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Working In Iraq

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ive recently been offered a job in Iraq..but...well you know, kinda afraid of getting shot or hit by a bomb...

has anyone ever been employed in a hostile environment?and was it worth it?

there will be a team of 50-80 security personel to 'try' and keep things secure and will be issued a personal firearm to safeguard myself...

so what do you guys think of the situation in Iraq....because if things start to settle down by next year, this is an excellent oppurtunity to get my foot in the door, or shot off. :o

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Well they don't pay you heaps of dosh because you are good, more because you are in a hostile environment with chances of being killed. Issue a sidearm - prob do yourself in case you get captured - better than getting head lobbed off and posted on the internet.

Depends where you are to be completely honest - if you are in the green zone then you most likely be ok. Course getting to/from the airport - is the worst bit I hear.

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Well they don't pay you heaps of dosh because you are good, more because you are in a hostile environment with chances of being killed. Issue a sidearm - prob do yourself in case you get captured - better than getting head lobbed off and posted on the internet.

Depends where you are to be completely honest - if you are in the green zone then you most likely be ok. Course getting to/from the airport - is the worst bit I hear.

Remember Ken Bigley who had a Thai wife and lost his head in Iraq... don't do it, the money is just not worth it

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the position will be in kurdish Iraq...

the details for the contract with the Iraqi Government will be finalized in July...so I have some time to consider the position.

the only thing that worries me is the nationality of the security personnel...if they are Iraqi personnel, which more than likey they will be...I may reconsider the post...If they are paid mercenaries from abroad, then its a green light.

i may have to do a little background history on the people of this land and their future goals to come to a semi logical assessment of whether this is a wild frontier or a place where progress is being established.

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the position will be in kurdish Iraq...

the details for the contract with the Iraqi Government will be finalized in July...so I have some time to consider the position.

the only thing that worries me is the nationality of the security personnel...if they are Iraqi personnel, which more than likey they will be...I may reconsider the post...If they are paid mercenaries from abroad, then its a green light.

i may have to do a little background history on the people of this land and their future goals to come to a semi logical assessment of whether this is a wild frontier or a place where progress is being established.

Up North? Hmmm really haven't heard much trouble up there, so you might be ok. However its still Iraq, so be careful.

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looking at someinfo now regarding kurds, 'seems' like its the basis for economic development in Iraq...more than likely its going to be a construction related position, but there are offerings for basic jobs ranging anywhere from cooks, drivers to housekeepers.

but im thinking the work wont only be based in kurdistan, as the stipulation is while 'outside of kurdistan'...there will be armed personnel for security...so more than likely it will also involve assessing war damaged facilities and there probability for repair compared to reconstruction.

theres also an american university going up, and from what im reading a boom in english teaching is starting to take off...not that i want to teach. but i am starting to find that my fluency in thai is starting to hinder my ability to teach english here in thailand.

an email was sent from a headhunter, so im not sure of the organization just yet.

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the position will be in kurdish Iraq...

the details for the contract with the Iraqi Government will be finalized in July...so I have some time to consider the position.

the only thing that worries me is the nationality of the security personnel...if they are Iraqi personnel, which more than likey they will be...I may reconsider the post...If they are paid mercenaries from abroad, then its a green light.

i may have to do a little background history on the people of this land and their future goals to come to a semi logical assessment of whether this is a wild frontier or a place where progress is being established.

I would second the question of another member and ask why on earth you think a Thai

forum can give you insight into conditions in Iraq.

Also , why the preference for "foreign mercenaries"? Were I ever to visit this region I

would feel far more comfortable with a few Peshmerga watching my back than to have

to rely on Haliburton "contractors".

If you have loved ones I suggest you load up with all the life insurance you can get and ,

in the words of a famous customer of Asian sweatshops , "just do it".


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what makes you think this is the only place i posted?

i wanted to know if anyone has ever worked in a hostile environment, doesnt neccessarily have to be in Iraq. ...read it again

alot of vets retire in thailand, more so than any other se asian country so more knowledge regarding hostile environments.

mercenaries wont think twice before shooting, nor will they feel as influenced to stab you in the back for monetary gain, nor will they feel they are betraying their own country by making money off of a foreigner., they wont feel pressure from the rest of their peers/neighbors, more reluctant to shoot their own people.

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If you want to make 6 figure income with no food, fuel or housing cost it might be good and much of it tax free.

