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Global Warming.


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We are informed that the burning of fossil fuels is the biggest culprit for the increase of CO2,and that this increase causes Global Warming.

But..just consider this.

A human being vents about 500 litres each day of CO2 from beathing.

The current population of our world is about 6.5 billion.

Therefore total CO2 produced is 6.5 X 500 litres each and every day.

The estimated increase in Population for 2020 is 7.6 billion.

The population in 1900 was only 1.6 billion.

SO...we are to blame...its not the power stations or our cars...its us!

So what can we do about it?

1..We stop breeding. .. assisted by all the drinking water supplies being dosed with some contraceptive.

2..We stop exercising...reducing our breathing tempo.

3..We stop living longer..maybee 72 years and then...thats it

4..Everyone stops breathing for 1 hour each day...best not in one period,but if so...well thats 500 litres saved !!

Then we can continue driving our cars!!!

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You also forgot that the ocean which is 70 percent of the surface of the Earth produces massive amounts of methane from all of the creatures and plants that live, fart, and die there everyday: substantially more than is created by man.

I suggest immediate sterilization of the oceans.

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I feel so bad about this pollution thing, I was about to sell my 1.6 Ford (with Euro grade 3 catalyser) and get a bike. Then I read that a man with the same model tried to top himself by running a tube from the exhaust into the car. After an hour of only becoming slightly light headed he gave up and went back indoors for a rethink.

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I recently had a discussion with an ultra-liberal, who told me that global warming is being caused

by the rich and there SUV's. I informed him that the riches cars were fairly new, with latest in

emissions controls. I told him, as far as vehicle bad emissions, it is caused by the poor. They drive

old smoking vehicles, that don't have to meet today's emission standards-got him thinking a little. :o

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