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Thai Cabinet decides not to postpone May holidays


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19 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Oh dear! What a desperation for alcohol. ????

Not at all, it's a bit like wanting something sweet every now and again, be it a cake, a drink, or some young filly, they are all bad for you, but everything in moderation, too bad I can't bring some young filly home ????


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20 hours ago, webfact said:

Labour Day - 1 May

Coronation Day - 4 May

Visakha Bucha - 6 May

Royal Ploughing Ceremony - 11 May

Day 1 = Non-labour Day - every one gets to stay at home.

Day 6 - No alcohol is to be sold.

Day 11 - All oxen dead of drought.

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Covid 19 how long will it take to end this pandemic. It could go on for more than 1 year, people are going to die that is certain. These lockdown periods may just be stretching out and postponing the number of deaths that will take place. Once the lockdown is over and people mingle as before then the virus will infect more and more people until perhaps there needs to be another lockdown. What I wonder is how do all the girls working in bars survive with no income and no salary and how do their families upcountry survive who depend upon income from their daughters? Not a good situation people may starve and be thrown into the street by landlords in some cases. Just hope these girls don't go through hell on earth they deserve better.

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