Do not think the north is to bad and seen on the news they was doing alot of building on shopping centers and housing units that looked first class.

Seems one could save as much there as you would in Thailland in 50 years.

One year there would give you maybe 5 nice years in many places around the world.

Invest it wisely and in 3 years you could have 20 or more years great living.

Dead men don't need much to live on could be the other extreme, never know might be hit by a buss

or shot or mugged in Thailand on vacation which would seem more likely than in northern Iraq.

Edited by Khun ?
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No one is receiving particularly high salary in Iraq,its pretty much a myth.If your in the Oil & Gas Industry plenty safer Countries out there paying as much and more.I do supose its down to what the individual classes as high but put it this way you'll earn at best 100k a year English,which to go to Iraq is pathetic.

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Last I heard it was pretty much safe to walk around Baghdad. Here's McCain et. al. strolling around a market "like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRW9PO6OxpU

:o Oh dear fellow, I hope that is intended as some kind of irony.

You as a poor little "Joe Bottom-Slug" will have nothing like the security that McCain ever enjoyed. I bet for his little jaunt that a minumum of 150 military had a perimiter around him for several blocks.

But regarding working in Iraq......

1. Hope you like sleeping in tents and on cots.

2. The "insurgents" have taken to targeting civilian foriegners in preference to miltary, since military deaths won't attract the news headlines anymore. Now they are trying to pick the unarmed and unarmored civilian vehicles out of the convoy in the hope that will get more press coverage.

3. Expect a 15 or 16 hour work day. That is why the money appears to be good. And you work those hours 7 days a week.

4. Yes, you can make money, but nothing comes for free.


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No one is receiving particularly high salary in Iraq,its pretty much a myth.If your in the Oil & Gas Industry plenty safer Countries out there paying as much and more.I do supose its down to what the individual classes as high but put it this way you'll earn at best 100k a year English,which to go to Iraq is pathetic.

You are off by a factor of almost 4.

But still not enough!

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2 lads ( father and son ) who worked at the same Thai school as I work at quit a few months ago to return to Iraq. They worked there before as general foreman, and they got paid $9,000 USD tax free per month! And, that was all bankable money as all other living costs such as food, utilities were provided. But, they are now back in BKK after returning to their old jobs for just 3 months. They didn't like all the BS policy they had to put up with, but apart from one of them getting shot at on the day Saddam got hanged, they said it was pretty safe there.

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No one is receiving particularly high salary in Iraq,its pretty much a myth.If your in the Oil & Gas Industry plenty safer Countries out there paying as much and more.I do supose its down to what the individual classes as high but put it this way you'll earn at best 100k a year English,which to go to Iraq is pathetic.

You are off by a factor of almost 4.

But still not enough!


I'd never say your wrong but I don't believe your entirely correct there chap.I work for possibly 1 of the largest 2 maybe 3 Oil & Gas Companies in the world in a very senior position in a Country not to safe.I ,along with a few of my collegues of high position have attempted to be "headhunted" by the other Major players,including EM,Chevron, KBR to name but a few.Top salaries offered in pounds was 1500 per day clear.Max 200 working days per year,thats for top of the tree people.ALL other positions for Engineers where at best 1200 USD per day on a 200 - 240 working year maki8ng little over 100k English for Expat Engineers.Majority of Engineers 800 USD per day.

Either way Not enough,we agree there.

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No one is receiving particularly high salary in Iraq,its pretty much a myth.If your in the Oil & Gas Industry plenty safer Countries out there paying as much and more.I do supose its down to what the individual classes as high but put it this way you'll earn at best 100k a year English,which to go to Iraq is pathetic.

I was offered a 6mo renewable contracts for 300K US, and this is in the IT field. However no good to me if I'm dead. :o

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I just came back from holiday with some friends working down in Western Australia. They can't get enough people there. As a manager, he is having to compete in a tight market to get people in at $1200-1500 day.

He reckons there is another 4-5 years of a tight labour market.

Go west young man!

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This cats right about the Thai scene for expats, plenty are living out here between contracts from Iraq and other big money areas.

I had a choice of taking security work in Iraq and work in the offshore sector (oil and gas). I chose oil and gas, the moneys better working offshore than in Iraq. Theres plenty of work in Iraq though (if you're a US passport holder) and its not seasonal its all year round. I meet a few guys in construction who work over there. Some are real live wires! You don't normally have to be anything special to get work out there per sa. but its more of a case of who you know and who knows about you ( A bit like the offshore industry!). Thats not being derogatory of the guys out there but how it works.

