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U.S. CDC reports 928,619 coronavirus cases, 52,459 deaths


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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

And how many of those had underlying conditions?

It is a fact that younger people are far less at risk of developing serious symptoms than older.

I agree the young are far less at risk but it's also becoming increasingly apparent that although C19 mostly affects the old and individuuals with underlying conditions, it is not exclusive to this group. Daily we are hearing of young and fit people surcoming to the virus. It's not of pandemic proportions but it's a worringly upward trend. 




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On 4/27/2020 at 12:04 PM, stevenl said:

That was on January 21. At the end of that month it was declared a global threat, and fauci had changed his tune. But the administration did nothing for the whole of February and a big part of march.

100% false. Flights from China and people who had transited China in the last 14 days were blocked from entering the United States at the end of January. Europeans were blocked shortly after that. The last time I checked January comes before February AND March.

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16 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I'm glad you bought up the Spanish Flu because the answer COULD be yes. There is a lot of misinformation on the numbers who died (anything from 20 million to 100 million) BUt most experts agree the fatality rate for the Spanish flu is calculated at about 2% https://www.biospace.com/article/compare-1918-spanish-influenza-pandemic-versus-covid-19/  

Spanish Flu was much more deadly because mistakes were made that are being mirrored in many governments response to C19 and especially in Trumps. You can find many good articles on this but look at   https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200420/four-lessons-from-the-1918-spanish-flu-pandemic#3 and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6477554/ and you will see both the problems and the cure:-


The reason why Spanish flu was so deadly include:-

1. The Federal Government initially played down the pandemic whilst they focused almost entirely on the last big push to end the war.

2. They tell the public it's not a big problem, or -- as the name suggests -- that it's a foreign disease that only affects 'others,'" 

3. There was no federal response so this left cities and states to go off on their own and make decisions for themselves, creating inconsistancies in response and effectivenes.


Who and what does that remind you of?


And the cure? yes, you guessed it, social distancing. 'Cities that acted earliest and most forcefully -- like St. Louis, which imposed a near total lockdown within two days of its first Spanish flu case -- had much lower peak death rates than cities that hedged their bets -- like New Orleans, Boston and Philadelphia.


Covid 19 is not the worlds first rodeo but for some reason people are just ignoring what needs to be done. We've been through this before. We know what to do and so do the experts. Stop arguing against their professional advice in favour of a man who recommends you ingest disinfectant. 

So you agree with me that Sars Cov 2 is more deadly than some flues yet not the more deadly than others?That's what I'm arguing,also I'm glad you raised the social distancing for the Spanish flu which is another of the arguments I've raised that the same measures should be applied to both since both the Flu and Sars Cov 2 are deadly so I'm not arguing against professional advice but raising the question why it's not used each year if the professionals say it's the best thing to do.I don't know where you got the idea I was arguing against what the professionals advise.Another point I'll raise is that there are so many professionals advising with differing advice how do you (I mean you personally) choose which one's advice should be followed and is that a personal decision and do others also have the right to follow professional advice based on their own personal decisions as you do.I don't advise others to follow the advice I follow I just try and point out why I choose the advice I do.I don't see that as being wilfully ignorant as you put it (I'm sure people don't choose to be ignorant I thought it comes naturally) just because my choices are different to yours.

   Another thing you might answer was the question of fatality rates,do you agree that the jury is still out on that one and that much testing and collating of data needs to be done to get a true picture of this issue?You said it was/is at least 1%,ten times that of the flu but initial and unsubstantiated numbers suggest it maybe much lower.If the death rate turns out to be in the average flu range after substantial testing then my arguments will be validated and your argument will not as the jury is still out I'm not really sure who will win this argument and as I have said on numerous threads I hope for the sake of many I win because a lot less people will die than your suggestion of 2-5%. 

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According to a new study, the actual number of death is much higher than the official count.

"Using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the team found about 15,000 excess deaths from March 1 to April 4. During the same time, states reported 8,000 deaths from Covid-19. "That is close to double," Dan Weinberger, who studies the epidemiology of infectious diseases at Yale, told CNN."


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2 hours ago, runamok27 said:

100% false. Flights from China and people who had transited China in the last 14 days were blocked from entering the United States at the end of January. Europeans were blocked shortly after that. The last time I checked January comes before February AND March.

See post # 66. On top of that, it was far from a blockade.

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