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He lost it all

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35 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

Any relationship that is based on money, is not based in love.

You seem to think that we are about love. We are not. When I was looking for someone to share my bed for two weeks at a nice beach I wasn't looking for a partner in life. When I departed back to go work for the next holiday in LOS I knew that the chance I'd ever see her again was remote at best. Why would I want to "love" someone I'd never see again. That didn't mean I didn't like them. I usually did, very much.

It was good for both of us. I got what I wanted and enjoyed my time; she got money, which made her happy.

Romantics that think sex is only good if one is in love don't have a clue, IMO.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

it's like we live on different planets.

I was in Thailand. I don't know where you were


Why would you choose such women...or allow them to choose you?

Oh, for good or otherwise I did the choosing. I never got drunk enough for them to choose me.


no one has threatened to leave or left because I don't give it. 

I don't believe BGs will stay with anyone if the money stops, and that is who the discussion is about. If you have a Thai GF that pays their own way you must be incredibly hansum or they may be in it for the long con, IMO.


Pooling resources for a better quality of life is the only suggestion I have received for when it comes to money.

I wasn't with them for a better quality of their life, though I probably paid for a lot of sick buffaloes to be cured.


I liked Thai BGs. They were often very pleasant company and never said no. All of the ones I took out were reasonably attractive, and were not high maintenance.

If they became stroppy or caused problems they were out, unlike wives that are usually difficult to get rid of without serious financial inconvenience.



I too in Thailand. But even when in Thailand, I wouldn't choose Thai girls. Plenty of other nationalities from which to choose.

Don't understand your second reply.

Didn't realise we were taking about BGs, BritMan stated ALL WOMEN. But yes I had a Thai girlfriend and I never gave her even a single baht. She got herself a job, but as her salary was relatively low, I would take care of the more expensive meals. The apartment was mine anyway, so no extra costs in having here stay. She kept her apartment. 

But whilst she and everyone else claimed that she loved me, she was bat poo crazy and I was happy to get away. 

If she was in for the long con, it didn't happen.


My quality of life on my own is fine. But the suggestion was to pool resources for an even better quality of life together, if that were possible. But never even a suggestion to give them money.


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8 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

doesn't expect me to pay for anything.

That may not be entirely true. she may expect something more substantial in the future, like a ring.


Not many women will give it away with no expectation of a payoff down the line.

While it happily does not apply in LOS, in NZ after 2 or 3 years ( forget which ) a woman in a relationship is regarded as the same as being married and gets 50 % of all "marital" assets when the relationship ends.

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after reading all of this, its simple, if you want a good woman, a bar is the last place to look for honest woman. Any woman who sleeps with guy the first night is not worth it. and that my friends is the sign. if she was was willing to sleep with you the first night, how many guys has she slept with before you? if you insist to be at the bar, the most honest girl you could MAYBE get from there is the cashier. since in most cases she cannot be bar fined, she sees it all. And she wont sleep with you the first night if she is a  good hearted woman.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You seem to think that we are about love. We are not. When I was looking for someone to share my bed for two weeks at a nice beach I wasn't looking for a partner in life. When I departed back to go work for the next holiday in LOS I knew that the chance I'd ever see her again was remote at best. Why would I want to "love" someone I'd never see again. That didn't mean I didn't like them. I usually did, very much.

It was good for both of us. I got what I wanted and enjoyed my time; she got money, which made her happy.

Romantics that think sex is only good if one is in love don't have a clue, IMO.


Romantics? Sex? 


This is to what I replied;



THEY look on US as a financial proposition- none of the ones I went out with had a romantic gene- so we need to look on a relationship with a Thai in the same way. 


Exploiting poor people and stirring someone else's porridge is not my idea of the ideal existence.

Those are clearly amongst your best experiences. But imagine having the same experience without stirring someone else's porridge nor having to exploit someone so desperate that they have to make love with a seventy year old man.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That may not be entirely true. she may expect something more substantial in the future, like a ring.


Not many women will give it away with no expectation of a payoff down the line.

While it happily does not apply in LOS, in NZ after 2 or 3 years ( forget which ) a woman in a relationship is regarded as the same as being married and gets 50 % of all "marital" assets when the relationship ends.


