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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

?????????? If one stays at home a mask is not necessary anyway.


I doubt anything fishy is going on. The people in charge just don't know as much as they tell us they do, IMO. IMO they are making it up as they go.

However, they are certainly not letting a crisis go to waste.

Did i post some nonsense ? That's the new normal ????

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10 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

As I understand it the virus is transmitted via droplets expelled from a carrier. If I am a carrier and I cough in a supermarket while wearing a mask, less droplets will make it onto the floor, shelves etc., therefore less virus transmission. No? 


I agree the scientific data doesn't currently support this. 

The problem is that careful and intelligent people like you may not have the virus. So your wearing of a mask is not really going to do anything. If a healthy person is wearing a mask it will not do anything.


Yes, of course, if a sick person is sick, they should wear a mask, no question. But if you're healthy it makes not difference at all.


Even with the large number of infected now, we need to realise that most people are still healthy. Not sick. You can't keep the healthy indoors and force them to wear face masks.


The problem is not everyone will comply anyway, so this whole notion is a non-starter. 


And the surprising, counterintuitive reality is that a lot of studies that looked if face masks reduce transmission of flu viruses have found that masks do not make any difference or such a minute difference as to be worthless anyway. So no the scientific data does not strongly support wearing masks to stop transmissions of viruses. Of course if that were the wonder-weapon many believe it to be governments would long ago have focused on issuing masks to everyone and thereby stopped the virus. If indeed a mask magically stopped a virus. It doesn't.



Edited by Logosone
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10 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

As I understand it the virus is transmitted via droplets expelled from a carrier. If I am a carrier and I cough in a supermarket while wearing a mask, less droplets will make it onto the floor, shelves etc., therefore less virus transmission. No? 


I agree the scientific data doesn't currently support this. 

If one wears the standard sort of mask, coughing just expels the droplets out the side of the mask. Given the complete absence of published research on the subject that I have seen, it's not possible to prove how much a mask reduces the droplets. Opinions are not science.

The one thing that will make a difference and is proven, is washing hands with soap.


When I was working in surgery I understood that the length of time a mask was effective was in minutes rather than hours, which is why we had to change them for every new patient.



Masks do not filter all particulates from the air inhaled and exhaled by the wearer. Much of the air is drawn in and escapes where there is least resistance to flow, usually around the sides of the mask (venting). The masks do not form a complete seal against the face and are therefore not classed as respirators or personal protective equipment (Stull, 1998).


A mask wet with exhaled moisture has increased resistance to airflow, is less efficient at filtering bacteria and has increased venting. Current recommendations are that a new surgical mask is used for each surgical case and that they should be changed when wet

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Obviously I'm talking about serious cases, not a clearing the throat cough or hayfever sneezes.


Problem is, cops aren't doctors, so what's the criteria for arrest ??

Cops in Australia/US/U.K are power tripping already, imagine if they had the green light to tazer folk for blowing their nose !!

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40 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

Yes, it has been removed by YouTube.

When you google > dr. Erickson covid-19 briefing

you will get several links to sites where it is still available.

E.g. > https://www.bitchute.com/video/pSZekTwJeIWX/

which features the FULL video (both the originally posted part-1, as well as part-2).

You made it easier for me. Love, love, love. Thanks, Peter Denis honey. ????

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6 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


Problem is, cops aren't doctors, so what's the criteria for arrest ??

Cops in Australia/US/U.K are power tripping already, imagine if they had the green light to tazer folk for blowing their nose !!

Seriously? Any normal person can tell the difference between a sick person coughing/ sneezing and one with hayfever sneeze or clearing the throat.

You are the only one talking about tazering.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seriously? Any normal person can tell the difference between a sick person coughing/ sneezing and one with hayfever sneeze or clearing the throat.

You are the only one talking about tazering.


I'm talking about cops over stepping the mark, once they think they have legal green light.

You would think that any normal person could tell the difference but cops love an excuse to wield their power..

It might be a tough world with the "new normal"

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4 minutes ago, Logosone said:

And of course we had the 98 year old evidence from the Spanish flu, where doctors reported that patients recovered faster in the sun.



You are only allowed to reference the Spanish Flu if pointing out that this virus would have killed billions if we hadn't all been locked up.

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28 minutes ago, Logosone said:

So study after study confirms that Vitamin D levels make a difference to treatment of Covid 19, now it looks as if it may influence who gets the virus:




Of course if that is the case, if sunshine and Vitamin D play an important role, then keeping people cooped up inside and out of the sun was the worst possible idea.

As soon as this virus hit the first thing I did is buy VIT D supplements as its be known for years that in the absence of sunshine you should probably take some to help your immune system, along with Vit C and Zinc. That however does not stop me isolating myself from catching it. It helps but its not the magic cure and other severe measures need to be taken to stop a pandemic. Being cooped up inside is a necessary evil for a while for the most vulnerable.

