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Cdc Announces That Gonorrhea Is Drug-resistant

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Consequently, CDC recommends that health care providers ask patients with gonorrhea if they or their sex partners could have acquired the disease in Hawaii, other Pacific Islands, or Asia, where fluoroquinolone-resistant gonorrhea is common. If so, patients should be treated with cefixime or ceftriaxone, which are other drugs that are currently recommended for treating gonorrhea, and to which no resistance has been reported.

I know of at least one gentleman who had the misfortune to pick this up in Thailand- take care and choose your partners and your protections wisely. Here's the link.


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Consequently, CDC recommends that health care providers ask patients with gonorrhea if they or their sex partners could have acquired the disease in Hawaii, other Pacific Islands, or Asia, where fluoroquinolone-resistant gonorrhea is common. If so, patients should be treated with cefixime or ceftriaxone, which are other drugs that are currently recommended for treating gonorrhea, and to which no resistance has been reported.

I know of at least one gentleman who had the misfortune to pick this up in Thailand- take care and choose your partners and your protections wisely. Here's the link.


There was a time in the early 90s when it seemed that everyone (yeah includ..)had picked up ...to use the polite word "a dose"and the clinics around Suk rd were doing a bomb.....x ...Phnom Penh jungle bunnies.....

A visit to the local Pox Doctors Clerk became a very popular pastime and could for a while almost :D be compared with a night out to the old Therme Koffee Chorp.....

Topics of Conversation consisted of ....

What are you drinking...and even more so.....what are you ON......? :o

Mepa-Quin--Larra Quin--Doxy cly-clone.......all mixed with generous amounts of red eye usually got rid of it and as a bonus was good as an anti- Malarial "pro-pal-atic."

....things have however it seems moved on........ :D ...do agree ...Ra Wang....

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Well, they are saying that it is a growing strain, common in Asia, and that there aren't many medications left which can fix the problem- and calling it a "superbug"- and as far as their credibility, they *are* the CDC. Anyway, yet another reason for safer sex.

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The title is a little misleading, its one strain of ghonorrhea resistant to one of many medications for it.
its an increasingly prevalent strain of gonhorrea resistant to all but one of the medications available for it.
“Gonorrhea has now joined the list of other superbugs for which treatment options have become dangerously few,” said Dr. Henry Masur, president of the Infectious Disease Society of America. “To make a bad problem even worse, we're also seeing a decline in the development of new antibiotics to treat these infections.”

The CDC made the new recommendation after discovering that nearly 7 per cent of gonorrhea cases among heterosexual men in a survey of 26 U.S. cities last year had drug-resistant strains of the disease. In 2001, only about 0.6 per cent of gonorrhea cases among heterosexual men were drug-resistant.

“That leaves us with a single class of highly effective antibiotics,” said Dr. John Douglas Jr., director of the CDC's division of STD prevention. Other experts called the situation perilous.

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