Payoff? Of course a woman will want security. She has a finite time to have children. But that doesn't mean that she wants your money.

But if you go to a poor country to exploit poor people, then don't be surprised if they want your money.

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4 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Payoff? Of course a woman will want security. She has a finite time to have children. But that doesn't mean that she wants your money.

But if you go to a poor country to exploit poor people, then don't be surprised if they want your money.

A woman doesn't want your money....




What planet are you from? It's obviously not planet earth.....


It's absolutely no different in the west, a woman will take your money in the west. It's just done in a different way in Asia.

Edited by Logosone
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4 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

Don't understand your second reply.

Why would you choose such women...or allow them to choose you?

To put it another way, I chose them because I wanted what they had to give me, and when it was time to go back to work I just said goodbye- no ties, no tears.

Don't know why you think I'd let one choose me.


7 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

Didn't realise we were taking about BGs, BritMan stated ALL WOMEN.

Britman and I have similar opinions of all women, but I was discussing bargirls.


8 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

I wouldn't choose Thai girls. Plenty of other nationalities from which to choose.

Never in a million years would I ever get romantically involved with a western woman again. Once was too many times. PC has robbed them of femininity, IMO.

I chose Thai girls because I liked them. They were slim, very feminine, attractive and didn't despise me because I was old.

If I'd wanted a British GF I'd have looked for a British woman when i worked in Britain.

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20 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

I don't know why you would feel the need to comment on my sex life because of your need to pay women to commune with you.

That's because people who claim they don't pay aren't usually getting much sex.

When I wasn't paying my Brit wife, it was 30 years of no sex because we loved each other.

I've always found it a little odd that women who claim to be with you for reasons of 'love and affection' ration the sex.


I've asked many guys about this, and all those in 'loving relationships' were having very little sex.


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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

A woman doesn't want your money....




What planet are you from? It's obviously not planet earth.....




You can carry on with your beliefs. It leaves more of the good women for me and the people who deserve them.

You clearly do not have a clue....

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6 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

But if you go to a poor country to exploit poor people,

You were doing really well till you dropped that little pearl. Bought into the MeToo doctrine have you?

When you realise the people getting exploited in bars are the gullible customers you might begin to understand what some of us are talking about.

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

That's because people who claim they don't pay aren't usually getting much sex.

When I wasn't paying my Brit wife, it was 30 years of no sex because we loved each other.

I've always found it a little odd that women who claim to be with you for reasons of 'love and affection' ration the sex.


I've asked many guys about this, and all those in 'loving relationships' were having very little sex.



Perhaps you can tell that to my current girlfriend. She has clearly forgotten to ration. It's only been six years thus far.


Too many worn out cliches being employed on this thread, in order to justify a rather empty existence.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

You were doing really well till you dropped that little pearl. Bought into the MeToo doctrine have you?

When you realise the people getting exploited in bars are the gullible customers you might begin to understand what some of us are talking about.


Dear thaibeachlovers


There is no need for us to beat around the bush. What I state is the reality. The fact that the locals started to get the better of you in the later years is just the tables turning.

The fact is that many came for the cheap sex. Unfortunately for some it became very expensive.

I know all about the scene and I chose to not get involved. That doesn't mean that I am some naive person who you need to educate. 


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44 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

Exploiting poor people and stirring someone else's porridge is not my idea of the ideal existence.

Those are clearly amongst your best experiences. But imagine having the same experience without stirring someone else's porridge nor having to exploit someone so desperate that they have to make love with a seventy year old man.

My experience with women ......... you're always stirring someone else's porridge.

Even when you're sure you aren't.


At 60+, I'm glad I'm living somewhere I can still have a turn.

DNA test your kids, forget about what she's doing when you can't see her.

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2 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

in order to justify a rather empty existence.

Nothing empty about my existence back then. I worked to go to LOS and have a holiday on a nice beach with a nice women. Both of us got what we wanted. Then I'd go back and start over till the next holiday. Had I won Lotto I'd have stayed in LOS, but I didn't.

