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Does Your Girlfriend Charge By The Month?


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Again, not trying to be too much of an idealist but,

A common theme seems to be having a girlfriend or wife that you give money to usually monthly. The only times in my life I have been given money monthly have been when in gainful employment. I provide a service and my employer rewards me for it.

33 years in England and some wonderful girlfriends! Never gave one of them an allowance. Never paid them for anything. Would by gifts and such like as I would for my Mum and Dad and anyone else I care about, of course. Almost always earned more than them. But they all worked too. Also they never asked for money at anytime.

I love the culture hear more though. Its very relaxed and open. It seems the economics of Thailand are not hidden at all. Women know what men want and they are confident enough to recognize a good market when the see one. Good on them. I am sure they are worth every Satang.

So whats my point? Well, do you chaps that are leasing it really believe it is something else?

Rent-a-family sounds a bit harsh doesn't it? Its just I've seen a few chaps come a cropper when either funds ran out or they realized (somewhat slowly) that if they weren't servicing their 28 year old Girlfriend and mother of their son (with their 49 year old self... :o )someone else almost certainly will be. And when she can conceal it no longer that will be you out of the house you bought in her name and no longer driving the car thats in her name. Maybe I'm the only one to come across such horror stories... but I think not :D

So this is the land where rental is the way forward and know the terms before you sign up right?

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Again, not trying to be too much of an idealist but,

A common theme seems to be having a girlfriend or wife that you give money to usually monthly.

If it's a common theme in Thailand, where do your ideals have any importance ?

I don't pay my missus Monthly, she pays me, just like every other TV member, you must be associating with the wrong class of people Loz. :o

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I think your signature epitomizes the very sentiment of my original post :o

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

Sir Winston Churchill

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Again, not trying to be too much of an idealist but,

A common theme seems to be having a girlfriend or wife that you give money to usually monthly. The only times in my life I have been given money monthly have been when in gainful employment. I provide a service and my employer rewards me for it.

33 years in England and some wonderful girlfriends! Never gave one of them an allowance. Never paid them for anything. Would by gifts and such like as I would for my Mum and Dad and anyone else I care about, of course. Almost always earned more than them. But they all worked too. Also they never asked for money at anytime. You must be joking(never gave one of them allowance or paid them for anything) or a very very compfused person; ie who paid for the flat, food, etc etc,, she took care of your dumb ass, yeah when pig FLY!!

I love the culture hear more though. Its very relaxed and open. It seems the economics of Thailand are not hidden at all. Women know what men want and they are confident enough to recognize a good market when the see one. Good on them. I am sure they are worth every Satang.

So whats my point? Well, do you chaps that are leasing it really believe it is something else?

Rent-a-family sounds a bit harsh doesn't it? Its just I've seen a few chaps come a cropper when either funds ran out or they realized (somewhat slowly) that if they weren't servicing their 28 year old Girlfriend and mother of their son (with their 49 year old self... :o )someone else almost certainly will be. And when she can conceal it no longer that will be you out of the house you bought in her name and no longer driving the car thats in her name. Maybe I'm the only one to come across such horror stories... but I think not :D

So this is the land where rental is the way forward and know the terms before you sign up right?

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Dear Lovetheblues,

I am none of the above!

Yes I have heard the term house wife. My mother is one. SHe shares an account with my father. He does not and never has given her a set allowance. They just share from a common pot. Maybe its different where you come from...

Edited by Loz
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Dear Lovetheblues,

I am none of the above!

Yes I have heard the term house wife. My mother is one. SHe shares an account with my father. He does not and never has given her a set allowance. They just share from a common pot. Maybe its different where you come from...

What's the difference between a 'common pot' of money and transferring money each month into the wife's account? The husband is still providing the funds; so long as the funds are enough for the wife's needs where is the problem? You're picking nits. Or trolling? :o

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I have been married 11 years and with my wife for 13 and at no time was there a monthly payment given,tho of course the household expenses come out of my income as they do in any long term relationship.

It does happen in many relationships but far from all. It is the difference between a mia (wife), faen (girlfriend) or having a mia chao (rented wife). I would recommend you don't call your partner a mia chao, as the consequences may not be pretty.

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Dear Lovetheblues,

I am none of the above!

Yes I have heard the term house wife. My mother is one. SHe shares an account with my father. He does not and never has given her a set allowance. They just share from a common pot. Maybe its different where you come from...

What's the difference between a 'common pot' of money and transferring money each month into the wife's account? The husband is still providing the funds; so long as the funds are enough for the wife's needs where is the problem? You're picking nits. Or trolling? :o

I think the differecne is clear to any man who is thinking. The difference is, my father never doubted the love of my mother and didn't think she needed a lesson in economics to run the household budget so he gave her complete access to all funds available rather than trust her month to month with a sume he deemed adequate or appropriate.

Do many of you have shared accounts with your partners with the bulk of your liquid assets accessable through them. If you do then I am sorry sincerely to have missjudged the situation and I will be happy for the Mods to come along and close and/or delete this thread that in such a case would be completely withouth foundation. Furthermore I would offer sincere apologies to all those who thought I was not batting straight.

I think thats a big "IF" though... :D

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