If they are issuing you with a side-arm then I would be making some enquiries on what your actually doing out there. Normally its the security operatives (mercs) who carry weapons, but I only know the Balkans, not the Middle East.

As long as you're 'inside the wire' and your lucky then all should be well. Kenneth Bigley (God rest his soul) was, for one reason or another, accommodated outside the 'Green Zone' which was how they got him.

Good luck on your quest!

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ive recently been offered a job in Iraq..but...well you know, kinda afraid of getting shot or hit by a bomb...

has anyone ever been employed in a hostile environment?and was it worth it?

there will be a team of 50-80 security personel to 'try' and keep things secure and will be issued a personal firearm to safeguard myself...

so what do you guys think of the situation in Iraq....because if things start to settle down by next year, this is an excellent oppurtunity to get my foot in the door, or shot off. :o

I think as long as your a worker and not in charge of any type of security then you should be happy. I have seen videos of convoys in Iraq being attacked. It could happen to you.

If you survive, don't get injured, and don't loose any friends then I think it would be worth it.

If your killed, wounded, paralized or loose friends close to you then it might not be worth it.

You might end up being kidnapped, having your head cut off with the video being posted to the internet. I guess it depends on what value you place on your own life.

I think you would be better off joining the army. What good is it if your work gives you a weapon if you don't know how to use it. Even if you do, does the man next to you know how? At least in the military, you and your buddies have a good chance of fighting off an attack because of your military training.

If the money's good, take a chance. Maybe you will get lucky and not end up like Daniel Pearl.

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I suggest you sit down and think long and hard about how you would handle working there. Not just the possibility of being shot at or being taken hostage but how you would be able to handle it mentally.

Sure you will have security looking after you. That doesn’t guarantee your 100% safety. You will have the added bonus of a sidearm but will you bring yourself to shoot it when the time comes.

Whilst I’m not in Iraq I’ve experienced terrorist attacks. Sure you hear the bullets whizzing overhead and you hear your security men firing back. Then things go quiet. It’s over. You’re still alive and it didn’t seem too bad.

The next time you travel that road you start looking for places where the bad guys could be hiding. You get edgy wondering when you will be shot at next. Then you start to forget the incident and relax….. until the next attack. Your mind starts playing games with you again.

I’ve seen a roughy toughy long time friend crack up and become a gibbering wreck after an attack while a guy who I would have expected to crack handled the situations easily.

This is where you need to look at your inner self, your mental state, and ask yourself if it’s worth the money to be out there.

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The North is totaly safe but depends if u would be in Kirkuk or Mousol that would be a different thing. :o

Most foreigners in Iraq now are safe (u can check the news) cause since last year the sectarian war had been started and most criminal and kidnapping insurgents are busy with killing each other, and the politicians of each side are playing tug of war,thus I think u would be quite safe there cause someone had thrown a bone to those fighting dogs which can never notice what's going on on their land and where are they heading for. :D

I used to work in the first International Telecom company for mobiles which was started at the end of 2003,most of the expats(they were paid great salary packages) were Romanian and British,each one of them was guarded by 20 young Iraqi men(they were paid handful of $) ,when attacks happened they defend the expat till their last breaths and u can do google on that, so your idea about the native guards need some reciting and remember most of the foreigne guards I knew they were so determined to stay alive at any cost to go back home after collecting their fortune,so I guess they wouldn't bodyshelding u if u would be attacked.

And if u can survive and return safe then u can make some fortune too by writing some book on your experience in Iraq and the savage ppl u had met there and how u contributed to get them civilized :D

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the position is in kirkuk, and its refreshing to know that the pesh are dedicated in that sense....i must admit that the pesh, after doing more research are more dedicated than the two faced jihad solders trying to get to heaven and their rewards....i'll admit, initially ive been comparing the iraqi soldiers and not the pesh .

kirkuk and mousol....which is the more dangerous zone?

im getting a bullet proof vest, one for my head too if they make them....

anyone know anything about internet connectivity in iraq? would be nice to communicate with the outside world easily, if i go i have to get a smaller laptop...this 17" screen is definately a hindrance..is it 220/110v over there?

unless i end up making 100k baht per month in bangkok (yeah right) everything is pointing to iraq.

thanks for all the replies and compassion.

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