Sure beat hanging around in a grotty London bedsit on the dole waiting to die.


This is getting to the bickering stage so I'll stop now, unless something really outrageous is said.

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34 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You seem to think that we are about love. We are not. When I was looking for someone to share my bed for two weeks at a nice beach I wasn't looking for a partner in life. When I departed back to go work for the next holiday in LOS I knew that the chance I'd ever see her again was remote at best. Why would I want to "love" someone I'd never see again. That didn't mean I didn't like them. I usually did, very much.

It was good for both of us. I got what I wanted and enjoyed my time; she got money, which made her happy.

Romantics that think sex is only good if one is in love don't have a clue, IMO.


I'm a romantic, I've travelled all over Asia for romance, and can clearly state the sex was always better when I was paying. Whenever they 'loved' me, the sex was dull as ditch water.

Getting paid excites them.

Edited by BritManToo
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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

That's because people who claim they don't pay aren't usually getting much sex.

When I wasn't paying my Brit wife, it was 30 years of no sex because we loved each other.

I've always found it a little odd that women who claim to be with you for reasons of 'love and affection' ration the sex.


I've asked many guys about this, and all those in 'loving relationships' were having very little sex.


Well, you've had a very long relationship with a woman. 


You know that any woman who loves you will want to marry you, whether in the West or in Asia. This is because they want exclusive access to your resources. That's the most important to them, it's not sex, like for men. Sure women enjoy sex, but it's not the overriding drive that it is in men. Because women are way smarter on this point, they've played that game for far longer when they met you, they know exactly what you want. And they know how to get what they want, your money. If they already have it, very little incentive to pretend to be a debauched sex maniac.


Some guys have not been in very long relationships yet. They don't know that women ultimately want the wedding ring and all the resources. Because of course women are not stupid, again way smarter than you, they will hide that fact for years.


I was with a dutch woman for 12 years when I was very young. I always, always made clear I was never going to marry. Ever. For 11 years she pretended that was fine with her, then in the 12th year it kicked in with her that she wanted to be married. She decided to leave me because she realised there was no way to get the wedding ring (though enjoying all the trips to Venice, Paris etc while together). She made sure to come back with a van with her brother and to empty my house of anything of value. This was the same woman who'd written me love letters for years and declared her undying love. When she realised that I meant what I said and would not get married, she was out the door.


Tell me again how beautiful love is and how women are not after money. I'll tell you some other jokes.


But the great thing, I learned what women really want. 



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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh dear, you appear to understand nothing about BGs. Try not looking at it from the view point of a western woman.


You will do anything to justify your way of life. But clearly unbeknowst to you, I made many friends of BGs over the years and still keep in contact with them. I just chose to not indulge. Perhaps because of this, they would confide in me things that they perhaps would not with their customers. They would also offer to spend their customers money on me. They would also profess their love for me whilst telling me that an old man was taking care of the.

I could give you hundreds of examples of in-depth knowledge.

So your attempts of trying to paint me as a feminist rightly falls flat on it's face.


I have been reading for over twenty years, people like yourself slagging off your own women because of your failed relationships and poor social skills.

There are quality women out there. No one is perfect, but it is absolutely ridiculous to try to paint western women with the same brush because of your inadequacies.

You would do better to do whatever you want to do without trying to drag others down to your level.

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Just now, Eindhoven said:

Perhaps because of this, they would confide in me things that they perhaps would not with their customers.

Everything they ever said to you was a lie.

They despise time-wasters.


You really are very gullible.

Enough of your nonsense, where's the ignore button.

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12 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Perhaps you can tell that to my current girlfriend. She has clearly forgotten to ration. It's only been six years thus far.


Too many worn out cliches being employed on this thread, in order to justify a rather empty existence.


That's not the point. You've not had any long relationships. Why don't you tell your girl clearly that you won't marry her and she won't have exclusive access to your resources. Then wait a few years. Not only will the sex become bad or non-existent, she'll be out the door in the still of the night.


You have two choices with women, either you pay long term...or you pay short term. Not paying is not, and I do repeat, NEVER, an option.


You always pay.


You may say you don't. Nobody believes you.

