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More Sites Blocked - Western News - Bbc And Cnn Included. What Are They Up To?


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This is ridiculous, I cannot get a bunch of Australian Newspaper sites, maybe they spoke out against censorship?





http://www.cnn.com - Apologies seems CNN Is still up

How many more - what is going on here?

All working fine on my True connection . . . .


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Back for me on True again now - but they were all blocked inc CNN with the standard blue screen ICT warning.

It's a new day in Australia and new news I guess (1am there)

Edited by Conan
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I think it's pretty clear that they are doing test blocks to see how effectively they can filter out individual news sources. The YouTube fiasco probably prompted it, as the offending imagery got into news outlets overseas.

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They're all ok for me. What bothers me is if that's really the reason, MICT should be smarter and test the block on only in their test environment, not the whole country. It's getting scary how these techs just experiment on the production systems/environments, I'm not even a sys admin and I know that!

Geez wake up MICT.

Edited by paveet
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They're all ok for me. What bothers me is if that's really the reason, MICT should be smarter and test the block on only in their test environment, not the whole country. It's getting scary how these techs just experiment on the production systems/environments, I'm not even a sys admin and I know that!

Geez wake up MICT.

A couple of month ago Cisco installed a new system in Thailand to censor websites. They probably explained the local techies how to manage it. And very probably, that knowledge is gone by now.........

......so they're trial-and-erroring around again. And yes of course on the production environment, since they don't have a test environment (too expensive, no complaining customers to indicate something is wrong and no knowledge on how to manage it).

But you already knew this :o

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......so they're trial-and-erroring around again. And yes of course on the production environment, since they don't have a test environment (too expensive, no complaining customers to indicate something is wrong and no knowledge on how to manage it).

But you already knew this

Yes, it's exactly the same at work. But I'll never really understand why they do it. Drives me nuts.

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