming on to ThaiVisa and virtue-signalling one's hatred of the POTUS!!!)

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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Dear Blazes, I’m not the POTUS and have no ambition to be the POTUS.


As you say, you’ve not read all my missives* so please don’t tell me what I haven’t said.


I do get it, you don’t like others, seemingly me in particular, commenting on Trump’s myriad shortcomings. Perhaps you could defend his shortcomings and if not able to do so admit them for what they are, but no, you choose to attack those who point out Trump’s continuing failures, lies and abuses of the office he holds.


I see you’ve flipped from the canned accusation of ‘virtue signaling’ to the pre-cooked accusation of ‘hatred’.


* For the sake of civility I’ve not used the invective language you yourself have resorted to.

Ah, yes, I bow to your superior civility. 


Poor Chomps: you have (possibly as usual in these matters?) deflected my challenge into something you instead want, rather obsessively, to talk about.  (Btw, why would you suppose I thought you were the POTUS?  I merely put to you, what most elementary school-children can understand, the fantasy question -- which children easily answer).


In case I am confusing you, let me simplify:


the question I put to you was along the same lines as "what would you do with a million dollars if you won the lottery?")


But why should we bore other people with your hatred and my apparent "defence" of the POTUS?  (So I won't wag my tail waiting for an answer.)

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Testing will provide data. Then you still need to be able to effectively use this data, meaning contact tracing and that means somehow having the geodata history from those that get tested positive. Which means a mobile app with GPS and then the privacy people start barfing blood. It's still an uphill battle but yes, accurate and adequate testing is the key.

5 hours ago, blazes said:

Having "faith" in a politician is a sad sign of a passivity which, as history teaches us, leads all too often to disaster.

Do you mean that having faith in cuomo is a recipe for disaster, or any politician, including the trump?


my view is that cuomo has stepped up and is the only politician truthfully advising Americans of what is and isn’t happening... sort of like a fireside chat to quell panic.


this is the measure of a leader. One that should be recognized, lauded and copied. Cuomo is proof that America has some very very good people... great peoples, that it can proudly point too.


unfortunately the man elected to lead the nation has failed miserably. In his former life as an unscrupulous cold hearted businessman, this leader would have been shuttering the business (of America) and declaring it bankrupt, like everything else he has failed at.... as his ultimate m/o (chapter nine) cannot be applied to the once great nation, trump is lost.... and to make matters worse, he fired all the experts because, you know, you just rehire them when you need them whilst applying for a court injunction to delay unsavory issues impacting... and attempt to bankrupt allies/ associates in order to stave of personal disaster.


lol... there’s trumps policy for ya!



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18 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Testing will provide data. Then you still need to be able to effectively use this data, meaning contact tracing and that means somehow having the geodata history from those that get tested positive. Which means a mobile app with GPS and then the privacy people start barfing blood. It's still an uphill battle but yes, accurate and adequate testing is the key.

Surely those smart to be tested will be smart enough to be contactable. Surely those needing testing, would be smart enough to be contactable.


rogues will be rogues... these are the wild cards... dumb people will be the death of us all.


of course, faulty information spread amongst dumb people will make the situation worse.... it is this faulty information that is the real danger. Simple clear messages will encourage those people to conform to societal needs..

Fortunately this article is about a leader capable of putting self interests asides to honestly address the world, giving those people a better understanding and the opportunity to do right by the community, instead of themselves.

1 hour ago, blazes said:

Ah, yes, I bow to your superior civility. 


Poor Chomps: you have (possibly as usual in these matters?) deflected my challenge into something you instead want, rather obsessively, to talk about.  (Btw, why would you suppose I thought you were the POTUS?  I merely put to you, what most elementary school-children can understand, the fantasy question -- which children easily answer).


In case I am confusing you, let me simplify:


the question I put to you was along the same lines as "what would you do with a million dollars if you won the lottery?")


But why should we bore other people with your hatred and my apparent "defence" of the POTUS?  (So I won't wag my tail waiting for an answer.)

Lmao... how juvenile.


hopefully chopper doesn’t give you the rote school child or beauty pageant contestant answer of “world peace”.... 555 and how would a lotto win change things. It’s a fantasy question. (I’d buy a ski lodge in the Tahoe area????... and learn to fly a helicopter)


leaders have policy. They should be accountable for their policy. Future votes should be based on truth, not misinformation. Truth is obtained from a liar, by continual questioning. That the liar in question, is the leader of the free world (18000 or so demonstrable), should scare everyone. Protecting that person, instead of demanding truth, is (imho) fanatical.


wag tail? Waiting on choppers reply, I’m thinking it’s more likely tween your legs ????