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37 minutes ago, Logosone said:

So study after study confirms that Vitamin D levels make a difference to treatment of Covid 19, now it looks as if it may influence who gets the virus:




Of course if that is the case, if sunshine and Vitamin D play an important role, then keeping people cooped up inside and out of the sun was the worst possible idea.

And THAT is why I'm playing golf every day.  And boy did I get Vitamin D today.  <deleted> 100 degrees out.  That's 38 for my metric brothers.

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2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:


Being cooped up inside is a necessary evil for a while for the most vulnerable.

... and being cooped up inside is an unnecessary evil when imposed on everybody for weeks.

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1 minute ago, Peter Denis said:

... and being cooped up inside is an unnecessary evil when imposed on everybody for weeks.

Yes agreed, it should not be for such long periods and so other exit measure should be taken to avoid that certainly. For the healthy then I'm not sure its necessary at all.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given this is all unknown, as never before in history were entire populations locked down, it will be interesting once it has passed to see which countries took the correct path.

I'm with Sweden, but who knows at present?

So is the WHO now.Must be time to adopt the Swedish model and continue on as per the "Old Normal" and Phach the "New Normal" off to where it belongs where the sun don't shine!



Edited by FarFlungFalang
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26 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

Finally a clear statement by the Who > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3h--K5928M


A clear statement by the WHO that it's just a flu which raises a lot of questions.I wonder if this vid will be taken down and banned like the other vids saying the same thing?To all those that have said just listen to the "experts" and do what your told and follow the rules it might be time for some "attitude adjustment".

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3 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

A clear statement by the WHO that it's just a flu which raises a lot of questions.I wonder if this vid will be taken down and banned like the other vids saying the same thing?To all those that have said just listen to the "experts" and do what your told and follow the rules it might be time for some "attitude adjustment".

It has to be said that they have been quite efficient and successful in locking down, scaring and confusing everyone.

It will be interesting to see how this will evolve, but there's not much to be optimistic.

For one, and imho we are not paying a lot of attention to it, the tests appear to be unreliable.

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So the interesting part of the Vitamin D study is that it shows that those countries with the lowest Vitamin D levels are the worst affected.


Spain is one of them. First I thought, they have all the sunlight. Then it hit me, it's so hot in Spain in the summer months that old people avoid the sun completely, they live in very dark houses and apartments.


In addition the Mediterranean diet is very low in Vitamin D.


All the science is here:



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3 minutes ago, Logosone said:

So the interesting part of the Vitamin D study is that it shows that those countries with the lowest Vitamin D levels are the worst affected.


Spain is one of them. First I thought, they have all the sunlight. Then it hit me, it's so hot in Spain in the summer months that old people avoid the sun completely, they live in very dark houses and apartments.


In addition the Mediterranean diet is very low in Vitamin D.


All the science is here:



Well, besides age and pre-existing conditions, another common denominator seems to be air pollution.

Another reason, according to some, could be exposition to electro-magnetic pollution, even if the science strongly deny it saying that "there's no evidence".

Surely, a lack of vitamin D weakens the immune system.

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Here is a map of the world that shows countries by Vitamin D defiency.


Turns out Sweden has the highest Vitamin D levels.


Australia and New Zeland also do well. Could that be why they have the virus under control, all that New Zealand milk?


Thailand also has very high Vitamin D levels. Same as Taiwan and Vietnam.


Italy, Spain and China have very low Vitamin D levels.



Edited by Logosone
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8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Here is a map of the world that shows countries by Vitamin D defiency.


Turns out Sweden has the highest Vitamin D levels.


Australia and New Zeland also do well. Could that be why they have the virus under control, all that New Zealand milk?


Thailand also has very high Vitamin D levels.


Italy, Spain and China have very low Vitamin D levels.



Excellent research, thanks, there are so many factors at play here and this could indeed be one of the major ones, I'll keep on taking my vitamin d supplements

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I'm thinking of getting Vitamin D supplements myself, cod liver oil.


Also will continue eating canned Sardines with baguette, and make red curry salmon.


The reason why Sweden has such high levels of Vitamin D is because they eat a lot of fatty fish.

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These two  people are not qualified to discuss infectious disease at this level.  They  did not disclose their financial interest. They own a clinic that was forced to close and  they can no longer access their medicaid/medicare patients and profitable income. No more "pain relief" prescriptions etc.


In any case, they have been roundly criticized by  people who  are specialists in the field and I believe that complaints have been made to their regulator in respect to a breach of ethics.  There is a very good reason why it was removed from youtube.  This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service.

Edited by geriatrickid
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