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2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Well, you've had a very long relationship with a woman. 


You know that any woman who loves you will want to marry you, whether in the West or in Asia. This is because they want exclusive access to your resources. That's the most important to them, it's not sex, like for men. Sure women enjoy sex, but it's not the overriding drive that it is in men. Because women are way smarter on this point, they've played that game for far longer when they met you, they know exactly what you want. And they know how to get what they want, your money. If they already have it, very little incentive to pretend to be a debauched sex maniac.


Some guys have not been in very long relationships yet. They don't know that women ultimately want the wedding ring and all the resources. Because of course women are not stupid, again way smarter than you, they will hide that fact for years.


I was with a dutch woman for 12 years when I was very young. I always, always made clear I was never going to marry. Ever. For 11 years she pretended that was fine with her, then in the 12th year it kicked in with her that she wanted to be married. She decided to leave me because she realised there was no way to get the wedding ring (though enjoying all the trips to Venice, Paris etc while together). She made sure to come back with a van with her brother and to empty my house of anything of value. This was the same woman who'd written me love letters for years and declared her undying love. When she realised that I meant what I said and would not get married, she was out the door.


Tell me again how beautiful love is and how women are not after money. I'll tell you some other jokes.


But the great thing, I learned what women really want. 




No, you just had a single experience and you know nothing at all.

People are people and you just attempt to compartmentalise in order to make your life easier.

There are many variables in life.


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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:


I'm a romantic, I've travelled all over Asia for romance, and can clearly state the sex was always better when I was paying. Whenever they 'loved' me, the sex was dull as ditch water.

Getting paid excites them.



Getting paid also usually (not always) carries a responsibility for carrying out a satisfactory service. Some do that very well and are worth future engagements. 

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On 4/21/2020 at 7:05 PM, mauGR1 said:

Been there, done that.

It's a trick of the nature to keep species reproducing.

I have met men, much more intelligent and successful than me, doing really stupid things for the love of a woman.

The small head is in charge of the big head

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Everything they ever said to you was a lie.

They despise time-wasters.


You really are very gullible.

Enough of your nonsense, where's the ignore button.


Truth hurts? It shouldn't. You know it's true. But why should you care? Be a man and stand up for what you believe.

You chose that way of life, for whatever reason. You seem to think that I am denigrating you for it. I am not.

The only thing on which I vehemently disagree is your statement of all women wanting your money. That is just the statement of a bitter person's experience and not the reality at all.


What I post is simply fact, not opinion.


Many came for the cheap sex. Of that there is no doubt. If the women chose to sell themselves and the men choose to buy, that is their business.


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16 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Dear thaibeachlovers


There is no need for us to beat around the bush. What I state is the reality. The fact that the locals started to get the better of you in the later years is just the tables turning.

The fact is that many came for the cheap sex. Unfortunately for some it became very expensive.

I know all about the scene and I chose to not get involved. That doesn't mean that I am some naive person who you need to educate. 


You are the most naive person on this board if you seriously think women don't want your money and you're not paying for your woman.


But then your statement that "there are quality women out there" when you obviously consort with bar girls makes that clear already that you're a bit naive.


If you think in the long term you won't pay for any girl you're with, if you think the great sex will last until she's 40, dear oh dear, are you naive. There are guys who've gone the whole race. You have not. And you're being lied to by women and don't even realise it.

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7 minutes ago, Logosone said:


That's not the point. You've not had any long relationships. Why don't you tell your girl clearly that you won't marry her and she won't have exclusive access to your resources. Then wait a few years. Not only will the sex become bad or non-existent, she'll be out the door in the still of the night.


You have two choices with women, either you pay long term...or you pay short term. Not paying is not, and I do repeat, NEVER, an option.


You always pay.


You may say you don't. Nobody believes you.


Perhaps you should check my posts before you press the Submit button. I wrote within the past ten minutes that I have been with my current girlfriend for six years( or so she says ????  ). She lives in Thailand and is not Thai.


Still hasn't asked for money. Pays her own way, has her own apartment. Does want children and does want to get married.


I don't care if you don't believe me. What difference does that make to my life??



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