34 minutes ago, jany123 said:

Lmao... how juvenile.


hopefully chopper doesn’t give you the rote school child or beauty pageant contestant answer of “world peace”.... 555 and how would a lotto win change things. It’s a fantasy question. (I’d buy a ski lodge in the Tahoe area????... and learn to fly a helicopter)


leaders have policy. They should be accountable for their policy. Future votes should be based on truth, not misinformation. Truth is obtained from a liar, by continual questioning. That the liar in question, is the leader of the free world (18000 or so demonstrable), should scare everyone. Protecting that person, instead of demanding truth, is (imho) fanatical.


wag tail? Waiting on choppers reply, I’m thinking it’s more likely tween your legs ????

Glad to see you agree that leaders should be judged on their policies.


However, I guess if we are talking "juvenile" we should draw attention to the ludicrous notion that "continual questioning" will expose a "liar." !!!!  Come forth, George Dubya Bush and Tony Blair, two of the most outrageous liars in recent memory, whose lies about WMD actually led to the deaths of thousands more people than will likely be affected by this present virus.  (And the Middle Eastern deaths stretched way way beyond the actual months of the Western invasion in 2003.)


This continual singling out of Trump as seemingly the only lying politician in the world is singularly juvenile and unintelligent.  And not just politicians....the worst liars are those who lie to themselves.

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18 minutes ago, blazes said:

Glad to see you agree that leaders should be judged on their policies.


However, I guess if we are talking "juvenile" we should draw attention to the ludicrous notion that "continual questioning" will expose a "liar." !!!!  Come forth, George Dubya Bush and Tony Blair, two of the most outrageous liars in recent memory, whose lies about WMD actually led to the deaths of thousands more people than will likely be affected by this present virus.  (And the Middle Eastern deaths stretched way way beyond the actual months of the Western invasion in 2003.)


This continual singling out of Trump as seemingly the only lying politician in the world is singularly juvenile and unintelligent.  And not just politicians....the worst liars are those who lie to themselves.

Indeed... all world leaders should be judged on this... this is a critical part of leading a people’s... failure in crisis demands a change of leadership.


the notion that continual questioning will expose a lie is an essential part of the modern judicial system in democratic countries.... examination and cross examination of witness etc. they do this to... ta da... sort fiction from fact. Suggesting that this is incorrect is kinda crazy.


bush and Blair... outrageous liars... I don’t know, as no one thought it necessary to fact check them as their lies weren’t deemed as multifarious or damaging as trumps... but neither were democrats, so if your trying to hilight a trait by non liberal leaders, then well done, mission accomplished.


And... it’s a timely reminder of American aggression... attacking a sovereign state by virtue of self made misinformation.... kinda reminds me of Iran’s current problem with trump and misinformation about Iran


this self made information is also being created around covid, by trump, which is pathetic and dangerous.... and he’s now gagging doc fauci, his most senior medical advisor, to prevent him from speaking truth about those lies.


but why sling off at trump? Well gee... perhaps it’s trump, out of all the world leaders, who is best positioned to use his platform for the good of the world, yet fails to do so, electing to spread dangerous misinformation, at an unparalleled scale, from that platform.


if you think other leaders need attacking for their advise to their electorate, please name a couple. Without names, we must assume that no one else qualifies.... try supporting your assertions with fact if you wish to be taken seriously. 



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19 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

'Normality' please...…………  





“Normality”... English.

“normalcy”... bastardized English.... much like “color”, or words supplanting an s with a z.


2 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Testing will provide data. Then you still need to be able to effectively use this data, meaning contact tracing and that means somehow having the geodata history from those that get tested positive. Which means a mobile app with GPS and then the privacy people start barfing blood. It's still an uphill battle but yes, accurate and adequate testing is the key.

I believe it’s generally accepted that the testing to isolate boat has already sailed.


Perhaps it might be used if social isolation abates the spread - at least in those States that have enacted lock downs.


Flame and replies removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

21 hours ago, jany123 said:

Chopper is not begging for a position of power. People who crave power thru political means, need policy.... not an individual. What a sad argument.


the individuals role in a democracy is to acquaint himself with the policies of potential leaders, vote accordingly (responsibly), then hold the voted for individual responsible for its actions in governing on behalf of the individual.


this is done by judging failure and success. Kinda basic stuff for people living in a democracy. This judgement allows for a more educated voter choice in future. This is how democracy should work... voting on informed judgement.


The poster you attack consistently posts facts with informative and relevant links, which is needed to stay informed... whereas funnily enough, those posting in objection to fact, are perverting democracy and dumbing down the world, which is shameful.


oh... I see... so solly... information condemns trump... I see your problem... the king has no cloths.


Yes, well when the King recovers his lost 'cloths', we'll send him a nice suit of clothes and he can get a dish-washing job in the Hotel Pelosi.

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